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He followed the mother fucker... He could of let shit go... Obviously he planned on using his gun, if he didn't he wouldn't of had the balls to stalk the other guy.

"of" and "have" are not synonyms. :nono: Grammar still owns you. :lol:

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He followed the mother fucker... He could of let shit go... Obviously he planned on using his gun, if he didn't he wouldn't of had the balls to stalk the other guy.

Again you assume. The 911 transcript tells a different story....

http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=92387 I can't spoon feed you much more than this.

Edited by kawi kid
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Again you assume. The 911 transcript tells a different story....

http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=92387 I can't spoon feed you much more than this.

Seriously? The dispatcher told him NOT to follow the guy... Zimmerman was profiling, he followed a guy, 'got his ass beat' and shot a kid... If a dispatcher told him not to follow the guy and he continued to follow the guy, which he did, he is responsible. Just because some bullshit stand your ground law flordia has is a flaw doesn't make it justified.

If this was in a state that didn't have a stand your ground law his ass would be grass...


this is nothing new to me, the media has not effected my opinion, I can think for myself.

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I'm not anti gun, I'm pro safety, huge difference...

I choose not to bring guns into my home on my own free will, I have heard waaaaay too many horror stories.

That is your choice, but a safely stored weapon in a safe will not kill anyone. A kid that has never seen or touched a weapon can kill someone/themselves just from curiosity. But again, your kids, your rules.

I however am anti-carry, which doesn't mean I'll never own a handgun, it just means I will never carry in public, obviously besides transporting and taking it to the range/friends house for the smartasses out there :)

Again, your choice. I'd rather be prepared for the random nonsense that happens. However I also train with my CCW consistently, including tactical situational based training. I feel anyone that carries should, but I've been over that.

If you carry a weapon to and from the range without a license, you are wrong. No loaded ammo for you except at home or the range. Although if you don't have weapons in your home I suppose the Firearm Fairy must care for them when you are not at the range.

I love playing with guns, never once said I didn't, I just don't think every tom, Dick, and sally should be toting around a gun if they don't respect it and don't know how to safely use it. And I PERSONALLY feel Zimmermann did not respect his gun, which is where my whole 'anti gun' personality came from.

Where do you get that Zimmerman didn't respect his weapon? No one has said he was waving it around screaming "Look at me". He was totally wrong in pursuing Trevyon. However, when he was attacked and felt his life was in danger, he was 100% justified in using deadly force.

Guns can save lifes, guns can take lives, but guns should only be used as a last resort. I do get people carry to protect themselves and their loved ones, but some people (like Zimmerman) go too far. Now if he had real grounds to kill Martin than so be it, but HE HIMSELF put himself in that situation. The whole thing could have been avoided.. People are too ballsey when they carry, if he didn't carry his pussy ass would of just left Martin alone.

I agree that firearms are a last resort. There is no room for brandishing or drawing to try and pacify the situation. If my weapon clears leather, the enemy has forced a situation that has placed myself or another person in mortal danger, and I will fire to defend myself or another.

Again, Zimmerman did not go hunting. He incorrectly followed what he perceived as a threat to the neighborhood. He caused Trevyon to become defensive. He did not cause Trevyon to attack him. He was attacked, and he defended himself.

Having a gun for some people is like having liquid courage for others. It only takes one person to fuck it up for everyone else and well Zimmermann fucked it up big time in my opinion...

I agree that far too many people carry without taking the proper things into consideration, or just to be cool and carry a gun. Zimmerman fucked up the first part of the altercation by provoking it. However, he did not throw a blow first, nor was his use of force unjustified.

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Seriously? The dispatcher told him NOT to follow the guy... Zimmerman was profiling, he followed a guy, 'got his ass beat' and shot a kid... If a dispatcher told him not to follow the guy and he continued to follow the guy, which he did, he is responsible. Just because some bullshit stand your ground law flordia has is a flaw doesn't make it justified.

If this was in a state that didn't have a stand your ground law his ass would be grass...

this is nothing new to me, the media has not effected my opinion, I can think for myself.

No. You are still wrong. He was wrong for following the kid. He was wrong for ignoring the dispatcher.

He was attacked outside his vehicle, at close range, without a clear exit strategy. He felt his life was in danger. His use of force was justified in FL, and it would have been here in OH as well.

If he were to have been charged with Involuntary Manslaughter/Manslaughter, he would be guilty in both states.

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This is from http://phoebe53.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/zimmerman-911-call-transcript-trayvon-martin/

Its the first thing that comes up when you google it.


Yeah. You go in straight through the entrance and then you would go left. You go straight in, don’t turn and make a left.

He’s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He’s running? Which way is he running?


Down toward the other entrance of the neighborhood. [2:14]

911 dispatcher:

OK, which entrance is that he’s headed towards?


The back entrance.

[it sounds like Zimmerman says under his breath,*‘F-ing coons’ at 2:22]


[Listen here*at 1:17 for CNN's edited frame]

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, sir, what is your name? [2:34]


George. He ran.

911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, what’s your last name?

We don't need you to do that..... Ok was the response. Does that sound like he ignored the dispatcher? He was attacked while waiting for the fucking cops to show up. Again you are talking out your ass.

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This is from http://phoebe53.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/zimmerman-911-call-transcript-trayvon-martin/

Its the first thing that comes up when you google it.


Yeah. You go in straight through the entrance and then you would go left. You go straight in, don’t turn and make a left.

He’s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He’s running? Which way is he running?


Down toward the other entrance of the neighborhood. [2:14]

911 dispatcher:

OK, which entrance is that he’s headed towards?


The back entrance.

[it sounds like Zimmerman says under his breath,*‘F-ing coons’ at 2:22]


[Listen here*at 1:17 for CNN's edited frame]

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, sir, what is your name? [2:34]


George. He ran.

911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, what’s your last name?

We don't need you to do that..... Ok was the response. Does that sound like he ignored the dispatcher? He was attacked while waiting for the fucking cops to show up. Again you are talking out your ass.

Hmm, everyone listens... Just because he said OK doesn't prove a thing. It's your opinion vs mine.

Martin was shot is the only 100% undisputable fact, everything else is just speculation... Even his injury...

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I know what it is, but why is it bullshit?

If he was obligated to retreat he should have done so, but he was not. I know if I was around a shady character(gun or not) I would of left him alone and let the cops do their job... Hell they said they were on the way, right? Why put yourself in "harms way" if you don't have to. He "thought this guy was suspicious" he had plenty of time to get in his truck and just drive away.... But wait.... What does he do instead? He antagonizes the guy(intentional or not, but this was pretty clear cut it was intentional in my opinion)

oh yes, I see a bad guy, lets follow him... you cannot sit here and tell me that this could lead to anything but disaster?

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Because you must have obviously done something wrong to instigate the need for standing your ground......duh.:crazy:

I have every right to carry a pistol and walk around over the Rine, do I not? Now if I do this I will surely end up shooting someone to save my life... Why the hell would I ever put myself in that situation?

If I am NOT again NOT home and my family/animals are NOT again NOT in the house and I drive up to my house and see a truck parked there and my door wide open(obvious burglary) should I go into the house? Fuck no, I'll just end up killing someone. Now just because I CAN protect my home, doesn't mean I should if no one is inside... I would let the cops deal with it.

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So' date=' your argument is that if the SYG rule wasn't in place, Zimmerman would have not shot Martin.

Did I get that right?[/quote']

Nope, but Zimmermann would of been an open/shut case after that dispatch call. It was clear cut he had ample time to get out of his current situation by totally avoiding it and letting the Cops do their job, after all why else would we be paying them?

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Not having a 2A SYG law is the internet first amendment equivalent of you apologizing and walking away from the keyboard 219 posts ago.

We cannot walk in fear of criminals.

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If he was obligated to retreat he should have done so, but he was not. I know if I was around a shady character(gun or not) I would of left him alone and let the cops do their job... Hell they said they were on the way, right? Why put yourself in "harms way" if you don't have to. He "thought this guy was suspicious" he had plenty of time to get in his truck and just drive away.... But wait.... What does he do instead? He antagonizes the guy(intentional or not, but this was pretty clear cut it was intentional in my opinion)

oh yes, I see a bad guy, lets follow him... you cannot sit here and tell me that this could lead to anything but disaster?

I come back from dinner, and you're still a moron.

His actions prior to the shooting were wrong.

His actions during his self defense were correct. When he was confronted he had no clear escape route. Did he put himself in that situation? Yes. Did he start the fight? No. He felt his life was in danger. He was the defensive party at that point. That is all you need to use deadly force.

The Stand Your Ground law doesn't even apply in this situation.

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I have every right to carry a pistol and walk around over the Rine, do I not? Now if I do this I will surely end up shooting someone to save my life... Why the hell would I ever put myself in that situation?

If I am NOT again NOT home and my family/animals are NOT again NOT in the house and I drive up to my house and see a truck parked there and my door wide open(obvious burglary) should I go into the house? Fuck no, I'll just end up killing someone. Now just because I CAN protect my home, doesn't mean I should if no one is inside... I would let the cops deal with it.

Wow.....that sounds kinda like profiling to me. Did you happen to incur any brain injuries while growing up or in the Army?

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Wow.....that sounds kinda like profiling to me. Did you happen to incur any brain injuries while growing up or in the Army?

Damn skippy im going to profile a place that is statistically bad... I used to live in Mt crest, not as dangerous, but not safe for a white boy either. why the hell would I put myself in harms way?

How about you go over there and prove me wrong, I don't think you have the balls for it. Oh wait, I'm sure you wouldn't go over there because you wouldn't want to put yourself in danger... Hell cops don't even like going over there, especially alone...

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