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Columbus trip Video: need help with likes :)


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Need some "liking" help :D entered a edit competition for first time in life. Never won anything before lol Didnt have any fancy footage to work with, so just edited out some random stuff. In this link you will see the competition post and as a reply i have posted my video, Plz "like" my reply in facebook. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jazz-Motorsports/49329419079 Thank you :)

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this version works on mobile too, phew took a while to figure it out


http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=449062225116445&id=49329419079 thats the competition link.

Man that guy with most "likes" in lead is like usain bolt, dont think i will catch up to him :D , Anyways first try

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thank you guys,

yea your right fizzer, i wouldnt have even posted if i saw what others had in their video, bikes, boats, girls, and even freaking goats on mountains, i just edited what i had with me, and last minute decided to give it a shot.

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