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Missing Rider


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Actually was there for part of this.

My son and me were on the way to Zanesville, when just before the county line we are passed by 2 guys on sports bikes. Given the rate that they passed me and went off down the road I estimated them to be going between 90 and 100 mph. Not only that, but they were in shorts and t-shirts. To make this even more squidish, their lids were securely fastened to the back of their bikes. I go on my rant to my son about how stupid it is to be riding without gear and even more so to be going at that rate of speed. So fast forward 10 miles down the road we take the exit into Rt40 and Zanesville, we barely get off the highway and there is the bike in dozens of pieces and a car blocking the exit. One of the cars on the scene was an off duty leo. I asked if the rider was ok, as I didn't see any. The leo said "he got up and jumped on the back of his buddy's bike and they road off 2up. All I could think is WTF!!! Anyway I told the leo about them passing me and my est of their speed, he said the car in front of me said the same thing.


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Ya think when they trace the VIN and show at the residence they will focus Their attention on the guy covered in road rash and bandages regardless of his repeating "it wasn't me..." ?

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I was thinking that, but also considered

  • Drunk
  • No endorcement
  • No Insurance
  • No insurance or endorcement

Don't forget speeding, reckless op, failure to control, fleeing the scene of an accident, stupidity, general d-b'ery, etc.

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