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First Long(ish) Ride on the VFR


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Well, I couldn't stand it any longer. I finished putting Cindy back together last weekend and had taken a couple brief shakedown rides on her. But really needed to get her out and scuff up the new PR3's a little (thanks to Hoblick for the new shoes!).

So, heat be damned, I left the house about 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, the 5th. Slabbed out 16 east from the house to 79. Cruised up 79 thru some very moderate twisties to 541 and headed back west. Quickly caught up to an SUV and a big rig tanker. Told myself, this is a joy ride, no reason to pass on a two lane. But the SUV seemed to know I was back there. Stayed back from the tanker and favored the right side of the lane, as if to give me the better view. And then there was a downhill and a straightaway... Clear visibility. No cross roads. I was in fourth and firmly rolling on the throttle before I even realized it.

The acceleration is intoxicating. The TBR pipe is throaty and loud enough without being obnoxious. I grabbed fifth as I passed the cab of the tanker and rolled it on for good measure. Back across the center line and noted my speed was over a hundred. Clicked back into 6th and immediately eased off the throttle. Back down to the lower sixties where I belonged. :rolleyes:

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