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Yes really... Name the last movie you saw that was shot at higher than 24fps? The frame rate/refresh speed/p/i/blue ray/hd DVD doesn't matter... You cannot tell me you seriously notice a difference, you are full of shit... Fps matters for your games n shit(to a certain point)but as far as watching your movies, who gives a fuck, its all the same...

It does not effect the resolution and in theory it effects the quality(but you can't see it) just because someone says it is better doesn't mean it is(as far as noticeability goes) it is a marketing and mind game.

Do a side by side comparison of the same exact TV(not different TVs with the same specs) same brand/model and you cannot see a difference... Sure if I wanted you to believe you could see a difference I would compare a shitty TV to a good TV...

Y'all can believe what you want, do some research though, I'm sure the many non opinionated experts out there can set you straight ;) or just do your own research like I said with the same exact TVs, I have, there is no difference...

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Yes really... Name the last movie you saw that was shot at higher than 24fps? The frame rate/refresh speed/p/i/blue ray/hd DVD doesn't matter... You cannot tell me you seriously notice a difference, you are full of shit... Fps matters for your games n shit(to a certain point)but as far as watching your movies, who gives a fuck, its all the same...

It does not effect the resolution and in theory it effects the quality(but you can't see it) just because someone says it is better doesn't mean it is(as far as noticeability goes) it is a marketing and mind game.

Do a side by side comparison of the same exact TV(not different TVs with the same specs) same brand/model and you cannot see a difference... Sure if I wanted you to believe you could see a difference I would compare a shitty TV to a good TV...

Y'all can believe what you want, do some research though, I'm sure the many non opinionated experts out there can set you straight ;) or just do your own research like I said with the same exact TVs, I have, there is no difference...

Fastest :)


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Yes really... Name the last movie you saw that was shot at higher than 24fps? The frame rate/refresh speed/p/i/blue ray/hd DVD doesn't matter... You cannot tell me you seriously notice a difference, you are full of shit... Fps matters for your games n shit(to a certain point)but as far as watching your movies, who gives a fuck, its all the same...

It does not effect the resolution and in theory it effects the quality(but you can't see it) just because someone says it is better doesn't mean it is(as far as noticeability goes) it is a marketing and mind game.

Do a side by side comparison of the same exact TV(not different TVs with the same specs) same brand/model and you cannot see a difference... Sure if I wanted you to believe you could see a difference I would compare a shitty TV to a good TV...

Y'all can believe what you want, do some research though, I'm sure the many non opinionated experts out there can set you straight ;) or just do your own research like I said with the same exact TVs, I have, there is no difference...

I never said movies weren't shot at 24fps. You said that blue rays don't look better than HD, By HD, I assume you mean HD cable/satellite, etc. If that's what you're saying you are fucking retarded.

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HD DVD, not televison. Both HD DVDs and Blue Rays come in crystal clear, I use both in my ps3 and there isn't a huge quality difference. Hell look at ps3 vs xbox even... Xbox doesn't use blue ray, but still looks fantastic ;)

the quality can only get so high before the differences cease to be noticeable. I'm sure when they start developing 48fps movies(well release, they are already in development) there might be a difference as far as blurring goes(highspeed scenes), but as far as overall quality goes I doubt it(I'll just have to wait and see)

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You get my email, Jinu? It's not cheap but you'll be set for a long time to come...no question. The only thing I can say is go ahead and get 16GB of ram. Newegg has lots of 8GB x 2 kits for $30 less than Microcenter.

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on the other hand, there is an i7 build option that is close in price:



orrrr, i could still get the i5 2500K for 160 and find a different board than the one i was going to buy (a z68 board). the board i WAS going to buy was $70... but they are discontinued, apparently, and out of stock. lame.

don't do the i7 brah, you're going down that slippery slope again... :)

If you can't pick up that ASRock, anything Asus/MSI/Gigabyte should be fine. Stay away from the ZOMG MILITARY SPEK! stuff that they've got out there, I know Asus has a board that's supposedly military grade or some shit, it's just black with black heatsinks and looks good in a gaudy case with a big-ass window.

Like I said, I can't speak intelligently on the Z77 Ivy Bridges, however if you think you're going to eke out another year on that setup just because you went Z77 instead of Z68, I think you're fooling yourself.

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Expensive cables are the biggest racket going. Monoprice.com FTW!

but that system i just bought will be so much better cause of the monster cables i bought for it. the total cost of the cables were only 53% of the total build budget. a fucking bargain.

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HD DVD player above the ps3 ;) same quality as the blue ray and HD and the ps3 does play HD movies(if its not at the theater I still call em DVDs, sorry) you just have to rent/buy em online.

I know I have a cluster of wires, I need to reorganize my shelf.

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so, i got it semi-together today, and then i realized the DVD-RW drive i have is IDE and the board i got doesn't support it at all, so I'm either gonna get a different drive (or steal one that is sata compatible) or something. and of course, the copy of windows 7 pro is on disk... i'm wondering if i can just download windows and put in the key or something... not sure.

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i would get one eventually (or maybe a bluray burner for shits and giggles). i just loathe to think about having to go to microcenter again. it's not THAT far, but each trip is 50 (total) minutes of my life wasted on driving. and everytime i go, i either have to deal with 25 year old virgins who can't stop talking about how their AMD card crapped out on them during an "important" raid, and 64 year old spinsters who can't stop talking about how their nvidia card crapped out on them during an "important" raid. they ALL smell like cheetos and faint urine.

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