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I'll explain it to you in one word: MARKETING

Another Kawikid? :lol:


One thing that bothers me is that SO MANY people confuse the issues with the Droid branded Android phone with being an Android issue. I have heard about lots of issues with the Droid branded phones, which have proven to be less than stellar when it comes to reliability. My last 2 and my current phone have been HTC phones running Android and have been very reliable. This can be backed up by low numbers of complaints from others about the same models of phones.


Now I've had the opposite experience, I had the htc increible2 and hated it, but I loved my droid 2 and now my droid 3..only dislike to my droid 3 is it will not be a part of ICS

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Dont think any fingers were pointed at you directly, i added a word to my previous post to sugar coat it a bit.:confused:

I didn't take it as that. Just the direction of the thread in general was going negitive. Hating on one phone over another has start to sound like a way to measure dicks. "Mines fucking huge because I have this........". It's just getting old to see it over and over in threads.

I'm not a technology guru. What I know is for the last 8 years, my iPhones have work every time I've wanted them to and I've sold them and made money back on them. Making them almost free every time in the end.

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I didn't take it as that. Just the direction of the thread in general was going negitive. Hating on one phone over another has start to sound like a way to measure dicks. "Mines fucking huge because I have this........". It's just getting old to see it over and over in threads.

I'm not a technology guru. What I know is for the last 8 years, my iPhones have work every time I've wanted them to and I've sold them and made money back on them. Making them almost free every time in the end.

And that's great for you, but I was getting at the ones that get them because its the "in" thing to do. Not really pointing at anyone in particular. I don't hate the i- phone just can't stand the ones who worship it and bash my stuff, sounds like we are on the same page.

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And that's great for you, but I was getting at the ones that get them because its the "in" thing to do. Not really pointing at anyone in particular. I don't hate the i- phone just can't stand the ones who worship it and bash my stuff, sounds like we are on the same page.

So, you've been bashing the "sheep" that buy iPhones and yet nobody here has said boo about how inferior something you own is. So, I will start...


Point is that when you chime in like you have, you are bashing. Just because someone comes on and says they are buying the new iPhone and people wait in line fo rthe damn thing while nobody does for an Andriod based phone, why is that such a bad thing?

I mean, the obvious marketing campaign Apple does is amazing and works just as well as any other noted brand out there. Nike, Oakley, Chevy, etc. It's all about branding and relationships towards target demographics.

But, one thing to note as to there are MANY people that own Andriod based units out there. Apple products are not depreciating in such a rapid rate as the Android products do. Andriod products are cheaply made and are at a lower price point out of the gate. Within even a few months, they drop drastically to try and grab share of the market.

Just saying... You are bashing from what you stated. We may be defending as Apple owners and supporters, but not sure where we are bashing your stuff...

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I'm not an Apple fanboi, but I will be the first to say that as far as quality control, ergonomics and their user interfaces go....they can't be touched.

There is a certain segment of the population that just want things to 'work'. They don't want to hack, tinker or optimize. They don't mind paying a premium for it either. Apple serves that market well.

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I'm not an Apple fanboi, but I will be the first to say that as far as quality control, ergonomics and their user interfaces go....they can't be touched.

There is a certain segment of the population that just want things to 'work'. They don't want to hack, tinker or optimize. They don't mind paying a premium for it either. Apple serves that market well.

is is that market.

except i still tinker (jailbreak)

the wife and iboth have iPhones that was the first step.

then we got an iPad 2 which is amazing!

and most recently i picked up a Macbook Pro and apple TV. i dont think ill ever go back to windows or android stuff again.

the quality is fantastic, the products just plain work, and work well. i hate getting a new phone or laptop and then a month later its a pile of crap, and im wishing i had something else.

with the apple products i have bought i have never had a regret.

and i used to be a BIIIIIIIGGGG apple hater. i didnt know see what the big deal was, why everyone was so brain washed over the stuff. Now i understand.

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I hear ya.

I don't own any Apple computers or an iPhone. An iPod is about as Apple as I get, but I bought iPhone's for my boys.

The only thing that I have to laugh at...is the lemming effect that Apple has created. The 4s does everything a person needs, but here comes the 5 that really doesn't bring much change to the table, and said person HAS to have because it's the latest Apple iDevice. Add to that, camping out for 24+ hours to get it. I just SMH.

Android does the job for me, and with the freedom I desire...but I'm no fool...Apple makes a good product.

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is is that market.

except i still tinker (jailbreak)

the wife and iboth have iPhones that was the first step.

then we got an iPad 2 which is amazing!

and most recently i picked up a Macbook Pro and apple TV. i dont think ill ever go back to windows or android stuff again.

the quality is fantastic, the products just plain work, and work well. i hate getting a new phone or laptop and then a month later its a pile of crap, and im wishing i had something else.

with the apple products i have bought i have never had a regret.

and i used to be a BIIIIIIIGGGG apple hater. i didnt know see what the big deal was, why everyone was so brain washed over the stuff. Now i understand.

Welcome to the dark side...help yourself to the cookies :D

I still use a PC though for gaming and hardware reviews.

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Oh I can see they have a place for some people in some situations. Plus there are those that don't care about the cost, they just 'want it'. I have no problem with that, nothing to me. But I come from a time when there were no cell phones. No internet, no laptops, no desktops. We all got along just fine. Now they're here, and for some they are tools. Or just fun. LOL, I was told by my daughter in law that we 'must be the only people in the US that don't text'. Now that made me laugh. I have used one. They are cool. I have been on rides with people who pulled them out to use as a GPS...'You are here'....and it was very helpful. But not necessary by any means. I was riding long before any of these techie things were ever around. Learned to read maps, tell directions by the signs of nature, dead reckoning, all that bs. But it all has a place and for some it has become necessary I guess. They are cool but something I will probably never own.

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Call me whatever you want but I'm one of those people. I will buy every new iphone and ipad that comes out. I won't camp out or stay up all night to get one though. There are millions like me. Everyone has there own reasons why they want it. I don't care what the reasons are just glad they are buying. :)

The only thing that I have to laugh at...is the lemming effect that Apple has created. The 4s does everything a person needs, but here comes the 5 that really doesn't bring much change to the table, and said person HAS to have because it's the latest Apple iDevice. Add to that, camping out for 24+ hours to get it. I just SMH.

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Just ordered one each for my wife and I. Getting up at 3am or order them may be geeky but it beats the shit out of camping outside the Apple store for 3 days. Also, when the 4S was released demand was so high that even those pre-ordering in the first 24 hours were having to wait up to 3 weeks to get their devices.

Now forgive me as I head down to starbucks for a triple-shot-venti-soy-no-whip-mocha-choca-poka-latte.

Do you remember what the estimated shipping date was? I wanted to order at 7 am at work but forgot my wallet at home and I could swear it said shipping date was 9/21. Well i ordered it finally at 2pm and ETA is now at 9/28.

(2yr contract with verizon.)

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Oh I can see they have a place for some people in some situations. Plus there are those that don't care about the cost, they just 'want it'. I have no problem with that, nothing to me. But I come from a time when there were no cell phones. No internet, no laptops, no desktops. We all got along just fine. Now they're here, and for some they are tools. Or just fun. LOL, I was told by my daughter in law that we 'must be the only people in the US that don't text'. Now that made me laugh. I have used one. They are cool. I have been on rides with people who pulled them out to use as a GPS...'You are here'....and it was very helpful. But not necessary by any means. I was riding long before any of these techie things were ever around. Learned to read maps, tell directions by the signs of nature, dead reckoning, all that bs. But it all has a place and for some it has become necessary I guess. They are cool but something I will probably never own.

Well, hell. Might as well ditch that nice modern car and go back to horse and buggy. Shit, they got along just fine with those...:rolleyes:

Again, these ARE needed tools for people and they are neccessary for getting things done and such. Just because you revel in the old days, doesn't mean that they have a purpose. After all, I can promise you that your grandpa or dad probably thought there was no need for some of the things you "had to have".

This kind of mentality is pretty old school and very anti-progress. Trust me, there are things we used to do that would be great to go back to. But, I am not willing to use oil to burn in a lantern to provide light at night at my home. Nor am I willing to ride the train to Philly for work and make a trip out of it.

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Well, hell. Might as well ditch that nice modern car and go back to horse and buggy. Shit, they got along just fine with those...:rolleyes:

Again, these ARE needed tools for people and they are neccessary for getting things done and such. Just because you revel in the old days, doesn't mean that they have a purpose. After all, I can promise you that your grandpa or dad probably thought there was no need for some of the things you "had to have".

This kind of mentality is pretty old school and very anti-progress. Trust me, there are things we used to do that would be great to go back to. But, I am not willing to use oil to burn in a lantern to provide light at night at my home. Nor am I willing to ride the train to Philly for work and make a trip out of it.

You forgot.... "Check Please!"

Dirty line stealing beotch. :nono:

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Well, hell. Might as well ditch that nice modern car and go back to horse and buggy. Shit, they got along just fine with those...:rolleyes:

Again, these ARE needed tools for people and they are neccessary for getting things done and such. Just because you revel in the old days, doesn't mean that they have a purpose. After all, I can promise you that your grandpa or dad probably thought there was no need for some of the things you "had to have".

This kind of mentality is pretty old school and very anti-progress. Trust me, there are things we used to do that would be great to go back to. But, I am not willing to use oil to burn in a lantern to provide light at night at my home. Nor am I willing to ride the train to Philly for work and make a trip out of it.

Progress ain't all that Brian. And horse and buggy's aren't the plague either. Like I said.........for some its a necessity or just what they want, no biggie to me. And 'reveling' in the old days ain't bad either. You make it sound like a Tombstone or something. I don't need it, so?

Ease up there son :cool:

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Do you remember what the estimated shipping date was? I wanted to order at 7 am at work but forgot my wallet at home and I could swear it said shipping date was 9/21. Well i ordered it finally at 2pm and ETA is now at 9/28.

(2yr contract with verizon.)

I submitted the order at 03:12 and it said 9/21

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I think this pretty much sums it up for most non ifanboys....


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was the phone I was considering instead of the iP5 but rejected it because it was my buddy and his wife problems since the ICS update. Both crash regularly. Same as my DroidX.

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