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It's been 2 long year's


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  Cdubyah said:
Regardless, he served his punishment. Stop trolling

:wtf: I don't see how a reasonable person CAN disregard this. If all Mr. Ramey would've said was "I just got done serving my time" and left it at that, then sure no big deal. But I dunno how you can just disregard the attitude and tone of the OP.

  D-Ramey said:
i mean i beat 3of4 charges come on now but anyways if u wanna get the guts tore out that busa let me know

And honestly, congrats on that. Sucks you got 2 years on the one charge that stuck, but beating most of them is pretty good. Actually, that's one of the things I found interesting about your appeal, saying you had, to paraphrase, "incompetent defense counsel". I dont know if you legitimately felt that way or if that's what you were advised to say in your appeal (I know lawyers sometimes throw a bunch of stuff out and hoping at least one of them sticks), but the fact that your defense team got you out of 3/4ths of the charges was proof enough to the appeals judges that your defense WAS competent. I just found that part interesting in an ironic twist sort of way.

In regards to the busa... Your bike would waste my bone stocker :bow: but I'll probably be bracket racing a few times this summer, so if you wanna line em up for a bracket race, I'm down.

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  JRMMiii said:
:wtf: I on't see how a reasonable person CAN disregard this. If all Mr. Ramey would've said was "I just got done serving my time" and left it at that, then sure no big deal. But I dunno how you can just disregard the attitude and tone of the OP.

I can agree with you that it probably wasn't the greatest idea for the OP to go into detail. His charge was for a bar fight. Something stupid, that he paid his debt of two years for. I can also agree that his tone wasn't a wise choice.

Just trying to stop the shitball before it started rolling. :cool:

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its doesnt matter i hit the guy one fucking time thats it in self offence but in ohio we dont have that law but anyways theres no lesson to learn when ur getting hit by a guy 3 times ur size and this isnt a thread to jump my case this is a welcome back thread from riders like me from same state and something i love to do....alot people on here know me i own my own company this could happen to any of us for god sake hell u could be texting ur girl wreck and kill someone get 5-9 years in prison shit happens and this was a bar fight remember this wasnt a normal fight theres beer involved which i just got there prior 15 minutes none of u was there to judge what went on it really doesnt matter its my past i wanna move on.........so can u respect me and not but my balls lol and lets get welcome backs and talk about bike shit??

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  Scruit said:
Sure, he served his punishment. But did he learn from it?
  Cdubyah said:
Not for me to pass that judgement


welcome back! ....ignore scruit, he thinks he is some kind of e-lawyer.....not sure why all the details are so important since the case is closed and you served your time...."how many feet were between you and him?" ...gtfo

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  Mykill said:
Because the majority of drug dealers dont own their own "companies"? :rolleyes:

i was thinking it :D but didnt wanna add that onto my original comments since i dont know d ramey or what he does.....i just know that a lot of the fast bikes in columbus are funded by drug money

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Welcome back! Most of us aren't judgmental dick squeezers like THOSE guys. I won't mention names. But sometimes when I think about it I say "screw it!" and get my hands a little "germm-yyy" and squeeze some dicks

So... Uh... Did they allow conjugal visits?

I'm always curious to hear first hand accounts. The only time I went to a jail (and im sure prison is VERY different) is when I had to pick up my stupid ass Indian friend for getting a DUI. For about 30 minutes that night, I played my part in a Harold and kumar film.

Anyway, welcome back. Get a fresh hot home made meal and some semi fresh sort of hot taco meat.

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  tbutera2112 said:

welcome back! ....ignore scruit, he thinks he is some kind of e-lawyer.....not sure why all the details are so important since the case is closed and you served your time...."how many feet were between you and him?" ...gtfo

He insists it was self defense and the court said it wasn't. I'm just trying to break it down and help him understand why the court feels that way.

I twice wished him all the best. I already said i don't care because it won't change anything. If he wants to debate it beyond that then i'm open to debating.

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Probably saw you up at Quacker one night. Pulled in and parked a black Honda 919 in the middle of a row of Busas.

Right or wrong, the sentence is served and life should return to normal as best it can.

No one on this forum can tell me that they haven't been in a situation that would have possibly finished up in the same undesirable condition. I wouldn't believe it, since Fate being what it is, distributes equally.

What does count is the life before, right or wrong. It must now be pretty much a straight arrow for a good long while. That sometimes takes some effort, but it can be done.

When I was young, these were just misdemeanors for public fighting, not felonies. Times change, sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worse. And that Fate thing again...

Yes, I've been knocked down with a single punch and gotten eight stitches, so I know that can be done.

so sounding like your 'rents... get a job stay out of trouble stay out of bars stay sober enjoy yourself get a girlfriend and settle down and behave don't even get a speeding ticket...

Oh, and learn to walk away when the walking is good...

We used to say in the Army, "It don't mean nuthin' ".

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Friend of mine did 3 years for a similar thing. He got into a mutual combat fight in a bar and was knocked out cold. What he came to the guy was standing over him and said he was gonna kill my friend. My friend, on his back on the floor near some chairs, saw a broken pint glass under a chair and grabbed it, shoving it into the other guy's face. A hundred stitches, as i recall. He was arrested and charged with "Assault Occasioning Grevious Bodily Harm". Sentenced to 3 years, served 18mo.

This was the story my friend told.

I have been in fights when i was younger, and yes, those days were a lot more tolerant of two guys "settling their differences" with a fight.

I always freak out when i hear of self defense stories ending with charges because i worry about getting charged myself in a self defense situation. So i try to understand why the courts didn't agree with the defendant. It is important to understand what is and is not allowed.

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  ReconRat said:
Probably saw you up at Quacker one night. Pulled in and parked a black Honda 919 in the middle of a row of Busas.

Right or wrong, the sentence is served and life should return to normal as best it can.

No one on this forum can tell me that they haven't been in a situation that would have possibly finished up in the same undesirable condition. I wouldn't believe it, since Fate being what it is, distributes equally.

What does count is the life before, right or wrong. It must now be pretty much a straight arrow for a good long while. That sometimes takes some effort, but it can be done.

When I was young, these were just misdemeanors for public fighting, not felonies. Times change, sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worse. And that Fate thing again...

Yes, I've been knocked down with a single punch and gotten eight stitches, so I know that can be done.

so sounding like your 'rents... get a job stay out of trouble stay out of bars stay sober enjoy yourself get a girlfriend and settle down and behave don't even get a speeding ticket...

Oh, and learn to walk away when the walking is good...

We used to say in the Army, "It don't mean nuthin' ".

^ this man is wise. Listen to him.

Question to the ball busters: where do you find all this info on the OP?

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  Scruit said:
...I always freak out when i hear of self defense stories ending with charges because i worry about getting charged myself in a self defense situation. So i try to understand why the courts didn't agree with the defendant. It is important to understand what is and is not allowed.

In a bar? Forget about it. Don't do it. There's little self defense in a bar, it's all bar fighting.

Actually, I preferred to announce "I'm leaving", and stare everyone down when I was accosted in a bar. And then quietly leave, of course. Never fight in a bar, results are mixed. NEVER "step outside" to fight, results are generally worse including death.

edit: and a friend's bar story, South side of Columbus. He was a big guy, a black belt, and with a friend of the same skill level. Probably never lost a fight. Some one threw him out the front window. His friend wanted to go back in, and he said no, we're going to walk away from this one.

Edited by ReconRat
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  ReconRat said:
In a bar? Forget about it. Don't do it. There's little self defense in a bar, it's all bar fighting.

Actually, I preferred to announce "I'm leaving", and stare everyone down when I was accosted in a bar. And then quietly leave, of course. Never fight in a bar, results are mixed. NEVER "step outside" to fight, results are generally worse including death.

Same deal with road rage. Remember my road rage video? I could have got out and faced off with him, or stayed in the car and wait for the police. The first option, favorite we e-thugs the world over, would likely have earned me a disordely conduct charge at best, or getting stabbed/shot at worst. The second option was the smartest.

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  jbot said:
The only time I went to a jail (and im sure prison is VERY different) is when I had to pick up my stupid ass Indian friend for getting a DUI. For about 30 minutes that night, I played my part in a Harold and kumar film.

Speaking of dick squeezers... NPH didn't happen to end up in your backseat that night did he?

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