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Any one for early ride tomorrow 5/28


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Planning on starting a ride around 6:30 am tomorrow and back before "noon oven burns". Any one interested ? Will post details soon if any one interested at all.

Edited by NinjaDoc
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We will be heading out by 6:30 am from BP in canfeild, (224 and 11)

We plan to ride most of the well known routes in the neo region and make it back home before 1:00

Pace will be less than a spirited one since its memorial weekend with LEOs every where, Will be keeping 50-60 mostly

We can have a stop in Bolivar for fill up if any body else interested in joining us. Time we reach bolivar will be close to 9:00 AM, Plz do post up or txt me if you guys will be waiting in bolivar or else we will take a different route.

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hehe yea, perfect temp and less traffic, i wish i could start at 5:30. The noon time is just too crazy humid, The problem is if we get stuck behind slow moving traffic at noon, its torture.

PACE will be slow-moderate, so no ripping ride tomorrow (coz prolly me leading crazy routes :p)

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Matt, No fixed route in mind, more like a sport touring ride. If I remember right, u ride pretty hardcore and the pace will be a boring drag for you. But if you still would like to enjoy the easy ride give me a call in am. Hopefully u will be able to follow my accent on a moving bike :D

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Looking at the map, it doesn't seem like I would make it in time anyway unfortunately. I think I will just get to bed and skip the ride tomorrow. Be safe and have fun! It is a holiday so look out for drunk/distracted drivers regardless of the time.

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Back home safe, really nice day to ride, had a wonderful time, touched 9-644-39-524-164-9-519-22-800-799-250-646-152-213-7-170

Gotta say 519 and 799 are worth riding over again, very nice roads.

About 250 miles, and next time shud start at 5:00 or something, it gets humid real fast

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