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Is it too early.....?


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For those that will be there Friday night, I want to do some trial pictures using a new method I've been experimenting with. I know Craig has already volunteered his bike. Who else? I'll give you a high-res version of the image, if it works, in exchange for use of your bikes. I'd offer to do it Saturday, but I plan on getting drunk so no pictures or they are guaranteed to look like crap.:cheers:

You can use my bike for whatever you like, Marty. I should be there around eight Friday night.

And I should have the flesh light installed in the nose of the bike for Craig by then... you can use that too.

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I love this last sentence but feel left out.

You gotta play hard to get, keeps em interested longer. We all know we're gonna pass you around like a dreidel on Hanukkah. Craig doesn't put out as much, so its the challenge that keeps Matt interested.

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Got home a while ago. Tired as fuck. I stuffed madscat. It was a good day.


I will say that madscat being my thanksgiving day turkey won't last long at PIR. He's not as slow as the fat ass says he his.

I was also able to trim another second off my best time there, 1:09. Hoorah for me!

It was good to see everyone again and do our "thing". Wonder how Jen will feel tomorrow for the race also.

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It was great putting new faces with names here, and had a good time yesterday. Jeff, you're welcome for any help and hope to run with you in I next time out.

I wasn't incredibly pleased with my on-track performance yesterday, but the times are coming down. Got a big lesson in dealing with traffic, and how that has to improve for me. Still need to get on the gas more in some places, but did improve there, thanks to the OR guys and their help as always.

Jen, hope you're good to go today and best of luck! That goes for the rest of our gang racing!

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^ Glad you got to make something out of a crappy weekend. You and your bikes were not getting along this weekend. Even the Spree didn't wanna cooperate.

Keith Stone there went through bikes like Ted Kennedy through D.C. hookers.

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my honda ran great til craig killed the battery.

oh how i've missed you, honduh

it was great riding with y'all as always. had a good time riding and racing. race tires are interesting.

Edited by jbot
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great riding during the trackday. Got down to the 5's a few times, but mostly in the 6's. Had a little oopsy during the final session. :(

Got to watch the races up close and personal on sunday. Awesome seeing everyone out there and battling!

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