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potus and vpotus support gay marriage...


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Unacceptable? Well sticking with marriage theme and like I asked earlier are those acceptable in your eyes? Should marriage extend past the right of being between just two humans? Eventually somewhere you are going to trample what someone believes is their rights.

animals can't consent...

that's an intrinsic problem with marrying an animal... animals can't sign contracts.

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Yes, but according to the law it is animal cruelty and illegal ;) until that changes people in WV are SOL :lol:

It's not illegal for a male/male female/female to marry, but they have to go out of their way to do it... That's not right.

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Aren't you trampling the animals rights by speaking for it? Cruelty to animals galls under animals rights correct? Eventually in a society with rules and laws something or somebody's rights get violated. That's all I'm getting at.

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Aren't you trampling the animals rights by speaking for it? Cruelty to animals galls under animals rights correct? Eventually in a society with rules and laws something or somebody's rights get violated. That's all I'm getting at.

Animals don't get rights, animals get eaten.

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Aren't you trampling the animals rights by speaking for it? Cruelty to animals galls under animals rights correct? Eventually in a society with rules and laws something or somebody's rights get violated. That's all I'm getting at.

All domesticated animals have the same rights... None, so whatever the owner says goes, except for when it comes to breaking the law.

Also nowhere in our constitution does it say dogs/pigs/hamsters have the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness ;)

If you own a pet technically by your standards that is slavery, so you sir in the wrong just for owning one :lol:

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if any of you ra-tards going full retard in this thread ever EVER complain about how the two party system is fucked, i'm going to find you and curb stomp your shriveled ignoramus testicles.

your extremist, stuck in the mud, can't see anything beyond my own shortsighted lame ass opinion, mindset is what got us to this point of "liberal versus conservative" "democrat versus republican" cluster fuck. i hope you feel bad. also, you like dudes.

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if any of you ra-tards going full retard in this thread ever EVER complain about how the two party system is fucked, i'm going to find you and curb stomp your shriveled ignoramus testicles.

your extremist, stuck in the mud, can't see anything beyond my own shortsighted lame ass opinion, mindset is what got us to this point of "liberal versus conservative" "democrat versus republican" cluster fuck. i hope you feel bad. also, you like dudes.

but I'm not liberal, nor am I conservative, I'm not a democrat, nor am I republican...

I'm too interested in freedom from government intervention to be a liberal, and too interested in freedom from religious intervention to be a conservative. I'm too interested in deregulation to be democrat, and too interested in an even playing field to be a republican...

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but I'm not liberal, nor am I conservative, I'm not a democrat, nor am I republican...

I'm too interested in freedom from government intervention to be a liberal, and too interested in freedom from religious intervention to be a conservative. I'm too interested in deregulation to be democrat, and too interested in an even playing field to be a republican...

i hope you have a soft concrete curb by your house. i'm on my way.

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How can it be a sin if they were born gay? Before you tell me it's a choice' date=' let me know exactly when you 'decided' to be straight.


Pauly, I've never met your wife, but for the sake of this example, let's pretend she's tall, blonde, busty, and has straight hair.

When did you decide to be attracted to any of those features?

Or were you born attracted to them?

I'm off the belief that we're all born relatively asexual. We have the sexual instinct to reproduce, but that really just means the urge to have sex. Who we're explicitly attracted to is something we learn throughout our lives.

I don't see why it's at all hard to believe that gay people 'learn' their attraction to the same sex any more than you or I learned to be attracted to various physical features of women.

I wasn't born attracted to anyone. I didn't decide to be either.

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I bet if you have kids.... they are some twisted little rascals. let em play on the roof, let em play with dangerous household products, let em stay out as long as they want, go where they want. Otherwise you would just prove your hatred for kids right?

Pretty much how I grew up. Always (real, outlaw type) Bikers around. Partying/fighting/guns/motorcycles...I Couldn't find anything good to rebel against. I like the way I turned out.

Of course I left home at age 12 to find a more 'stable' atmosphere.

...And I really, really like bacon.

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Pauly, I've never met your wife, but for the sake of this example, let's pretend she's tall, blonde, busty, and has straight hair.

When did you decide to be attracted to any of those features?

Or were you born attracted to them?

I'm off the belief that we're all born relatively asexual. We have the sexual instinct to reproduce, but that really just means the urge to have sex. Who we're explicitly attracted to is something we learn throughout our lives.

I don't see why it's at all hard to believe that gay people 'learn' their attraction to the same sex any more than you or I learned to be attracted to various physical features of women.

I wasn't born attracted to anyone. I didn't decide to be either.

Lol, you got one thing right: you have never met pauly's wife...

Edited by magley64
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I bet if you have kids.... they are some twisted little rascals. let em play on the roof, let em play with dangerous household products, let em stay out as long as they want, go where they want. Otherwise you would just prove your hatred for kids right?.

You're absolutely right, it is the government's job to make sure people aren't doing anything that might endanger their (eternal) lives....;)

please hand over your guns and your motorcycle, they are too dangerous for you.

WHAT, you say? you're not a child, but an adult, and fully capable of making your own decisions regarding risks you take in your life? REALLY? :rolleyes:

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I have to admit I was going full retard but even my full retard was not enough to keep up with another retard.

*For the record I have only been trolling for the last half of this thread. I do not in way want to marry sheep.....

Edited by kawi kid
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