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Miles road in a year?


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Around 12k this year. 3 trips down to NC, DS trips to KY. Multiple SE Ohio weekends. Took september off the bike too, so a pretty good run for this year. Helped that the weather allowed winter riding and hope this year is as good.

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Been an awful year for me, I think maybe 3000 miles and nearly 1/3 of that is from the Gap trip weekend

Between the gf, her family, my family and buying a house I've had little time for anything else this year :(

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Put 3700 on the ZRX from March to July. Totaled the ZRX (hit a dog), and was down for about 4 weeks. Bought the FZ1 in August and have about 2300...so 6000 for the year. My best year was 17,000 and my worst year was 2,200 since I started riding on the road in 1989.

Met a gentalman last week in McConnelsville with an FJR1300, claimed he had 43,000 for the year...the bike did show 294,000! He said it had never been opened up.

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I put 7500 on my bike in two weeks when i rode to California, plus i did two short 2000 mile rides. So the 15000 i claimed before was just on my touring bike. Ill have to guess that i put another 5000-8000 on my other three bikes. So i did around 20,000 to 25,000 and i feel like that's the least i have ridden out of the last five years because i just bought a house and did a ton of work on it all summer

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