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The Official Romney Owned Obama Thread


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Several companies have already stated that they intend to drop coverage and pay the fine. It will be cheaper and for them and the employee is still covered on the tax payers dime. I believe McDonalds was the most recent. The problem is that as more companies drop coverage, that eats into the insurance company's bottom line and they will have raise rates, which will lead others to drop coverage. Snowball effect. Which, many believe is the intent behind this legislation. They want a complete takeover.

They say they intend to do this, but they won't.

Health care plans are currently offered by employers as an incentive. They're a benefit to keep companies competitive for potential employers.

Currently, they can already drop health care plans, offer nothing, and pay no penalty whatsoever. But they don't.


Romney clearly outperformed the President in the debate, but the fact checkers had a field day. Romney had what was the closest to a "gotcha" moment when the President said that he'd get rid of tax loopholes that allow tax savings for companies that export jobs overseas. Romney pointed out that in 25 years he's never heard of such a thing, suggesting that the President didn't know what he was talking about.

The problem is that Romney was full of it. There are a number of ways that companies who outsource jobs overseas can get tax credits and deductions. You get a tax credits for taxes paid to foreign governments, you pay lower payroll taxes, the profit earned overseas is tax free when re-invested into offshore efforts, the tax on other profits can be deferred, and more.

Basically, Romney lied his ass off by pretending that it doesn't exist. President Obama, unfortunately, didn't call him on it (or anything else, for that matter), which is a big reason that he lost this debate.

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Just reporting the facts per this poll. But don't let that stop you from spewing leftish outrage



If I was to bet a dollar on the election, I would have to go with Turd Sandwich, even though Giant Douche is making a fight of it.

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