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MotoSeries Round 9 at Nelson Ledges, Oct 13th & 14th


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I'll be there once again. Kind of sad to see the season comingt o an end, but at the same time, I could use the break.

I'm sad to see the season come to an end and I feel like :cry:

But my wallet is like :broke: and it feels like :bow::D

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I won't be around Saturday night for dinner. I have my youngest son's birthday and if I don't show I'm going to have to find a new place to call home. I'll miss out on the last session as well since I'll need to leave around 4:00.

But I will return for what hooliganism occurs later on.

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Damn, you guys are lame! We're one week out and we only have one page in this thread?! What is happening to us?

Anyway, I'm in for the normal race schedule on Sunday. Very well might be my last of the season, so it better be a good one! All you motha lickas are goin down!!! Muahahahaha!


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Maybe one of you fags can win now that all the fast guys aren't racing. Ill be there to drink and be a tire warmer bitch if anyone needs help

Listen, half the battle is making it through a whole season, keeping the bike together and not crashing and all that shit. Oh, and not having a baby mid season and such, haha. Don't be a hater... but you can be my bitch Sunday. ;)

Oh, and maybe I can run one good race and be considered a fast guy. :D

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Who's warmers are you going to borrow this round ya cheap ass.


I've still got John's for him to use. I'll be up later Saturday evening and will spend the night. Gonna need to get a new rear tire, thats for sure. Unless its cooler still and I can mount the Michelin A compound I still have.

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no problem i'll be glad to help out, just make sure you bring your girl friend so i'll have some one to hang out with while your in 5th place


Hahaha, I've been waiting for you to come back at me! Bout time. We'll see about that, but yes I'll bring her... as long as you are pullin my front tire warmer and she is gettin the back. Love you.

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And I'm pretty sure there will still be some guys there that are pretty damn fast... I can think of a few.

All joking aside you guys are all getting fast. Your whole team over there should be proud, you guys all rode good this year and kept it on two wheels. I'm looking forward to next year already. Oh and suck balls

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Thanks, man. Let's not forget about my little off though at PIRC, and Cox's at Nelson, and Andrew's at Nelson, and The Murse's at.... shit, every track we've ridden at. Oh, and lick my nuts.

(Murse, that's what you get for thinkin bobko is so damn funny, asshole.)

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Steve didn't have an off, he had a launch. I gave you a 10 on the dismount, but your landing left a little to be desired, for a total score of 8.5. That put's you firmly in 2nd place behind The Murse. He wins for taking the biggest ass-packing of the year AND staying on that bull for the full 8 seconds after it all, riding it out to a smooth stop! :10:

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Wait, I want in on the a$$packing award, just becasue mine wasnt on the bike and in the trailer doesn't mean I can't qualify.

Oh darn, nevermind, Murse still wins.

I cant make this round, just got back from the HM last night and need to stay local this weekend, unless by some grace of God the wife just straight tells me to go LOL, but our house is a mess and just too much going on.

Cox, be sure to take Matt up on that HJ I won't see him for a bit.

I think I am just planning to buy a new swingarm to replace over the winter, thinking maybe a "mod meet" some weekend at my place, maybe do like a decent dinner and just hang out. I have a heated garage with air tools etc. so anyone else with stuff do to can just bring bike if local, or whatever. I'll post details later.

Good luck guys!

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I cant make this round, need to stay local this weekend, unless by some grace of God the wife just straight tells me to go LOL!

I'm preparing for a lot of these types of replies from you now. ;) You had to go and do it, didn't you?

Got a nice little weekend planned with the wifey? Gonna go to the Home Depot, maybe Bed Bath & Beyond?

Edited by TRMN8TR
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