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How to stop a massacre?


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> In the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado Batman movie theater shooting, a

> surveillance video has surfaced that shows the simple, obvious answer to the

> question on everybody's mind: How do we stop a massacre?


> The answer is revealed in the stunning short video shown below. This

> remarkable solution:


> . Requires no police.

> . Costs the taxpayers no money.

> . Requires no up-front paperwork.

> . Protects innocent lives.

> . Is deployed in as little as FIVE seconds.

> . Works everywhere.

> . Deters violent crime.

> . Makes bad guys flee immediately.

> . Is easy to learn.

> . Functions at the local level.

> . Does not require control or intervention by the United Nations or any

> government entity.



Watch the 75-sec video





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I'm not sure I would put massacre and robbery in the same category.. However.. It COULD have turned into one.. But rarely do robbers want to hurt anyone... But I get the point of the video.. Concealed Carry is a good thing.. mmm kay....

I wonder if that was a bad neighborhood they were in?

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How come grandpa doesn't have to do up front paperwork to carry a concealed handgun? Think that woman in the black shirt will sue for hearing loss?

'Cause assholes don't need to file for a robbery permit.

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It's a bunch of little casinos that opened all over the place.

Can't spit without hitting one of them.

Lots of cash, and open all night.

Really attractive target for a bad guy.

Or at least one of the local police chiefs said something like that.

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Criminals don't pick targets they think will endanger them. If people are packing it spins the odds in our favor.

I have 3 beastly bulldogs at my home and you can bet if somebody wanted to pull a robbery they would go next door after one glance in the window at this:D


Disaster avoided!!!

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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Criminals don't pick targets they think will endanger them. If people are packing it spins the odds in our favor.

I have 3 beastly bulldogs at my home and you can bet if somebody wanted to pull a robbery they would go next door after one glance in the window at this:D


Disaster avoided!!!

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

Awwww, they look so cute....! LOL

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The first couple of shots were justified, but the 3 or so shots that were fired while the bad guy was fleeing and on the ground could be problematic, unless the BG still had his gun on him.

If the BG is advancing, do what you need to do. If the BG is moving away from you in a way that could be called; "Seeking cover" then it's still on. If the BG is fleeing, let him go. If he's armed and on the floor you are in a no-win situation where you will likely be branded an executioner. If he *IS* unarmed and lying on the floor and you shoot him, then you ARE an executioner.

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Armed and on the floor you'll be branded a executioner? Even he dived to get out the way with his gun? What do you have to do, wait to see if he's going to shoot back?

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Armed and on the floor you'll be branded a executioner? Even he dived to get out the way with his gun? What do you have to do, wait to see if he's going to shoot back?

Read it again. "If he's armed and on the floor you are in a no-win situation where you will likely be branded an executioner"

Better hope you can prove he was still a threat while he was on the ground.

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