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Independent Motorsports - Beware


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My point being for you to contact them since you and others want their side of the story. I'm not defending them. I'm saying if you're going to call them out, let them know. Otherwise, it comes off like you're crying. If they refuse to reply and you notify, you become the champ and are right without any other thought. See where I'm going with that?

Me complaining about how Disney sucks, is meaningless, unless I tell them. That's what I was getting at with you coming on here to tell your story. Doesn't mean it's not true. It's just much better if you provide them the same in their face approach you are showing us.

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PC response:

It seems like the worst part to all of this is that 5thSFG actually has the time to seek out forums where this dealer is a sponsor and bash their brains out over something so stupid.

Did Independent screw you...sure

Should they offer you a sincere apology...yes

But if this is your biggest problem in life, I would say you are in a pretty good place amigo. Move on with your life and go find another BMW to buy. The deal at Independent could not have been THAT good, anyway.

Actual response:

Just for the record, I use to work for BMW of North America, and it was cry-baby faggots like you that made the job unbearable. I'm sure if you haven't already contacted BMW of North America to complain, you are likely working on it. And just in case you need the number, 1-800-831-1117. Ask for Jarrod , he's also a cry-baby faggot. People like you give BMW owners a bad name. The sense of entitlement is mind numbing.

Edited by Goldie
Edit to remove Jarrod's last name. I shouldn't put that out there
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I think he is essentially warning others about how they treated him and how they conducted business. They have a history and have had similar issues brought up via just this forum.

The thing is, if he complains to them, what is going to happen other than them saying they are sorry and they refunded his money and apologize? I mean, that's all cool, but obviously, the shop is poorly managed to have something like that happen. All he has to do is show us that he sent a payment on a set date and provide the ebay listing date when it ended and we know the story. It's really not a two sided deal here.

Sounds like the right hand had zero idea what the left hand was doing and they screwed a guy that was set to buy it and followed the guidelines properly.

I'd say that him coming on here is a good thing as it allows some that may want to deal with the company to set up some sort of insurance policy when dealing with deposits and such as to avoid being screwed like this...

The Disney idea is silly and while you are correct, it is a completely different deal. In your scenario for it to be similar, it would be like Disney selling you a set of tickets for four people at a set price and when you got there, told you that they made an error and those tickets are not valid and you cannot get in.

He's not calling anyone out. He's educating possible customers with IM...

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Thanks Mojoe. I did contact them (yesterday), and they told me too bad. I also sent an email to them which was ignored. I would not have posted this without first contacting them. I'm not crying. Rather, I am just sharing my experience for others for whatever that's worth. I always research a company before I make a large purchase, and I appreciate hearing about other peoples' experiences (good and bad) so that I can make an informed decision. Particularly with the internet, you take a leap of faith when sending hard earned money to a company hundreds or more of miles away.

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PC response:

It seems like the worst part to all of this is that 5thSFG actually has the time to seek out forums where this dealer is a sponsor and bash their brains out over something so stupid.

Did Independent screw you...sure

Should they offer you a sincere apology...yes

But if this is your biggest problem in life, I would say you are in a pretty good place amigo. Move on with your life and go find another BMW to buy. The deal at Independent could not have been THAT good, anyway.

Actual response:

Just for the record, I use to work for BMW of North America, and it was cry-baby faggots like you that made the job unbearable. I'm sure if you haven't already contacted BMW of North America to complain, you are likely working on it. And just in case you need the number, 1-800-831-1117. Ask for Jarrod , he's also a cry-baby faggot. People like you give BMW owners a bad name. The sense of entitlement is mind numbing.

The thing is that by today's standards and the fact that we are a VERY social media based culture nowadays, companies need to be even more aware of customer service than before. The OP has all the right in the world to tell his tale. Why? Because others may want to do the same thing. This is a situation that was really, not harmful or even financially an issue for the OP, but it did hose him.

What if he decided to not go with another deal on the same bike elsewhere and that unit got sold? He lost twice. Or, what if he declined a deal with someone and they sold it during this situation and he cannot find another one that suits him?

The issue is that companies need to be aware and that people SHOULD come on to local sites to complain and tell their stories? Why? We all want to be educated. I know after some of the stories on here about IM, I won't be giving them my business. It's a shame, but the reality is that the deal here was SO easily avoided. But, poor decisions and poor management caused this to be a bigger than it needed to be deal.

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Thanks Mojoe. I did contact them (yesterday), and they told me too bad. I also sent an email to them which was ignored. I would not have posted this without first contacting them. I'm not crying. Rather, I am just sharing my experience for others for whatever that's worth. I always research a company before I make a large purchase, and I appreciate hearing about other peoples' experiences (good and bad) so that I can make an informed decision. Particularly with the internet, you take a leap of faith when sending hard earned money to a company hundreds or more of miles away.

Make sure you go to Google and leave a feedback for them on there. That is something that gets a TON of reads and people should know your situation...

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What's the point of having a "Business Review" forum if everyone that complains is a

cry-baby faggot

OP put it out there, and let the public judge whether it's a valid complaint or validates IM's business practices.

I don't know anyone that improves themselves without feedback, and why shouldn't that feedback be public?

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MoJoe- All he has to do is show us that he sent a payment on a set date and provide the ebay listing date when it ended and we know the story. It's really not a two sided deal here.

The Disney idea is silly and while you are correct, it is a completely different deal.

In your scenario for it to be similar, it would be like Disney selling you a set of tickets for four people at a set price and when you got there, told you that they made an error and those tickets are not valid and you cannot get in.

I would like to see a listing and that he sent $. But all in all, it's not really my issue. Though I think it would make his point.

Disney being brought up the way I did was silly, and you got the point. Though you didn't think it was silly, you thought I was pressing an issue for real and didn't like the scenario I choose. We are splitting hairs at this point and it really doesn't matter.

Thanks Mojoe. I did contact them (yesterday), and they told me too bad. I also sent an email to them which was ignored. I would not have posted this without first contacting them.

You should post the email they didn't reply to. I'm guessing the "Too bad" came from talking on the phone?

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PC response:

It seems like the worst part to all of this is that 5thSFG actually has the time to seek out forums where this dealer is a sponsor and bash their brains out over something so stupid.

Did Independent screw you...sure

Should they offer you a sincere apology...yes

But if this is your biggest problem in life, I would say you are in a pretty good place amigo. Move on with your life and go find another BMW to buy. The deal at Independent could not have been THAT good, anyway.

Actual response:

Just for the record, I use to work for BMW of North America, and it was cry-baby faggots like you that made the job unbearable. I'm sure if you haven't already contacted BMW of North America to complain, you are likely working on it. And just in case you need the number, 1-800-831-1117. Ask for Jarrod , he's also a cry-baby faggot. People like you give BMW owners a bad name. The sense of entitlement is mind numbing.

Seriously, I could not DISAGREE more. They took a deposit, the deal is done. They welch, they get called out. Therefore we all benefit when dealers know now to welch on agreed deals for fear of being called out. Simple, no?

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What exactly is the point of the shop reviews forum if you can't post a review without being attacked and the truth of your story questioned? Lots of people on OR acting like douches lately :nono:

Edit: Didn't see Justin's post above. Fail

Edited by CleaveTheGreat
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What's the point of having a "Business Review" forum if everyone that complains is a ?:dunno:

OP put it out there, and let the public judge whether it's a valid complaint or validates IM's business practices.

I don't know anyone that improves themselves without feedback, and why shouldn't that feedback be public?

I'm all about good business, and if it's not being done,maybe the forum should choose who's banners we see at the top. I'm only reading this about IM today. If there's a history of the same issue's, well re read the above.

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He's being a cry-baby because had this sale gone well, he would not have taken the time to write a review on Google about how IM is such a good dealer. He would not have taken the time to seek out forums from other states to inform its members that IM is an awesome dealer. He would not have done any of that. And just to err on the side of caution, maybe he would have written a Google review, but that's where the line would have been drawn.Instead, he's sharing his sob story with the members of a forum and accomplishing exactly nothing.

I do not disagree with KTM-Brian in that it is vital for a business to have a strong feedback and online reputation, since so much business is done via the internet, but this accomplishes nothing.

If anyone here were looking for a bike tomorrow and found the perfect bike at a great price at IM, they would not hesitate to stop in and make the purchase. This guys sob story is not going to deter anyone here from taking advantage of a good deal. Period.

So he can take the pseudo high-road and say he is just giving feedback, but in reality his intentions are not to just "inform" the members of this forum (and probably others as well), his intentions are to hurt IM. And that's OK for him to do. Freedom of speech is an awesome right. I'm not saying he can't do this, I'm just saying he's doing it in a childish cry-baby manner. With the occasional faggot thrown in the mix.

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He's being a cry-baby because had this sale gone well, he would not have taken the time to write a review on Google about how IM is such a good dealer. He would not have taken the time to seek out forums from other states to inform its members that IM is an awesome dealer. He would not have done any of that. And just to err on the side of caution, maybe he would have written a Google review, but that's where the line would have been drawn.Instead, he's sharing his sob story with the members of a forum and accomplishing exactly nothing.

I do not disagree with KTM-Brian in that it is vital for a business to have a strong feedback and online reputation, since so much business is done via the internet, but this accomplishes nothing.

If anyone here were looking for a bike tomorrow and found the perfect bike at a great price at IM, they would not hesitate to stop in and make the purchase. This guys sob story is not going to deter anyone here from taking advantage of a good deal. Period.

So he can take the pseudo high-road and say he is just giving feedback, but in reality his intentions are not to just "inform" the members of this forum (and probably others as well), his intentions are to hurt IM. And that's OK for him to do. Freedom of speech is an awesome right. I'm not saying he can't do this, I'm just saying he's doing it in a childish cry-baby manner. With the occasional faggot thrown in the mix.

Digging deeper. I suggest you stop before you hit the earth's core. :nono:

If I were to see a great deal at IM I'd know to beware of being woodbury'd.

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I would like to see a listing and that he sent $. But all in all, it's not really my issue. Though I think it would make his point.

Disney being brought up the way I did was silly, and you got the point. Though you didn't think it was silly, you thought I was pressing an issue for real and didn't like the scenario I choose. We are splitting hairs at this point and it really doesn't matter.

You should post the email they didn't reply to. I'm guessing the "Too bad" came from talking on the phone?

Not really. You said that Disney sucked and you come on here to complain. You still gave them money and are just upset that it didn't fulfill what you had in mind. The OP paid for a bike and never got it. He complained how they did the transaction. He gave everyone a heads up as to how they did the deal so we all would be better educated. He obviously thinks they suck, but isn't complaining - just giving out facts of the deal. There's a HUGE difference.

I buy a ticket to a movie. Movie sucks in my OPINION. I then go and post the movie was shit and everyone should avoid seeing it. Again, my opinion... The OP in this case has facts. He did a down payment on a bike that was sold out from under him. That's shitty and that isn't how it should be. He is following that up with facts.

You wish to see proof like an email, phone record, next of kin, blood type - whatever. He has the info and it isn't opinion filled. He doesn't have to provide that info unless IM comes on (doubt they will) and says otherwise. It's no different than the MJ deal and the ATV. That guy never once provided proof other than his word, but his story was showing he wasn't filled with opinion and bashing the company. Same here...

Sounds like maybe you have a friend at IM and are taking this and getting offended. Otherwise, it is just a "heads up as to how a deal went" for educating everyone on here that are even closer to IM in terms of distance and would possibly use them as a source for buying a bike.

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There are some challenging personality features with the OP.

First, his screen name. Anyone with any pride that is or was part of the group, would never belittle it by using it as a screen name.

Then there is the typical BMW owner. Car and bike. Goldie is a bit far past what I have seen. And seems to be quit pissed, which is a little funny actually.

At least tell me about your screen name. I'm done on the sale not going through and do actually feel for you a bit.

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Not really. You said that Disney sucked and you come on here to complain. You still gave them money and are just upset that it didn't fulfill what you had in mind. The OP paid for a bike and never got it. He complained how they did the transaction. He gave everyone a heads up as to how they did the deal so we all would be better educated. He obviously thinks they suck, but isn't complaining - just giving out facts of the deal. There's a HUGE difference.

I buy a ticket to a movie. Movie sucks in my OPINION. I then go and post the movie was shit and everyone should avoid seeing it. Again, my opinion... The OP in this case has facts. He did a down payment on a bike that was sold out from under him. That's shitty and that isn't how it should be. He is following that up with facts.

You wish to see proof like an email, phone record, next of kin, blood type - whatever. He has the info and it isn't opinion filled. He doesn't have to provide that info unless IM comes on (doubt they will) and says otherwise. It's no different than the MJ deal and the ATV. That guy never once provided proof other than his word, but his story was showing he wasn't filled with opinion and bashing the company. Same here...

Sounds like maybe you have a friend at IM and are taking this and getting offended. Otherwise, it is just a "heads up as to how a deal went" for educating everyone on here that are even closer to IM in terms of distance and would possibly use them as a source for buying a bike.

Jesus, I agreed with you and you beat yourself up, and bring up other shit. later

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He's being a cry-baby because had this sale gone well, he would not have taken the time to write a review on Google about how IM is such a good dealer. He would not have taken the time to seek out forums from other states to inform its members that IM is an awesome dealer. He would not have done any of that. And just to err on the side of caution, maybe he would have written a Google review, but that's where the line would have been drawn.Instead, he's sharing his sob story with the members of a forum and accomplishing exactly nothing.

I do not disagree with KTM-Brian in that it is vital for a business to have a strong feedback and online reputation, since so much business is done via the internet, but this accomplishes nothing.

If anyone here were looking for a bike tomorrow and found the perfect bike at a great price at IM, they would not hesitate to stop in and make the purchase. This guys sob story is not going to deter anyone here from taking advantage of a good deal. Period.

So he can take the pseudo high-road and say he is just giving feedback, but in reality his intentions are not to just "inform" the members of this forum (and probably others as well), his intentions are to hurt IM. And that's OK for him to do. Freedom of speech is an awesome right. I'm not saying he can't do this, I'm just saying he's doing it in a childish cry-baby manner. With the occasional faggot thrown in the mix.

You obviously have not researched any company that you've dealt with. Those Google reviews? Some of the most important aspects of a business is found right there. Customer service. Again, I don't care how good the deal appears, if you get screwed like the OP did and the deal was done for because a poor decision on the part of management at IM, I and SEVERAL others would be less likely to even consider that dealership when looking.

If they had the only one in existence? Maybe. The fact is that several people deal with companies they do not know anything about. They tend to research these companies and look to forums and Google reviews to establish a "would I do business with..." response. The fact is that if I Google IM reviews on Google, I get some reviews that are available. This site is on that first page and if you search, you will find this thread. All useful things when trying to sort out whether or not to do business with.

IM has a responsibility. Customer service. Simple as that. They conducted poor customer service in this situation. thus, a warranted review.

Again, take the personal shit aside and look with an open mind. You're buying a car. Do you just buy it based on color and model? Do you review it by searching the internet? When you decide it is right for you, do you just go to the local guy and buy it no matter what the cost or do you research and find the best prices and try to get closest to that? When you buy it and it needs serviced, do you just go blindly to a tech that says they can work on it or do you check that shop out before dropping your baby off?

All legit things that most people do.

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