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iPhone 5


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Just ordered one each for my wife and I. Getting up at 3am or order them may be geeky but it beats the shit out of camping outside the Apple store for 3 days. Also, when the 4S was released demand was so high that even those pre-ordering in the first 24 hours were having to wait up to 3 weeks to get their devices.

Now forgive me as I head down to starbucks for a triple-shot-venti-soy-no-whip-mocha-choca-poka-latte.

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Never could understand the craving so many have for these types of phones. Spending $100 for a cell almost chokes me, course I only use it as a phone....no texting, no ie access.....only a very occasional gps use....and the prices on these new tech devices is staggering, imho. While shopping for a laptop for the daughter I asked about those Ipad things, all the different notepads, and found many to actually cost more than a laptop while doing far less.

Guess I'm just an old fogey.....lol

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Never could understand the craving so many have for these types of phones. Spending $100 for a cell almost chokes me, course I only use it as a phone....no texting, no ie access.....only a very occasional gps use....and the prices on these new tech devices is staggering, imho. While shopping for a laptop for the daughter I asked about those Ipad things, all the different notepads, and found many to actually cost more than a laptop while doing far less.

Guess I'm just an old fogey.....lol

I'm with you on the whole smart phone thing. All I need a phone to do is call and text I refuse to get a data plan because it is a rip off.

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Never could understand the craving so many have for these types of phones. Spending $100 for a cell almost chokes me, course I only use it as a phone....no texting, no ie access.....only a very occasional gps use....and the prices on these new tech devices is staggering, imho. While shopping for a laptop for the daughter I asked about those Ipad things, all the different notepads, and found many to actually cost more than a laptop while doing far less.

Guess I'm just an old fogey.....lol

If you only use it as a phone, yes... Very high priced and pretty much a waste of money.

However, if you think an iPad costs more and does less than a laptop, you are also very antiquated in your thoughts towards them, as well. The iPad can do as much and a ton MORE than a laptop.

The phones today are used as mobile computers, GPS, texting, etc. They are a lifeline for someone like me that needs it for use on the road and to access emails, read updated files, communicate with my dealers in phone, text or email aspects and to even have some fun and maintain social status.

Ain't gonna get that with a small flip phone.

Fanboys or not, Apple products suit me and our family lifestyle. I use it all for work and play and need a phone and pad that can keep up.

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I travel for business and my iPhone is my laptop. It gives me access to what ever I need at any given time while remaining relatively small. If I used a phone like you do I would still have my old Nokia flip phone. It is also the only Apple product I own. I have a desktop running XP that I got for free and a monitor I paid $20 for. I love my gadgets as anyone who knows me can tell you, hell one of my nicknames is Inspector Gadget :lol:

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Some people pinch pennys and put off buying things like bike tires, and brakes, and helmets that can save your life. But when the new I-phone comes out the credit cards cant get out fast enough.:nono:

Edited by 2talltim
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I'm rich, bitch.

It's a tool. Some like snap on or craftsman, it just happens to function the way I like and I never have to mess with it. This will be my upgrade from 3 or 4 years ago. I'd rather not use electronics to the point of them not working anymore. Sell it while it still holds some value and stay up to date.

My bike and gear is all paid for with good tires. My car's are covered too. So many haters for people that do things different than others.

How about, cool, hope it does everything you want it to.

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I'm rich, bitch.

It's a tool. Some like snap on or craftsman, it just happens to function the way I like and I never have to mess with it. This will be my upgrade from 3 or 4 years ago. I'd rather not use electronics to the point of them not working anymore. Sell it while it still holds some value and stay up to date.

My bike and gear is all paid for with good tires. My car's are covered too. So many haters for people that do things different than others.

How about, cool, hope it does everything you want it to.

Dont think any fingers were pointed at you directly, i added a word to my previous post to sugar coat it a bit.:confused:

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I find it funny that apparently, you're a sheep if you buy something popular that works. Typically, it comes from people that haven't used the product outside a few times they tried a friends phone or at the Best Buy. Funny stuff.

I then like how some think you buy something like this, you apparently have to put off buying things for something that is nothing more than a hobby. Sure, you may not NEED a phone (I do for work), but you sure as hell don't need a motorcycle, either.

So, somewhat hypocritical to sit and judge that people need tires and gear for a hobby to buy something they don't need.

You all are really fun to read. So many judge and so many are either feeling inferior or are pissed they can't get one.

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I went from a Droid to IPhone last year, will never even consider another Droid or anything less than IPhone. And this is coming from someone who thought of the followers as "sheep" back in college and right out of it. I had a Nano once, Gen1, hated it with a passion but used it because my GF at the time got it for me. It broke after 2 years and sits at my house(I think). Swore after that I'd never buy another Apple product, now got an Iphone4, nothing special, but DANG, it does EVERYTHING, and does it well.

Granted I am not tech savy like some, and don't care about all the apps, etc. but when I need a phone to work, it does, GPS, Camera, Email, all of it. My droid NEVER once worked with my Email account, even after having Verizon at 3 locations work on it. Same thing at the end of its life, went to 3 Verizon's all looked at it because it kept saying memory was full, I had 0 apps, 0 songs, 0 pictures, etc. They put a new card in it after transfering it, same thing. Phone was a POS, my Fiance's Droid sucks, my friends Droid sucks, its funny to me when I tell them about how great my phone works and they get mad.

I send text messages from my phone, they get it 3 days later or not at all, my friends do the same to them, same thing, so no, it's not my phone.

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When the iPhone originally came out, I thought it was dumb. I eventually bought an iPod Touch (it's not an iTouch people, that just sounds creepy) and fell in love with it. It made no sense for me to carry that around and a phone when I could have both, all in one. So I bought the second generation iPhone. Hands down, the best purchase I've ever made.

My iPhone is invaluable to me. I can pull up email, calendar, and other information instantly virtually anywhere. If I get lost, I can get directions and see where I am. I can take photos and movies when I would otherwise not have a camera. I can show photos to friends and family who may otherwise not get to see them. I can download a game/utility/application on demand when it will really come in handy without having to know about or plan it in advance because, hey, shit happens.

My wife resisted buying one for years. She thought they were dumb and just an expensive gadget. She started using mine here and there and finally got her own. She agrees, it's the best purchase she's ever made and can't figure out why it took her so long to get one.

I can see where some people live a little more simply and have no use for all that it has to offer or choose to spend their money elsewhere. To each his/her own.

Droid/Android/Windows, etc phones are great too. IMO they lack the legacy support that Apple provides but are still useful devices. I just like the simplicity of the iPhone and the seamless integration with my MacBook Pro and sharing of apps with my iPad.

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Never could understand the craving so many have for these types of phones. Spending $100 for a cell almost chokes me, course I only use it as a phone....no texting, no ie access.....only a very occasional gps use....and the prices on these new tech devices is staggering, imho. While shopping for a laptop for the daughter I asked about those Ipad things, all the different notepads, and found many to actually cost more than a laptop while doing far less.

Guess I'm just an old fogey.....lol

You also call mags "clips" so I understand

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Never could understand the craving so many have for these types of phones. Spending $100 for a cell almost chokes me, course I only use it as a phone....no texting, no ie access.....only a very occasional gps use....and the prices on these new tech devices is staggering, imho. While shopping for a laptop for the daughter I asked about those Ipad things, all the different notepads, and found many to actually cost more than a laptop while doing far less.

Guess I'm just an old fogey.....lol

I'll explain it to you in one word: MARKETING

Says the motorcycleless guy on a motorcycle site.

Another Kawikid? :lol:


One thing that bothers me is that SO MANY people confuse the issues with the Droid branded Android phone with being an Android issue. I have heard about lots of issues with the Droid branded phones, which have proven to be less than stellar when it comes to reliability. My last 2 and my current phone have been HTC phones running Android and have been very reliable. This can be backed up by low numbers of complaints from others about the same models of phones.


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