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Supreme Court upholds entire health care law


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Calculator to figure out your payment for health care:


So, How much does it cost?

For me it's only about $300/mo :eek:

In the old days when I could get health care through my employer it was about $70/mo. I sure am happy about the improvement.

I didn't see where it estimated my cost...

In the old days I could get insurance for 50/pay. Of course now I'm older, have a child, married etc, etc etc.

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thank you wikipedia


socialism has other definitions, too... but it doesn't stop the conservative base from labeling everything the government does that they don't like "socialism" and depending on that age old connection to "communism" and the stigma attached to communism by the old ussr...

This conservative just calls it tyranny by statism. It's got the stink of socialism on it, but it's actually more rotten.

When you have a government compelling a person by tax/fine and punishment to purchase a private product, it's something utterly new and entirely out of the scope of anything the Federal Government has ever been able to do....wholly and grossly out of bounds for the concepts this nation was founded on.

It's not a matter of "not liking it", it wouldn't' matter if it directly benefits most of the people in this nation (it will not, in fact it will harm far more than it ever helps), it's disgustingly in violation of the concept of individual freedom. The Founding Fathers could power a fucking city with the force they're spinning at right now.

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For me it's only about $300/mo :eek:

In the old days when I could get health care through my employer it was about $70/mo. I sure am happy about the improvement.

Back when a hamburger was a nickel and you could get a root beer float from the soda jerk for a couple pennies.

So it's the gov'ts fault that healthcare is $300/mo (still dunno where you got that number from), not your employers for reducing your benefits coverage? Got it.

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Back when a hamburger was a nickel and you could get a root beer float from the soda jerk for a couple pennies.

So it's the gov'ts fault that healthcare is $300/mo (still dunno where you got that number from), not your employers for reducing your benefits coverage? Got it.

you ever done benefits coverage for a company? Fucking sucks to balance employee happiness vs realistic employer budget. This just makes it a lot harder to the point where companies will get rid of their programs all together or simply lay off people who cause the rates to go up

As I said I don't know much about the bill and its merits and bullshits, just how it will effect employers employees

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Me: That looks a lot like a tax.

Obama: No no no. I promise, it is not a tax.

Supreme court: It's a tax.

Obama: Hooray, I win!

Me: I wonder who just lost :(

My summary of the decision: Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “makes going without insurance just another thing the Government taxes, like buying gasoline or earning income. And if the mandate is in effect just a tax hike on certain taxpayers who do not have health insurance, it may be within Congress’s constitutional power to tax.”

BUT, President Obama said,


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The only queston i have is how do they handle all the illegal immigrants in this country? Really not being a smart ass just trying to figure out who pays for them? And YES i realize we are paying for them now.

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The only queston i have is how do they handle all the illegal immigrants in this country? Really not being a smart ass just trying to figure out who pays for them? And YES i realize we are paying for them now.

they are in the same boat...

we need to build a wall around china to keep them illegals out of the USA

Edited by magley64
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you can't call something a tax, and expect republicans to vote for it...

Nixon introduced what is now known as "Obamacare" in 1974. It was a turd then and it is a turd now. I wouldn't vote for it no matter what it's called.

Interestingly, I'm not even a Republican.

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you ever done benefits coverage for a company? Fucking sucks to balance employee happiness vs realistic employer budget. This just makes it a lot harder to the point where companies will get rid of their programs all together or simply lay off people who cause the rates to go up

I don't need to have gone through a benefits exercise to understand the math. If my employer has 10 people on staff at 'x' salary and 'y'*10 benefits cost. If they add 3 more people, then they should increase the benefits pool to accomodate the three additional headcounts (y*13), not say "Well, everyone has the same benefits, it'll just be 10/13 * y now." So, my employer gets three additional people raising their productivity and profit, while I get my benefits reduced at the SAME workload. Not really a win for the employee, but a win-win for the employER.

As I said I don't know much about the bill and its merits and bullshits, just how it will effect employers employees

It would probably behoove you to dig a little deeper into the bill and what exactly it's affecting.

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I don't need to have gone through a benefits exercise to understand the math. If my employer has 10 people on staff at 'x' salary and 'y'*10 benefits cost. If they add 3 more people, then they should increase the benefits pool to accomodate the three additional headcounts (y*13), not say "Well, everyone has the same benefits, it'll just be 10/13 * y now." So, my employer gets three additional people raising their productivity and profit, while I get my benefits reduced at the SAME workload. Not really a win for the employee, but a win-win for the employER.

It would probably behoove you to dig a little deeper into the bill and what exactly it's affecting.

that isn't how benefits work at all. It is not that cut and dry, if it was everyone would be happier and imo it should work out that way. Unfortunately, it does not and there are way more issues than just a headcount and a rate.

honestly, I know I should but quite frankly I don't want to because all I care about is the $ effect on myself and my business. I could give a shit about people and their general well being as its widely known how I feel about most of the US population

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The only queston i have is how do they handle all the illegal immigrants in this country? Really not being a smart ass just trying to figure out who pays for them? And YES i realize we are paying for them now.

That's actually a question I was wondering: how will the mandate be enforced? Will hospitals be forced to report people without health insurance? Will we annually provide proof of insurance? I've often heard "we all have to buy car insurance" but there really isn't enforcement of that until you get caught driving uninsured.

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I've often heard "we all have to buy car insurance" but there really isn't enforcement of that until you get caught driving uninsured.

you have never received the random letter from the state asking you to prove that you have insurance.


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you have never received the random letter from the state asking you to prove that you have insurance.


I have....

if a car is registered, it must be insured, regardless of if you have driven it anywhere...

something a friend of mine wasn't aware of, and it almost bit him. (he has 30+ cars, and over half of them are registered, but he only drives a handful of them regularly)

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true...kudos to you

you're also not required to earn more than the poverty level... in which case the government provides you with health coverage.

So, if I stop working and earn less than what is considered the "poverty level" will Obama buy me a car too?

(I demand the public has to pay my vehicle insurance too)

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