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walking dead


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I noticed that aswell,but then I thought that the zombie apocalypse started in the fall(September?) and ran through the winter, but now its spring(may) I'm assuming... But flowers are growing(remember the story Daryl told and the flower) I guess they didn't think that detail out too much...


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Yup, not a single other person heard the phone calls, the old man was sleeping when he supposedly got the 3rd call.

Umm... I'm pretty sure Ursula didn't even hear a dial tone when he picked up the phone... He knows Rick is a looney toon...

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>>Umm... I'm pretty sure Ursula didn't even hear a dial tone...<<

Herschel, isn't it?

Rick realizes it was in his head, and now he's okay with it (relatively speaking). Incredibly resilient characters (hey, where else could one lose half of a leg in a filthy environment, and be up walking the next day with no issues whatsoever, AND fighting off zombies on a staircase with their crutches?).

I've spent the better part of the last three weeks catching up from S1E1 to present. Kind of like reading a book that you can't put down. Its gonna be tough having to wait a week for the next episode vs. watching at least one (and sometimes 2-3) per day.

Glen has become a badass. Who woulda guessed?

I don't think that last night was one of the best episodes.

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Yeah, this weeks was a bit of a bummer......started out decent though. Ol Glen took a beatin' like a Timex watch. Surely they'll pull out the stops for the finale episode to hook us all until the next series air

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I've been avoiding this thread, but I just got all caught up so yay. I always hate when i get caught up and actually have to wait for new episodes. OOH THE SUSPENSE!!! So, who do you think is gonna kill the governer? Michon (sp?) or blondie?

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