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Rodney King found dead

kawi kid

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Disappointed that no one from this crowd has cracked a swimming joke yet (too soon? too racist? maybe not that funny?)...

I thought about it, but I'm not Tosh.0 funny enough to get away w/ it.

Original and funny! Definitely Tosh.0 territory, Dave Chappelle could have gotten away with it too.

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and the completely unoriginal riot jokes. :easy_button:

Wasn't ment to be a joke, pointing out the total fucking ignorance if his dipshit followers. Like Blosser said, 55+ people died because that dumbass broke the law and got his ass beat. Now I'm not racist but you don't see white people doing dumb shit like that. White people get beat by black people all the time but there's no riots over it. His followers are dumb enough to say it was a conspiracy by the cops to get even....... hence my comment, here comes another riot. Get over yourself and thinking everything is race related before I start slurs toward Black Tod.

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Wasn't ment to be a joke, pointing out the total fucking ignorance if his dipshit followers. Like Blosser said, 55+ people died because that dumbass broke the law and got his ass beat. Now I'm not racist but you don't see white people doing dumb shit like that. White people get beat by black people all the time but there's no riots over it. His followers are dumb enough to say it was a conspiracy by the cops to get even....... hence my comment, here comes another riot. Get over yourself and thinking everything is race related before I start slurs toward Black Tod.

Rodney King has followers now? Damn.

You don't see white people doing what...breaking the law and then getting the living shit beat out of them. Yeah, your right about that.

What do the cops need to get even for? Didn't they get off for the most part?

Me thinking everything is about race? Wtf. When did I even say anything about race? You were the first to bring race up.

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can't tell if trolling, or just stupid...

. Now I'm not racist but you don't see white people doing dumb shit like that.

oh really? white people dont riot? coulda fooled me....



WWhite people get beat by black people all the time but there's no riots over it.

right. white people only riot over IMPORTANT stuff... like their favorite sports teams winning/losing. :rolleyes:

Edited by John
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