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Should Exarch be banned from the firearms section?


Should Exarch be banned from the firearms section  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Exarch be banned from the firearms section

    • Yes, he is a trolling, uninformed, ignoramus
    • Just Yes
    • No, but he is a trolling, uninformed, ignoramus
    • Just No
    • Hookers And Blow!
    • Liquor and Whores!

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After he told me I was irresponsible and breaking the law for taking my gun into a bar I haven't enjoyed his company as much.

That law went into effect June or July of 2011... It WAS a law before then and I apologized for not knowing the law changed.

I cannot be bothered to look up every single law that I know to be true to see if it has recently been changed. I don't see how you can be mad over some shit like that, now if it had been a law for 5+ years I could understand.

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If he says things that are wrong, such as no carry in a bar, then perhaps we can edumacate him? Probably not going to change his overall opinion of carrying, but there's a chance that a reasoned, well thought out argument <might> if not change his opinion completely, soften it some. Then again, maybe not. He's entitled to his opinion, no matter what anyone else thinks of it.

Yes, he seems to have issues with either his phone, or auto correct, or just not giving a damn about grammar, grammer, grandpa, capitalization, sentence structure, paragraph breaks, or punctuation, but that's hardly a trait on this forum that's unique to him, is it?

Unless we want to prove the AFJ crowd correct, there's no reason at all to ban him, even from a sub-forum.

What was it that Frog Voltaire said? "I disagree strongly with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Just my humble $0.022 worth.

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That law went into effect June or July of 2011... It WAS a law before then and I apologized for not knowing the law changed.

I cannot be bothered to look up every single law that I know to be true to see if it has recently been changed. I don't see how you can be mad over some shit like that, now if it had been a law for 5+ years I could understand.

Dude, check it out! He's even using commas now!!! Freaky. :lol:

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That law went into effect June or July of 2011... It WAS a law before then and I apologized for not knowing the law changed.

I cannot be bothered to look up every single law that I know to be true to see if it has recently been changed. I don't see how you can be mad over some shit like that, now if it had been a law for 5+ years I could understand.

I'm not mad, I simply cannot take anything that comes from you as credible. But the problem is if you wanna comment on every single little thing you better be studied up on it before you do. I don't think you understand your audience in the firearms forums. There are quite a few people here who have a lot higher qualifications than you would think.

Edited by kawi kid
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I'm not mad, I simply cannot take anything that comes from you as credible. But the problem is if you wanna comment on every single little thing you better be studied up on it before you do. I don't think you understand your audience in the firearms forums. There are quite a few people here who have a lot higher qualifications than you would think.

I'm not arguing that some people here are more qualified to properly handle a fire arm, I'm sure thats true. I was taught the importance of safety and have seen shtf on quite a few occasions. I just think people need to be more cautious when handling a weapon, too many 'accidents' could be prevented if people followed a structured guideline.

I know when I go to a range I have to follow the rules, I do disagree with some of them, but that's not my decision. The rules are set at a range for safety reasons, so I cannot complain as its better than having no rules.

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Does the picture include you? If No continue to next question

Is she topless? If yes continue to next question

Please rate her appearance on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest.

If rating is 4 or above and above requirements are met please posts the picture here.

You got me on the first part, ya bastage. I'm sticking with the hookers and blow.

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I'm not arguing that some people here are more qualified to properly handle a fire arm, I'm sure thats true. I was taught the importance of safety and have seen shtf on quite a few occasions. I just think people need to be more cautious when handling a weapon, too many 'accidents' could be prevented if people followed a structured guideline.

I know when I go to a range I have to follow the rules, I do disagree with some of them, but that's not my decision. The rules are set at a range for safety reasons, so I cannot complain as its better than having no rules.

We aren't talking about saftey or ranges. We are talking about you commenting and giving misinformation on numerous occasions. This is the problem not structured handling requirements. Instead of passing false information or giving uneducated opinions just try not posting.

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I have been sent messages about that thread. So from what I have heard the health dept went afj race shop and because I was the one that pointed out you need a license to sell food I am to blame. Tell Brandon I said 5G's. Good God Girl Getta Grip.

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I have been sent messages about that thread. So from what I have heard the health dept went afj race shop and because I was the one that pointed out you need a license to sell food I am to blame. Tell Brandon I said 5G's. Good God Girl Getta Grip.

I don't have a dog in this fight, bur didn't you on multiple occasions threaten to call the health department? IIRC it was just more than saying you needed a license.

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I never said I would call. After I posted the law about having a license one of Brandon's minions posted "So, you gonna call the gooberment on us? lol" and I told him no I wasn't. My comment was actually directed to Brandon saying crap about OR gun posts and how he wasn't going to have anything illegal on his site. There is nothing illegal about you guys talking about guns..... however it IS illegal to sell food without a license.

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