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Extreme road rage - Car tries to take out bikers! (Road Rage Incident Omaha, NE)


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Extreme road rage - Car tries to take out bikers!


A group of bikes were riding in Omaha, NE this weekend when the driver of a car decided to try and drive them off the road. You can see several times when the driver attempts to wreck the bikes at 60+ MPH. It's unknown what provolked the driver of the car.

Driver was arrested for drug charges, nothing related to the bike incident.

Originally where I saw this: http://www.motorauthority.com/news/1077993_driver-goes-nuts-tries-to-take-out-motorcyclists-on-freeway-video

Wow. :eek:

Note: I watched w/o sound since there's some NSFW language... so I dunno what was said/threats, etc...

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The smarter thing to do is just slow down and let that retard go on his way or get off the highway for a few minutes instead of continuing to instigate shit with him. A 400 lb. bike is no match for a 2+ ton car so why continue to push the issue with him.

Smarter heads would have easily prevailed in this situation, but I certainly do not condone the jackass car drivers actions in the very least.

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^exactly. both parties are wrong there.

i mean why would you ride right up next to him after he already swerved at you? why keep antagonizing him? whats that prove? when it comes to car vs bike, the car is going to win every time.

smart riders would have backed off and taken the next exit. or pegged the throttle and GTFO.

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No excuse for what either side was doing. Guys on the bikes that got hit are dam lucky to be alive. However, that was an escalating situation and it wasn't like the car was going to outrun them. Just tag along and wait till they car stops someplace or runs out of gas.

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Both sides could have de-escalated, but the car driver should be charged with felonious assault for hitting the bike.

As for everything else, review the video and ticket everyone for every offense recorded.

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I would have followed him from a safe distance and once he stopped somewhere, dialed the cops to come get his ass and hand them the video evidence of felonious assault with a deadly weapon among other things. Problem solved.

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I would have followed him from a safe distance and once he stopped somewhere, dialed the cops to come get his ass and hand them the video evidence of felonious assault with a deadly weapon among other things. Problem solved.

I have a bluetooth in my helmet - I'd have been on the phone to the police right away.

What I would NOT have done, though, is pull up alongside a car that has swerved at you several times already. That's just stupidity.

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Assuming you didn't get a license plate, or the driver had a stolen plate...

Ya'll realize most [sport]bikes have around 150mi range tops, right? That's after just filling up. If I was in the cage, I'd drive until your bike ran out of gas...

then what? You have video of a vehicle (not a driver), with a stolen plate -- can't prove anything, other than *I* may or may not have stolen a plate.

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