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Vintage days this weekend Mid O


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Anyone besides Rusty and Brian running? I know some MotoSeries guys are, and I am planning to head up Saturday morning right after the gym and help as many of them out as I can.

Figure I'd see if anyone else was going to run or was going to watch? I think I'll bring my Mtn. Bike along to move around the track during the races but spend most of my time in the pits/paddock with the crew.

KTMBrian, your family coming out? I know you usually have your son at the track but being a larger event then the MS wasn't sure with you running demos etc. if you'd need some extra help too? I think you still got my number if so, or just look for me and let me know/I'll stop by and say hi obviouslly.

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Will be up there running like a chicken with his head chopped off. My son will be helping, but I can always use more help. I am running HW STARS and MTT both days. I am also running between infield and pits to help with our KTM Off Road Demos.

Pretty busy for the weekend, but swing by. I'll hook you up with some swag if you can help me out. I have Rob and a few others that will be pitted with us, but more the merrier.

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Any word on the rider that went down in the 2nd race in the afternoon Sunday? (I don't know the group's name, it was star-something I think) We were watching at the keyhole and a rider on a Ducati got into another rider entering the turn, got headshake, and took a hard hit to his head when he hit the ground. He wasn't moving afterward. It wasn't a pleasant site to say the least. It was the second crash in the same race in the same spot.

This was my first time to the vintage race, it was a great time.

Brian- I think we saw you running late in the day. You guys were very entertaining to watch.

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You didn't see Brain running.

You saw Brian taking a stroll and the rest of the pack running like hell to catch him. Nice back to back show on Saturday Brian

Thanks, man. We unfortunately had nothing for Matt Sunday. I think the first race, I could have won had I got traction. But, the first few laps were really sketchy as I had traction issues. Once I got passed, I was actually turning faster laps than Matt, but he was so damn consistent and smooth, that I didn't have a place to pass without really going to the edge.

He's a great racer, man and really deserves the Championship. We both one both each day and I think we both showed everyone that twins are pretty damn fun to watch.

Race two on Sunday was a deal where he put his head down, passed me on the brakes (where I felt the strongest) and deflated me completely. He then put in VERY consistent and fast laps and I just didn't have anything. I settled in thinking the 3rd place guy was going into 2 as I was out of the keyhole so, I rode slower as I chose the wrong compound tire and just rode.

Matt, Tom (Matt's crew guy) and I were making a pack that we raced until lap 7. Whomever was in 1st, would win and we would do a wheelie onto the front straight for Tommy as he was on the wall. Well, I tried and I didn't do well so, I cruised around the 8th lap while watching for what I thought was third, came into the carousel slowly to square up and wheelie and the REAL 3rd place guy had all along caught me and as I wheelied across the start/finish, he blasted by. I almost got 3rd because I was screwing around!!!

In his defense, he did run a :33 that race, but I think had I chose the right tire and stuck with Matt, we would have pulled a :32 that race. The traffic was so bad and thick in race one, it was tough to get clean laps as we got into traffic at the Keyhole on lap 4!!

Everyone was smooth and for the most part, predictable and fairly easy enough to get around, but Matt and I both days used them a bit to try and distance each other. We laughed about it later and he had the best description about it. He said it was like "Need for Speed" when you're running 300 mph on city streets!!

Great fun, great competition and some of the best racing I have had the honor of being a part of. We were very civil with each other and respected each other and didn't do anything stupid just to win, but I can tell you, we were running pretty damn fast and consistent fast laps even in traffic.

Hopefully, we put on a great show as several folks came up to us both and commented that it was great racing.

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Brian was looking pimp as always!



Holy shitballs!!! Dude, you take some bad ass pics!! Shoot me a PM and I can pay as I wanna get some shots from the race.


PS - I only look pimp because Chad made the bike look pimp with the paint job.

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