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Doesn't Like your 2nd, & now your 1st


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This might be the most important e-mail you will get. This bill is taking our free speech away from us, WHAT WILL BE NEXT.

YOU MUST ACT. go to google, find the congressman for your district.

Write them how you feel and tell them you will not vote for him or her. They have to change that ruling.

If you don't know about this already, it is IMPERATIVE that you do.

New Law......just signed March 2012 --HR 347

New law makes it illegal to protest in Obama's presence!!!

This means that, wherever Obama is at, you do not have a right to ask him anything you want. His secret service can have you arrested, fined, charged with a FELONY and imprisoned for more than a YEAR if you ask him something he doesn't like.

Sound like he’s more like Hitler than a Lincoln to you?!!!


You may have heard about this, but sending it on anyway. It’s probably the scariest thing this guy has done yet.

Are you aware of this new law, signed by “Obama” in early March 2012?

May the Lord have mercy on us!!!!

This video is 3 minutes and 33 seconds long. Please send it out to EVERYONE you know.


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Freedom of speech is bs anyhow... You cannot say what you want where want to who you want when you want, if you dont believe me test this theory for yourselves :)

Prime example, taken from a lawyers webpage

sexual harassment can be anything from a comment you overhear at work that offends you

Meaning even if you say something to someone else and another person happens to accidentally hear it you can get in alot ofbtrouble, this goes against out freedom of speech. There are lots of other examples out there, this is.just one.

Edited by Exarch
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Please remember who writes these laws. Totally let down that this was signed, but this was authored in Congress. The new small government personal freedoms fuckwits, you know.

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Snopes to the rescue again.


HR347 did not technically make it illegal to protest anywhere the secret service is present, as a law to that effect had already been in place for forty years.

Obama has nothing to do with this - he's just one of the people protected by the secret service. Former presidents are protected by the secret service too, aren't they? This headline might as well read "Cannot protest when GWBush is present".

And if Romney becomes president then he will be protected by the same rule, despite Romney having nothing to do with this either.

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Where were you guys 10 years ago when they were arresting and labelling "un-american" people when the then president was speaking? I'm tired of all the phonies acting like this assault on the constitution, debt, corruption and government growth is something new. I get the feeling you don't actually care about these issues and principles, it's merely all just political tit-for-tat for you.

Edited by ped
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LoL.. cause I'd be anywhere near the secret service. Fuck that shit.

He came to my school last week and pretty much made it impossible to go to class, half the parking lots were closed and there were secret service at every entrance, I turned around and went home. Don't need the secret service finding my gun in my car and accusing me of trying anything.

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