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Independent Motorsports - Beware


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Mojoe, yes I was with 5th SFG. Were you? I don't think using 5thSFG as a screen name belittles it. If you were with 5th SFG and take offense, I apologize. But if you were not or you were not with any other Group and still take offense, then...that's just sad.

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He's being a cry-baby because had this sale gone well, he would not have taken the time to write a review on Google about how IM is such a good dealer. He would not have taken the time to seek out forums from other states to inform its members that IM is an awesome dealer. He would not have done any of that. And just to err on the side of caution, maybe he would have written a Google review, but that's where the line would have been drawn.Instead, he's sharing his sob story with the members of a forum and accomplishing exactly nothing.

I do not disagree with KTM-Brian in that it is vital for a business to have a strong feedback and online reputation, since so much business is done via the internet, but this accomplishes nothing.

If anyone here were looking for a bike tomorrow and found the perfect bike at a great price at IM, they would not hesitate to stop in and make the purchase. This guys sob story is not going to deter anyone here from taking advantage of a good deal. Period.

So he can take the pseudo high-road and say he is just giving feedback, but in reality his intentions are not to just "inform" the members of this forum (and probably others as well), his intentions are to hurt IM. And that's OK for him to do. Freedom of speech is an awesome right. I'm not saying he can't do this, I'm just saying he's doing it in a childish cry-baby manner. With the occasional faggot thrown in the mix.

He already said he found this forum looking for reviews of Ind Moto BEFORE he attempted to buy the bike. FYI.

This is the "Shop Reviews" forum. He's giving his personal review of Ind Moto in a public forum where they can freely reply if they choose. I don't see the problem with it.

My favorite shop review to date:


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There are some challenging personality features with the OP.

First, his screen name. Anyone with any pride that is or was part of the group, would never belittle it by using it as a screen name.

Then there is the typical BMW owner. Car and bike. Goldie is a bit far past what I have seen. And seems to be quit pissed, which is a little funny actually.

At least tell me about your screen name. I'm done on the sale not going through and do actually feel for you a bit.

You had a 3-series when I met you.......

And yes, I'm just stirring the pot.

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No, my work with groups, I choose to talk about with those with whom I've served or continue to serve with. There's a silent pride that is being lost among those who achieve where many can't.

Feel free to PM me if you wish to discuss it any further.

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If anyone here were looking for a bike tomorrow and found the perfect bike at a great price at IM, they would not hesitate to stop in and make the purchase.

Gotta say, I disagree...

I'd definitely avoid IM if these types of incidents are typical of how they treat their customers...

Wasn't it them who sold a bike with a rats nest in the air cleaner not that long ago? or am I thinking of someone else...EDIT: nope that was hinds.. per caspers link above...

If it were just some joe schmo off the street, fine, maybe when buying from a private party you gotta be more diligent at looking the bike over, but buying from a dealer, you expect a higher level of professionalism to go along with the dealer premium pricing.

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You had a 3-series when I met you.......

And yes, I'm just stirring the pot.

And was I your typical BMW owner, or did I track it and race it as it's heritages would lead one to believe it could handle? Which it did not. To which it was sold for a better car for what I was doing.

When are you tracking your new track prepped 675? It's what it's made for. Stirring the pot a little as well.

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And was I your typical BMW owner, or did I track it and race it as it's heritages would lead one to believe it could handle? Which it did not. To which it was sold for a better car for what I was doing.

When are you tracking your new track prepped 675? It's what it's made for. Stirring the pot a little as well.

As soon as you come to Deals Gap or 555 with me. 5719.gif

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To be clear guys, I am not bashing IM. I am just stating what occured. My experience with them is limited to one single (failed) transaction. In reality, it is unfair to judge a person or a business based just on one transaction. When I looked up IM before all of this, there were mixed reviews but generally pretty favorable and I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I have nothing against dealers, but whenever possible or it makes sense to do so, I try to steer my business toward small business. Like I said in my original post, I don't think that IM intentionally did anything to be shady or scam me; I just think that from my limited experience there, one hand has no idea what the other is doing. But if someone cannot use a shop forum to relay an experience (good or bad), what good is the shop forum? I won't post anymore except after IM replies, if it does.

Edited by 5thSFG
bad spelling
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Gotta say, I disagree...

Wasn't it them who sold a bike with a rats nest in the air cleaner not that long ago? or am I thinking of someone else...EDIT: nope that was hinds.. per caspers link above...

I heard that Hinds didn't give a rats's ass about it customers. Apparently gave a mouse' ass instead...

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As soon as you come to Deals Gap or 555 with me. 5719.gif

Deals, I did this year a week after your group, because I was on the rally when you guys went. I have been on 555 and 669 this year with Hoblick. Are you saying if I do the nickle with you, you will do a track day with me? Say yes, Ben.

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He's being a cry-baby because had this sale gone well, he would not have taken the time to write a review on Google about how IM is such a good dealer. He would not have taken the time to seek out forums from other states to inform its members that IM is an awesome dealer. He would not have done any of that.

I can't believe this thread is still going.

This (above) applies to most things. Whats the old saying? "An unhappy customer tells ten friends, a happy one doesn't tell any", or something like that?

Dude had a bad experience and told us about it. I look at IM bikes on CL once in awhile, and if I ever decided to buy from them, this guys experience would be in the back of my mind.

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I don't need affirmation on my opinion which is what makes this my opinion. Obviously my perspective is jaded or skewed.

I don't know a single thing about IM or anyone that has worked for them, or even walked inside their store. But the idea that we take this guys one sided story so serious is very interesting to me. It's a good thing that all of us here aren't judges, because whomever got to speak first at every trial would be innocent/right.

I am man enough to admit when I am wrong, and based on general consensus, I am wrong. Sucks for me.

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Deals, I did this year a week after your group, because I was on the rally when you guys went.
You were in a freaking car. :nono: If that counts, then I did Deals Gap Saturday night.
I have been on 555 and 669 this year with Hoblick. Are you saying if I do the nickle with you, you will do a track day with me? Say yes, Ben.
That's with Hoblick... :D We're working on a fishing shack trip. I'll keep you in the loop.
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I value reading experiences good and bad. Users on this site constantly post good reviews about work they have had done. It makes me want to seek out those vendors for work when I need it. Likewise, when I read things like this, it makes me want to stay away.

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I don't need affirmation on my opinion which is what makes this my opinion. Obviously my perspective is jaded or skewed.

I don't know a single thing about IM or anyone that has worked for them, or even walked inside their store. But the idea that we take this guys one sided story so serious is very interesting to me. It's a good thing that all of us here aren't judges, because whomever got to speak first at every trial would be innocent/right.

I am man enough to admit when I am wrong, and based on general consensus, I am wrong. Sucks for me.

I'm not saying he's correct or to take what he says to heart, I'm simply saying he has the right to voice his opinion and post his review in the Shop Reviews forum.

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I found this site way back when by Googling Hinds... I think that was when BBB's mouse nest drama was going on.

Anyhow, I bought from IM back when they were still in Delaware, when Justin was still the sales manager, and could not have had a more smooth, painless transaction.

Since then they've moved and Justin has left. Does that make any difference? Dunno, as I've now seen two "unhappy with IM" threads and no happy ones.

@YSR - I either commented in or started a "I got great service" thread for Honda Northwest/Ohio Motorcycle a couple of weeks ago, so <some> of us will report good experiences.

@the OP: My guess, and this is only a guess based upon my one experience (positive) with them, is that the sales guy you talked with and had things moving failed to talk to whomever coordinates the eBay listings, and the bike got sold completely by accident. I could be 100% wrong, but I'd like to think I'm not.

Doesn't Christine (forget her screen name), the lady that racks up miles, work there?

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I value reading experiences good and bad. Users on this site constantly post good reviews about work they have had done. It makes me want to seek out those vendors for work when I need it. Likewise, when I read things like this, it makes me want to stay away.

I would agree. Shop Dog, Delta Epsilon, Rider's Discount... none would have had a dollar from me if not for the trust I put in the reviews. And threads like this generally get to the truth whether it be in the OP or the reply. It's worth having the discussion.

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You were in a freaking car. :nono:

Because of it being a two week rode trip after the rally. You're damn right it was in a car.

If your doing the fishing shake again, I'm looking at after September, because I'm not taking the track plastics off until then. Sucks being 100 miles from the bike too.

Still never said if you were doing a track day.

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Folks are always raving about Ryan's shop. Nobody ever talks about mine. I think I need to start giving a "talk-me-up" discount.. :dunno:

Oh.. and my BMW customers are awesome and not twat-waffles.. like GoldenGrahams says they are.

I like DucRx.

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Folks are always raving about Ryan's shop. Nobody ever talks about mine. I think I need to start giving a "talk-me-up" discount.. :dunno:

Oh.. and my BMW customers are awesome and not twat-waffles.. like Goldie/Mojoe says they are.

I put both screen names there because I can't remember who the douche was. Sorry to the non-douche.

I just said there is a stereotype that many associate with BMW. I experienced it in the short time I owned my 3 series.

What's funny is, Ryan was talking up your shop on the way back from the track Sunday.

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