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Obama on new gun control legislation after the Colorado shooting...


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Speaking aboard Air Force One as the president flew to meet with families of those killed in Friday's shooting, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Obama did not have plans to push for new laws in light of the Colorado massacre.

Anyone who wants to convince us the gun laws will stop these tragedies needs to look to Norway. They have extremely strict gun control yet we're only a year after a similar tragedy there. Their laws didn't help...


To get a gun license you must show a reason for having a gun, then pass a training course, test, and then show 6 months of regular (15 times at least) attendance at a gun range using rented guns before you can get a license to store a weapon at home etc. Self Defense is not a recognized reason for gun ownership.

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It's Obama's fault -- somehow, for not pushing new gun control laws.

Ohh, I know, because if Obama did push for new gun control laws then people would be scared about not being able to have guns, and therefore would buy lots of them before new legislation which increases production and profit for arms and munitions manufacturers... so, basically Obama is killing the economy by not pushing for new gun control laws.

Or, it's Bush's fault.

<all bases covered>

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Agreed. That's why I opened this thread - the title misled me to think something new was happening.

No - the title indicated that the thread would contain Obama's views on new gun legislation arising from the Colorado shooting. He said he doesn't plan any new laws.

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Dems are scared of gun control. The '94 AWB showed them that new sweeping gun control laws get them voted out of power (Clinton>Bush)

Exactly. Not their fast track to power they figured it would be. Plenty of gun laws on the books. But this POTUS has showed that laws are only to be enforced as he pleases.

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On Wednesday, however, Obama emphasized a need for background checks and the prevention of "mentally unbalanced" individuals from obtaining guns. He faulted opposition in Congress for lack of progress made in reducing violence.

"These steps shouldn't be controversial. They should be common sense," Obama said, though without elaborating too specifically on measures of enforcement.

"We should leave no stone unturned and recognize that we have no greater mission as a country than keeping our young people safe," he added.

Speaking aboard Air Force One as the president flew Sunday to meet with families of those killed, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Obama did not have plans to push for new legislation in light of the Colorado shooting.

"The president's view is that we can take steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them under existing law. And that's his focus right now," Carney said, adding it was too early to determine how the issue would play in the election.

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Days after the Colorado movie theater massacre, President Barack Obama on Wednesday forcefully spoke out against gun violence, making perhaps some of his strongest comments yet as president on the issue. While the president said he stands by the Second Amendment and recognizes the traditions of hunting and gun ownership in the country, he told a crowd at a gathering for the National Urban League in New Orleans that there is work left to be done in tackling the problem.

"I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals," Obama said. "That they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities."

Dunno why he's attacking AK47s when it was an M&P15 that was used... But notice how he's skipped right over the entires class of "legal gun owners".

Does he mean fully automatic, or semi-automatic? Did he intentionally omit his position on legal owners of semi-automatic sport/defense rifles?

- Yes, I agree that we should try to keep semi-auto rifles out of the hands of criminals

- Yes, these rifles belong on the battlefield

- Yes, these belong in the hands of legal gun owners

I don't see any legislation coming from this - although Obama had better cool his jets on attacking legal gun owners otherwise he will alienate the moderates in the country. We all know that lifelong straight-party conservatives and democrats don't decide who wins - it's the centrists/moderates that will vote either way depending on the individual candidates - THEY hold the true power. By definition, 50% of us moderates have guns and it's the kind of issue that will get apathetic moderates out to the polls.

So what is the answer?

- What if they want to pass a law that requires doctors to report any relevant mental health issues to NICS?

- What if they pass a law that says all private sales must be through an FFL (just like shipping a gun)?

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Dunno why he's attacking AK47s when it was an M&P15 that was used... But notice how he's skipped right over the entires class of "legal gun owners".

Does he mean fully automatic, or semi-automatic? Did he intentionally omit his position on legal owners of semi-automatic sport/defense rifles?

- Yes, I agree that we should try to keep semi-auto rifles out of the hands of criminals

- Yes, these rifles belong on the battlefield

- Yes, these belong in the hands of legal gun owners

I don't see any legislation coming from this - although Obama had better cool his jets on attacking legal gun owners otherwise he will alienate the moderates in the country. We all know that lifelong straight-party conservatives and democrats don't decide who wins - it's the centrists/moderates that will vote either way depending on the individual candidates - THEY hold the true power. By definition, 50% of us moderates have guns and it's the kind of issue that will get apathetic moderates out to the polls.

So what is the answer?

- What if they want to pass a law that requires doctors to report any relevant mental health issues to NICS?

- What if they pass a law that says all private sales must be through an FFL (just like shipping a gun)?

I came here to post this. About choked while brushing my teeth when I heard this on the radio this morning.

"I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals," Obama said. "That they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities."


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I was actually kind of hoping he'd take the bait and start parroting Feinstein and Schumer on this....it's a tragedy, he's a liberal, it was fait accompli.

This is just the kind of political suicide I was hoping for. Keep talking Barry.

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I think "AK-47", in this case, is a general term used for assault rifles, like "kleenex" for facial tissue, or "coke" for any sugary brown carbonated liquid in the south..

The exact model or make is not the relevant issue.

I don't think he will see much in the way of political backlash since he isn't proposing any new legislation on the issue, just a better enforcement of the current legislation.

Hell, Bill O'Reilly is proposing new regulations on gun laws more than Barack Obama is...go figure that one out.

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Ar-15 is not scary sounding to any person remotely knowledgeable with guns. You hear ar-15 and its usually followed by a vision of 'meica fuck yeah! Hear ak-47 and you picture the most current conflict overseas we are in and its a sea of sand and turbins.

Don't get me started on the real meaning of assault weapon either. :rollseyes:

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