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Independent Motorsports - Beware


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Disclaimers: 1. This is (obviously) my first post. 2. I do not live in Ohio. 3. I realize that Indpendent Motorsports is a sponsor here and has a loyal following. 4. All of the following events occured by email, so this isn't the typical he said/she said rant with no evidence to back it up. With all of that said, here is my experience in purchasing a bike from them:

Yesterday, the salesman, Steve W., and I agreed in writing for me to purchase a 2009 BMW K1300S, and for me to wire the funds the next day (i.e., today). His email said that a deposit would hold the bike for three days so that I could wire the money, and that his finance person (Pam) would tell me what she needed for the deposit. Within 27 minutes of Pam's email yesterday, she received all of the requested credit card information from me. However, and even though Pam recieved my credit card information, Independent Motorsports still allowed the bike to be sold later that day on eBay to a third party and at a higher price.

Do I think this was a scam to see if the bike would bring a higher price at eBay auction? No. Rather, I suspect that Steve, Pam or someone else neglected to take down the eBay auction after they received my deposit infomration (seems like a disorganized operation). Mistakes happen and I understand that. With that said, Steve's clueless explanation to me and the after the fact "hey, too bad, the other guy was the high bidder on eBay" attitutde is what would make me never do business with them again. I don't want one at this point, but the lack of even an apology or acknowledgment of an "error" on their part was telling.

Like I said in my disclaimer, I know and appreciate several members here like them (I did my research on the company BEFORE I made an offer to buy the bike). I have all of this in writing (because everything was done via email), and can supply the emails if anyone doesn't believe me.

I am just sharing my opinion and experience with Independent Motorsports, primarily for those who may be on the fence whether to do business with them. I won't ever again.

Edited by 5thSFG
changed 15 minutes to 27 minutes
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Their following here, IMHO, was due to Justin's leadership and his reputation. Justin is no longer there. I've not met his replacement but I am confident he will not be able to fill the void Justin left. Hope you get your situation resolved and if it is resolved hopefully you will man up and post here that they made it right by you. However there is always 2 sides to every story.

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I agree about there being two sides to every story (althout facts are facts). I'd love to hear Independent Motorsports' side of the story, and if theirs is in any way different than mine, how the emails and end of auction eBay listings don't speak for themselves (I can send all of that to anyone who thinks I am full of B.S.).

If Independent Motorsports were to make this right, then heck yea I would immediately post it here.

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Yes, I sent them all of the requested credit card information well in advance of the ebay auction ending. I also offered to make the deposit via paypal, but they told me to give them the credit card info instead.

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OP: Did you know that the bike was being auctioned? Did you find the bike through a non-ebay source, like an online ad, inventory list at their website etc?

Did you get your deposit back?

Other than returning your deposit (and apologizing) there's not much left for them to do. Although good customer service demands some kind of consideration for your wasted time, such as $50 store credit for accessories or something.

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Yes, I did know that the bike was being auctioned on ebay (it was listed for sale in several places, i.e. CycleTrader, etc.). I bid on the bike last weekend, but my bid didn't meet the reserve price, so I made contact with Steve on Monday. We reached a deal yesterday. Nothing has posted to my credit card yet - I'm thinking Independent Motorsports already canceled the transaction (the deposit amount was only $250 anyway, so it wouldn't be the end of the world if it showed up).

Edited by 5thSFG
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First of all, that shop hasn't been active on here in quite some time. You want their side, contact them and tell them you're on and here pissed off talking about how the deal when down.

You're in Florida and don't like how your online deal didn't work for you with a shop local to us.

Let me tell you about how much Disney land sucks and then you go hold a grudge for me. OK?

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Mojoe: I'm not certain why my living in Florida matters, because IM

solicits business from people around the world when they place ads on the internet (in fact, they apparently sold the bike to a gentleman in New Zealand). IM's eBay listing for the bike states: We can ship this motorcycle at a great prices (example: Atlanta $250, San Diego $450, Dallas $350, NE states $400) in the US and can crate and ship worldwide. We have been exporting motorcycles for 20 years!

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