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ohio state man cave


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Not that it really matters just look at this as a 12 game practice,seeing as we cannot go to a bowl this year.

True but you can't help wanting to see them win and not struggle against teams they shouldn't struggle against. Plus I want to see them beat Michigan unlike last year.

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Looks good, I especially like the tree Brutus!

Started my man cave in the spring, but only got as far as putting up the studs in the basement and doing all the wiring. Then the sunny weather came around and I lost interest. I'll pick back up when the snow flies, lol.

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I purchased the brutus from a guy up in warsaw. I was out riding and came across him.

I know what you mean about being busy. I gutted the whole basement and expanded the finished area. I pulled up the old floor, pulled all the drywall down, and refinished the drop ceiling. I started back in march and have worked on it when i had time, mainly at night if i was bored.


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That is looking good! And as Urban Meyer has already said "you have probably seen as good as we are going to be this year". Miller is only a Soph and has sick talent "and getting better" and has HUGE potential, the defense however does have some work to do. A win is a win, don't forget how ugly the winning season was for the last title. Young talent, fast talent, and Meyer is really catching the attention of many SEC recruits. This is a building year, and don't be surprised if the Buckeyes beat Michigan this year "overrated".

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Can I come over to watch the game? That TV is huge, u trying to make up for something? Lol J/K

It makes my 44" in my man cave that I just finished this spring look very tiny.. But, can't complain when the wife buys something for me.

Here's a panoramic view of my man cave.. Wish I had Buckeye stuff in there, but it's all expensive, so I just put my FD and motorcycle racing stuff down there for now.



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Got an excellent start, all you need is some paint!

Also, is this a show off your man cave thread now?

This is mine about 95% finished. I wanted to go with a burnt orange paint but the gf hated it and she picked out the red so it ended up sort of being buckeye themed. Mine is more of an encompassing of Cleveland sports with OSU and Cincinnati (my alam mater) thrown in. All I need is my switch and outlet plate covers themed in Indians, Cavs, Browns and Bearcats to arrive along with hanging banners on the long bare wall. Eventually when black friday hits, I will be replacing the 2 smaller crt tv's with some flat screens


thats a tv under the cavs towel


the wall over the couch waiting on UC, OSU, Browns, Cavs and Indians banner flags


its too small a room to fit my big screen so the 52" is made to work :(


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