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planning a route for this saturday....


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ok. click "include large map" to see it. I really looking for feedback on the condition on any of these roads. looking at it now, this is most likely gonna be shortended. as of now, there will be 2 of us, and both bikes will be two up, so pace will be sane. we'll be stopping for a quick bite in roscoe village in coshocton early on.

all are welcome, but again, really lookin' for some feedback on the route.

thanks guys

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Your map is too hard to read. Nothing north of 39 is going to be entertaining. 83 is going to have more traffic and not as nice scenery but the road won't be as challenging for two up riding so it would be safer. 60 has very little traffic, nice views for a passenger but you will need to keep you pace more in check. This is just a comparison between the two roads, I call 60 a sweeper road compared to the roads I really like.


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60 has less traffic. Lots of new pavement especially further south. You need to watch your speed as you go through the towns especially Nashville. There has always been a cop there with somebody pulled over - usually a bike. More sweepers and straights. I find 60 less annoying than 83.

83 north of Millersburg isn't really that exciting. The nicer stuff happens when you leave Millersburg south. The traffic on 83 has become pretty annoying. Lots of dump trucks and semis. I've also found many of the other traffic to be very anti-motorcycle. I can't tell you how many times we've tried to pass cars/trucks who aren't even going the speed limit and they gun it or move over onto you. Seems to be mostly pickup trucks. Those are times I don't feel bad that I don't have my db killers in and I hope it blows their ear drums out.


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And gravel around in the 90's after Blissfield and a bit beyond south. SR60 from Ashland to Loudonville okay....may wanna look at picking up 179 at Hayesville....following it will bring you out just above Nashville...60 & 39 run together for awhile....then too, drop down on 514 at Nashville to SR520 and left at stop sign when 520 ends at 62 onto 62 and cross bridge and there is SR60 again. Y'all problee don't wanna hear about good ole twisty CR19 and CR22 that runs the hills west of SR60 to Warsaw. At Warsaw ya pick up SR60 again.

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And gravel around in the 90's after Blissfield and a bit beyond south. SR60 from Ashland to Loudonville okay....may wanna look at picking up 179 at Hayesville....following it will bring you out just above Nashville...60 & 39 run together for awhile....then too, drop down on 514 at Nashville to SR520 and left at stop sign when 520 ends at 62 onto 62 and cross bridge and there is SR60 again. Y'all problee don't wanna hear about good ole twisty CR19 and CR22 that runs the hills west of SR60 to Warsaw. At Warsaw ya pick up SR60 again.

^This guy knows the roads in that area as well as anyone you can find, trust him^

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Y'all problee don't wanna hear about good ole twisty CR19 and CR22 that runs the hills west of SR60 to Warsaw.

I do,I do.I've been playing on some of the good county roads in Muskingum,Hocking and Washington counties this year,so I'm always up for another good twisty county road.How's the pavement conditions?

As soon as I get a new back tire on the bike I'll be up to check out CR19 and CR22.:)

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Sorry...trying to get back in....guess i hafta sit in the special chair to get reception. CR19....shameless plug is included in Fall Leafy thing. CR19 the one that runs along SR60 is tighter turns...more of a work out...so yer 45 to 50 mph there would be uhmmm, a workout. SR60 from Warsaw to Dresden very nice. SR208 is nice as well more of a cruiser kind of tour, but not meant as a slam. SR16 is boring really, but survivable. Could opt for Coshocton's CR6, not sure what rd # is where it comes out onto SR16. Only snag is a slip that was repaired with gravel section...nearer Coshocton....and coming back out onto SR16 nearer Roscoe Village. SR541 EAST...is better than 541 WEST, by that I mean east and west of Coshocton. West has the long straight ridge top section....i like turney things. CR17 runs along north of 541, and west of Roscoe Village....not too many straight sections....it will come out at Warsaw...well between Warsaw and Tunnel Hill (541)....uhmm, shoot me a PM/email....better luck with catching me on route checks.

Incidentally...Knox Co. has discovered not only chip and seal, but using pea gravel ta boot.

AND thanks UP....appreciate the plug.....hmmm, maybe buy one of them jaunty canvas hats and get some cargo pants and pocket vest....guide service here. :>)

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Very good looking ride inside your criteria but how much experience do you have riding two up on those types of roads? Will the passenger enjoy it? You have added some blind rises that can be scary.

Blind rises.....those will tickle your innards......!

How about running up 33 over to 30 to I 69 (in Ind) and head north? Leave Fri afternoon? LOL, If so I can ride along. Cuz thats the way I will be heading Fri afternoon. I have a benefit ride in Battle Creek I want to attend Sat.

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cool. we'll be eating in coshocton. I'll let you know when and where as soon as I can. I do wanna restate that this ride will be two-up. so pace will be very sane.

I won't be two up, hope thats not a problem? I can probably meet at the eat stop. Glad I relooked at the route, I though coshocton was on your way back, I could have been waiting a long time.

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I won't be two up, hope thats not a problem? I can probably meet at the eat stop. Glad I relooked at the route, I though coshocton was on your way back, I could have been waiting a long time.

not a problem. my goal is to eat at like noon there and then roll out of coshocton at like one. I think we're eating The Warehouse. I'll be on my aprilia and there will also be a katana750 for sure.

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Warehouse....uhmm, Heather is my fave waitress. Patio or basement dining...upstairs is more formal.

PM with times....trying to figure my time between Scooter-que in Columbus this weekend. Thinking now is could meet with you and run to Kershocton wif youse. SR60, at North end of Killbuck... they are rooting around digging at bridge at that end of Village.

Depending on time....maybe backtrack to Ashland way on SR60...if that is the way you decided on. SR83 Woster area....shopping and traffic....miss it if you can. Once around here...spartan traffic.

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Got the map to come up!! Hooray. Route looks good. Only concern would be the twp rds off of SR557. Twp rds tend to be rough. CR 407 is okay. Good pavement last time I was on it. Can't remember which of the twp roads gave a show of rock face by creek. It'll work.

I think it took me around 40 minutes to go to Ashland from the greater Killbuck metro area, 60 to the 179 and back to 60 and College St. (Campus).

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