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I got a red light ticket.


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Just a friendly word of advice. It is illegal to display FOP stickers on your vehicles if you are not a member of the FOP.

Firefighter stickers, may or may not sway an officer. If you are the second cousin to the wife of a former marine, you have a better chance. Cops and Firefighters have a love/hate relationship.

Troopers don't care about decals. Hell they don't care about badges. You speed you get a ticket. Very rarely you find one that is in a good mood. I think they are actually trained to be pissed off all the time. Saw some of their training.....can't blame them.

Those donation stickers that you get from the trooper coalition and other such agencies are a big joke. Cops actually laugh that you were suckered into thinking that the sticker would give you an assist. You'd have a better chance printing your own and trying to get away with it.

FOP courtesy cards: Some cops are swayed by them. I will give a break to a cops wife or kids. Just because you know a cop and are the friend of a cop does not weigh to much in my book. I know some cops and am the friend of some cops too.....enough said. If you give me an FOP card as a get out of jail free card, I will keep it and send it back to that officer. He has a right to know that his reputation was just sullied by your actions.

An no, I don't know who you are. Yes, I know you pay your taxes. Thank you for paying my wages, at least you know that I'm doing my job with the funds. No, I don't know Officer Jones over in Pudnutville. You may be a judge, but you can't hear your own case. As you can tell, I get a lot of that.

The best way to avoid interacting with Mr. PoPo is to go SlowSlow.

I'm always willing to give a fellow biker a break if its a minor speed. You do a bonehead wheelie and you're a danger to me and everyone else out there. Don't get upset when you do get a ticket. You know that you deserve one when you do something like that. It's not the cop that violated the law. Own your own mistake.

So Says Rev. Ric

Ride Safe!!

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How would you know that? Said posted speed limits aren't scary fast. Are you breaking the law mister?:nono::D

Only on a straight track which has been thoroughly tested, signed off on and approved for said use. :D

Actually, I think Mr. Max is pissed cause he has a cop on top. You can feel it wanting to take off and have to be restrained.

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Yup, moving violation. I got a failure to come to a complete stop at a stop sign in a VERY lightly traveled intersection in a residential and a douche bag cop was sitting off in a park waiting for someone to do a rolling stop. I got busted, $100 and 2 points!!!


I got this a few years ago on my bike. I 'rolled' thru the intersection. i got a $100+ fine...but not sure how many points it was. f'ing cops. he said he was trying to protect me...so he pulls me over on a busy street during rush hour. After he gave me the ticket, he reverse back to his hideout. I'm parked on the side of the road (no berm) with cars driving past me. While ticketing me, he gave me some speech about not wanting to pick my flattened dead body off the road some day, he is trying to protect me. I said this ticket wont prevent that. Anyway, after he returned to his hiding spot, I'm still putting on my helmet, putting away my wallet, and putting my gloves on as cars fly by me...I yelled over to him "I thought you wanted to protect me...some cop you are." and then left. He got a chuckle out it.

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I'm a firefighter and have our IAFF Union sticker on the back of my truck and my wife's SUV... with that said, it has gotten me out of a few tickets. I'm 30yrs old and have 0 tickets. A lot of it has to do with me not going fast, but a few times I was caught going a few mph over the posted speed limit. Also knowing a lot of cops helps too! Two years ago was the last time I was pulled over in my pickup truck. Going 52 in a 35, the cop came up acting like a dick and asked for all my info, giving me the 3rd degree... I thought I was getting my 1st ticket for sure. About 5 min later (might of not been that long) he came back and said, I think I let ya sweat it out long enough... I was like "huh". He said he always messes with firefighters and likes to make them think they are getting a ticket. Told me to slow it down, that I'm not responding in a fire truck. I was happy and ended up talking to the guy for a little bit.

Trooper on Rt 35 pulled me over when I was active duty in the military, coming home on leave... Lucky for me, this trooper just got out of the military and was in a good mood. Ended up talking to him about firefighters and cops for a little bit.

They are not all out there to get ya, but like stated before, pulling wheelies and doing stupid shit on the street will get ya a ticket fast!

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