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rainy track days


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I didn't see a post/thread anywhere regarding track days in the rain, but correct me if i'm wrong.

Any reccomendations as far as how to go about not being cold with only one suit, pair of gloves, and boots and nothing to dry them out, not that there would be time except for the lunch break. Not only that, but just riding in general. I know they'd probably go over that stuff if it happens, but i'd like to get a general idea anyways.

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If your referring to Mid O dont go out. Youll crash.

I ran Nelson in the rain in April and it was fine in leathers and a few t shirts/long underwear pants. But in reality you just gut it out and deal with it along with everyone else.

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find yourself some sort of wind/water resistant underlayer or an over-suit that is wind and water proof.

that's pretty much it, other than sacking up and taking it like a man lololol

actually, i'm sure there are other better ways, but those are the ones i know of. good luck

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Best you can do is rubber gloves under your riding gloves to help keep the water off and a rain coat or rain suit that goes over your leathers. Gloves, boots, and suit will be soaked, just air dry or place in front of a fan. Make sure you put some minkoil or something on the leather when they are almost dry.

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Rain days are a lot different then regular trackdays. You don't go fast and its all about being smooth. Not chopping the throttle, being smooth on and off the brakes, and getting your lines up well beforehand. Also, keep in mind that all tracks are different in the rain. Mid Ohio is about worthless and not worth it. Nelson has a fair amount of tracktion, but you can still eat it. I'd imagine PIRC is pretty compareable with how the surface is.

As for gear, pretty much what the others day. I got a big blue oversuit last year and that kept me pretty dry in the full rain, but not sure I'd do it again for $30. Maybe if it was black or a cool color :p (Though, I did stay dry and had a great time)

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I have ridden in the rain and cold with my Tour Master rain gear over my leathers. I stayed dry and warm. The hitch is that it cannot be orange, that color is normally reservered for CR's/coaches. I also taped over the vents in my boots to keep the water out. Nitrile or latex gloves are good under you riding gloves although the leather will still be wet.

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I usually just wait for the day to end, then rip off my clothes and get in Craigs trailer nakey. We warm each other up real fast. At Putnam it was even better because 1)Mykill was there and dude is 6'4" and sexy, 2)It wasn't our trailer so skeet skeet didn't matter.

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Well, its Ohio in the Spring...so it is...what it is. We are just keeping others informed so that they can learn from us and our experiances. My first day at Mid Ohio Novice, it started sprinkling about session 2. I started into the keyhole and watched not 1..or 2...but 3 bikes in a row go down right in front of me. I put my hand up then and nursed it all the way back to the pits. Some things just aren't safe or worth the risk of harm to yourself or your bike.

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My first track day last year was in the wet.. Can sort of compare it to racing mx on some greasy clay dirt, it sucks. But it teaches you how to be smooth with the throttle and brakes. There was one guy out there on rain tires that was flying but the rest of us were crawling .. My 003s slid quite a bit.. I wouldn't let it scare ya.. The way I see it I'm not wasting 195$

Here is a vid from the last session of the day when the sun actually came out:


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At Midohio don't bother, unless you've never been there before and want to learn the track at a school zone speed. Even then keep the bike vertical, it's like ice in some sections, especially 7 thru 11. Of course the surface may have changed in the 4-5 years since I've bothered trying it.

I've ridden 37F wet and 75F raining at Beaver, with no special prep and no problems other than visor fogging, so I guess anti-fog is my only suggestion. Cat Crap has worked great for me, I guess others have found it doesn't last long but I've always applied it when needed.

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