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my beautiful new Guyana Red-Tail Boa

Steve Butters

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got him today from LLLreptiles, and i couldnt be happier....they shipped him all the way from CA for me....this isnt the typical red tail they sell in pet stores, this is a true red tail, and kinda hard to find, especially locally...so i had to order him in lol

he is smaller than i expected, which is great for me since i wanted a little one

he is super active and curious, trying to get his face in everything

right off the bat he has been super sweet, no nipping or striking or anything...he has gotten a defensive pose a few times if i moved wrong, but i backed off a little and he relaxed

he is amazing, i wish i had a better camera to capture his colors....my cell phone camera really washes out the reds in his tail, but in the sunlight, its stunning!!

anyways, on to the pics of Achilles :)

fresh from the box! ignore my ugly mug lol.....had him shipped to my moms office since i wasnt sure what time he would arrive and i have to work in a few, she was gonna sign for him, but i made it on time







and his temporary enclosure...ill fix it up some more, and get better hides and bowl etc....this is just whatever i could find laying around my apartment at the time ....eventually be going in a 6x2x2...he will get 7-9ft long, and 50+ lbs


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since he is a BCC instead of BCI he will grow slower than most pet store redtail and common boas.....young ones grow about 2 inches per month, but they dont widen out too much for awhile....itll be 4-5 years before hes in the 6-7ft range most likely

and i just got him today, and havent called the breeder to ask what they have been feeding him, so im not sure what size hes eating right now....since the move is stressful for them, ill wait a week and then probably feed him a pinky mouse, then another week and feed another pinky and then probably a third week and feed another pinky....then ill step up to feeding him a hopper mouse every 7-10 days until hes big enough for something larger

i believe he might be wild caught, so i have to see if the breeding facility who had him was able to change him over to frozen/thawed mice, or if he is only eating live....if he is only taking live, ill have to slowly wean him over to frozen/thawed.....much more convenient, safer for the snake, and more available

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im glad hes smaller than i expected....these guys are known for cage aggression (get defensive when you put your hand in their tank, but calm down once you actually get them out).....gives me time to save up for some puncture proof arm gloves before hes big enough to start doing damage with his teeth lol....dont have to wear gloves while handling him, just when taking him out of the enclosure

heres the skull of an adult


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the adult enclosure will have a lock and be very snake proof....the lock will be child proof so whenever i have kids they wont be able to open it while im not home and forget to close it....if it got out as an adult, i would have to worry more about my gfs cat and the little yappy weiner dog she wants to buy....they would both be a fat meal for this guy when hes full grown lol....that was one of the requirements she had is that the cage his a solid locking system by the time we have a kid

that wont be any time soon!! i dont want kids yet, not for a long time....but these guys live ~30 years

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I had a Columbian red tail, she was about 7ft long, big around as a coffee can and had a head the size of a pack of 100's. Got bit once feeding her, it was not pleasant. Ended up selling her because I needed money for my first bike.

this one is similar to what you had, but its a different species....the columbians are Boa constrictor imperator (BCI) and this ones a Boa constrictor constrictor (BCC).....the only real difference is this ones tail will get deep red and stay like that, and it may not wash out so brown through the rest of its body....care is basically the same, just need a little higher humidity for mine.....i couldnt sell my pets to pay for a bike, but to each their own, some people view pets differently

How do they ship snakes from CA to OH? Can't be UPS, he never would have survived.

ups wont ship live reptiles....there was an incident where a crocodile got out of a box and ended up biting an employee and ups got sued over it, so they changed their policy (3 foot croc, nothing crazy)

it was shipped FedEx next day air....he was packaged up at 7PM (4PM in CA) and I unboxed him at 9:30AM...not too bad, spent 14.5 hours in the box....he was in a snake bag filled with newspaper shreddings, inside a foam box filled with packing peanuts and an ice pack to keep him cool, and then that box was inside a cardboard box

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i love snakes they are beautiful and sexy.


my fiance is terrified of them....even little 6" garden snakes....she isnt happy i got the snake, but i told her we can bring her sick outdoor cat inside if i can get the snake....so along with the snake, ill be getting a cat, but seems like a fair trade lol

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I use to have the policy "the only good snake is a dead one" now my policy is "there is no good snake"

hater. :)

reptiles are the best pets...well, besides geckos....i have a gecko that i dont really like....wish i could find someone to take him that would treat him right lol, but i dont know anyone, so i just keep feeding him....love my other reptiles though, especially this guy (and my young bearded dragon...hes my baby...my older one is a bitch though)

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yep... my little one is growing like a monster


cool video of him eating his roaches


and my adult is still a cranky bitch lol....i love her anyways though

she is getting quite plump....she doesnt even eat that much, but her stomach almost touches the ground lol


and her feeding video


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my younger dragon (the one missing a leg in that pic) is my favorite pet still....hes so awesome, even though its a plain jane normal colored bearded dragon....his personality is great lol, hes so much fun....only pet i have that will hang out with me and watch tv and stuff without trying to hide or run away


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hater. :)

reptiles are the best pets...well, besides geckos....i have a gecko that i dont really like....wish i could find someone to take him that would treat him right lol, but i dont know anyone, so i just keep feeding him....love my other reptiles though, especially this guy (and my young bearded dragon...hes my baby...my older one is a bitch though)

Hater? Yep ask me if I care?

I bought a bearded dragon when my sister moved in with us, but had to give him away when she abruptly moved out since I'm not home daily to care for him. He was cool. $600 down the drain. I don't dislike reptiles, just snakes. If its your thing more power to you. I don't want a pet that wishes to kill me.

Snakes sexy? No as in Hell no. Boobs are sexy, not animals especially snakes.

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dont think my boa wishes to kill me, but i guess thats how phobias go lol....i dont like birds, and some crazy ass people let them live INSIDE their house...that shit blows my mind lol

and $600 for a bearded dragon? damn son, did it have a unicorn horn on its head? lol

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