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My first AMA PRO round ATLANTA


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Ahh this thread is quite revealing isn't it. Why, what happened to all that geniune well wishing? I mean you guys seem quite bitter all of the sudden.

i support brandon and think its great hes giving it a shot.....doesnt mean i have to support his dick cheese too :confused: ....if i was brandon, i would be embarassed to have you running around talking so much shit on my behalf.

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Talking shit on his behalf? Kindly point to where anyone is talking for anyone else? Because I pointed out the truth of your dick nibblerness I have anything to do with Brandon? Sorry, but you're just making ohio riders look even more stupid. If I was Casper I would be embarassed of you talking for me.

Edited by ped
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It's a long drive back from Atlanta. I'm sure Brandon will thank everyone when he's back at home and caught up with non-racing life.

But the notion that the race weekend "couldn't have gone much worse" is insane. Brandon made an AMA grid and turned respectable laps under less than ideal conditions. He finished behind 37(?) other riders, but ahead of thousands who couldn't even dream of getting as far as he has.

Not to drag other people into this, but Jeff Wrobel was "featured" in race 2 as Cardenes and Hayden lapped him. Cardenes stared him down, insinuating that he got in their way. Is Jeff a failure and an asshole too?

Nice job this weekend Brandon, and better luck next round.

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I'm talking about the results...I could care less honestly, but yes more riding experience SHOULD translate into better riding. Make excuses. Would I have rather seen him winning? Yes... is that the case after 1 qualifying round and 2 races? No... honestly couldn't have been much worse... those are the facts...

I've said all I have to say on the subject.


This response can justify one simple idea... Magley's comments are from someone that has one, NEVER raced, competed at any higher level outside maybe T-Ball that his parents forced him to compete in and two, has about zero knowledge about racing in general.

If he did, he would understand why his comments make absolutely zero sense...

Under his mentality, there are guys including himself that have WAAAAAY more seat time than even me. So, he should be able to wax my ass on a motorcycle... He has WAAAAAAY more seat time than I promise you Brandon probably does and he should be able to show up and send Brandon back with his tail between his legs...

All this calling out by both Magley and Ped is so funny. Until they actually show up and prove that more seat time is faster OR they actually man up and come to the track and make us all eat crow, they need to step back and shut up.

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grapesmuggler is the username of a different guy on here.
....some try it and fail terribly and walk away.

Im not sure how you want me to reply..... not making excuses but its like

Do better yourself or hold your tongue, nut up or shut up (god I love zombieland)

Sorry GrapeApe. My comment was indeed meant for a different person and I was hoping you wouldn't think it was for you. Failure on my part, but again sorry for that.

And I'm trying to nut up, maybe not this season but next year I hope to be on the grids in NON AMA events. :D

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Talking shit on his behalf? Kindly point to where anyone is talking for anyone else? Because I pointed out the truth of your dick nibblerness I have anything to do with Brandon? Sorry, but you're just making ohio riders look even more stupid. If I was Casper I would be embarassed of you talking for me.

Here's the thing, dude... You come on here with a complete prospect to stir shit. You get Magley from ORD talking stupid and then a few other guys that have stated that they don't care for Brandon and the way he handles himself on this site, BUT wished him luck. I am not sure why they threw that in there, but it is honesty and I respect that. BUT, they wished him well.

Your problem is that all you want to do is stir shit. You comment that you haven't come on here to degrade and cause issue, but your comments are just as bad as the others. It is truly a pot calling kettle idea in that regard.

You really are representing AFJ and that's not what a lot of them feel like. Look at Grape who came into this thread. He could have easily talked shit, but actually was civilized and gave some good insight as to why the things happened the way they did. That is respect to Brandon as it is his thread... You on the other hand...

I don't approve of either side and what has been said. I truly do not. But, Ben has been more than civil, more than professional and on AFJ's side, so has Grape. Two guys at the front of the other threads and other topics. I think you really need to take their lead and maybe grow up a bit and be a man and walk away.

Here's the bottom line. NOBODY is going to wish ill will on anyone. Whether they like them of not. Brandon created a thread and people wished him well. You and some others took it as BS and fake. What you are incapable of understanding is a difference between the internet world and the real world. If someone came up to you that you didn't care for and stated that they were going to race in the AMA for the first time, you'd either say "OK" or "Good luck". "OK" is really showing you don't care and do not like that person. Or, you could easily still say "Good luck" and mean it. Doesn't mean all of a sudden you are buddies and going to share a chocolate shake together...

Get over it, dude. They wished him luck, some even supported him and defended him from fellow board members on here. Relax and walk away...

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Talking shit on his behalf? Kindly point to where anyone is talking for anyone else? Because I pointed out the truth of your dick nibblerness I have anything to do with Brandon? Sorry, but you're just making ohio riders look even more stupid. If I was Casper I would be embarassed of you talking for me.

I'm embarrassed for you, and don't even know you.

I don't know Brian all that well either, but I think Brandon could learn a few things from him. Pegram is on here as well. Maybe he has a few pointers for Brandon.

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Ahh this thread is quite revealing isn't it. Why, what happened to all that geniune well wishing? I mean you guys seem quite bitter all of the sudden.

Very revealing. You and Magley apparently need to get a room. Lots of built up sexual frustration.

I'm still wishing Brandon the best, as is 90%+ of the other members here. You're not going to change that, although you're obviously trying.

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I'm embarrassed for you, and don't even know you.

I don't know Brian all that well either, but I think Brandon could learn a few things from him. Pegram is on here as well. Maybe he has a few pointers for Brandon.

I ain't here to teach anything!! Kidding... I am always open to helping anyone out.

That should shut Ped up. Pegram is kinda fast. :D Well, he talks funny, but he's got skills.:p And, if anyone knows how to market one's racing program, it is that dude. Look at his pits and you can see what I am talking about.

Not going to jump and swing off Larry's nuts here as I have been critical of him before, but the fact is that no matter how fast you think you are or how fast you think your buddies are, there will ALWAYS be someone faster. Always. This comparison BS that Ped is doing is insane and childish. At this stage, if we were playing by his rules, apparently ORD is the King Dick here since Larry is on board...

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I see my stereotyping of peoples of the Tri-State area is being reaffirmed once again :)

I don't know Brandon sometimes he comes off as nice and sometimes he comes off as a mega douche. I'm sure I do as well along with other frequent posters so who gives a shit at this point

The man is chasing a dream and people have been giving him well wishes for doing so. Only OR and AFJ can make drama out of nothing :nono:

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Here's the thing, dude... You come on here with a complete prospect to stir shit. You get Magley from ORD talking stupid and then a few other guys that have stated that they don't care for Brandon and the way he handles himself on this site, BUT wished him luck. I am not sure why they threw that in there, but it is honesty and I respect that. BUT, they wished him well.

Your problem is that all you want to do is stir shit. You comment that you haven't come on here to degrade and cause issue, but your comments are just as bad as the others. It is truly a pot calling kettle idea in that regard.

You really are representing AFJ and that's not what a lot of them feel like. Look at Grape who came into this thread. He could have easily talked shit, but actually was civilized and gave some good insight as to why the things happened the way they did. That is respect to Brandon as it is his thread... You on the other hand...

I don't approve of either side and what has been said. I truly do not. But, Ben has been more than civil, more than professional and on AFJ's side, so has Grape. Two guys at the front of the other threads and other topics. I think you really need to take their lead and maybe grow up a bit and be a man and walk away.

Here's the bottom line. NOBODY is going to wish ill will on anyone. Whether they like them of not. Brandon created a thread and people wished him well. You and some others took it as BS and fake. What you are incapable of understanding is a difference between the internet world and the real world. If someone came up to you that you didn't care for and stated that they were going to race in the AMA for the first time, you'd either say "OK" or "Good luck". "OK" is really showing you don't care and do not like that person. Or, you could easily still say "Good luck" and mean it. Doesn't mean all of a sudden you are buddies and going to share a chocolate shake together...

Get over it, dude. They wished him luck, some even supported him and defended him from fellow board members on here. Relax and walk away...

Oh here he comes in trying to play both sides. How pathetic. You were just over at the junkies talking shit about ORDN now you'r over here trying to act all defensive for them. Weak brah.

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