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Pick up truck questions.


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So, I bought a 98 Dodge Ram. It's not perfect, definitely has a few bumps and rattles, but it runs. Which is more than I can say about the Prelude.

Anywho, this is my first truck. And there are a few peculiarities. Such as the shift lever, which I keep grabbing to turn the lights on...:nono:

But my real reason for posting is the bed liner. it's some el cheapo i assume. Says "BODYGARD" (sic). idk if it was made for the truck, or the particular year, or not, but it seems to fit rather well. However, it blows up on the highway. The sides are held in under the lips of the bed 'walls.' So just the rear bows up. It gets as high as my gate, which worries me. I tossed a couple weights back there to hold it down, so we'll see tomorrow.

What could i use to permanently hold it down? RTV? Bolt through it into the truck? Rust would worry me.

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You can use those weights to hold it down... in the dumpster after you trash it and get a spray in liner. What you have now can (and likely will) cause the bed to rust more than nothing at all. First truck accessory, hit up Zeibart or Rhinoline or whoever and get it done right.

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Bolts through the bed is the easiest and cheapest answer, but do crawl underneath first to make sure you're hitting solid metal, and not drilling into anything important (or just into a place you can't easily get a washer and nut...

There should be a DIY paint-on liner that will be a lot cheaper than spending a ton on doing a 15 yr old truck. Look into that too.

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Trash it and get some diy roll on Herculiner. Costs about $50 for the kit and a couple hours of time. If its a beater truck don't bother spending a shit ton on pro liner. I rolled mine on myself as I cared more for protection factor than the look. I did it half ass so it doesn't look great but gets the job done

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Aggree with BAD trash it and get a roll or spray on. Thats If you want a bed liner. Reason being! The 'dropsame in liners can hold water under them lettung rust start and then you will have problems. The spray or roll on will keep the water off the metal and still give you the protection your looking for.look it up pn youtube and you can make it look like a $500 rhino lining with $70 of work.

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Yeah you can just get 3M Spray in liner cans too. Use blue painters tape to make a straight along the top of the rails and attach newspaper down the sides and against the rear window to keep overspray down. Or just spray up to the top of the rail and under, leaving the rails the color of the truck, I prefer to cover the edges. Do the same with the tail gate, biggest thing is the PREP, get some good sand paper, and really scuff the bed and try to remove a lot of rust to make it adhere better.

Plastic drop ins suck, they leave a gap where water and trash gets and then rusts the bed, and in essence can rust the frame after the bed is rusted.

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Its a 98 Dodge, its supposed to be rusty. Run some self-tappers in the liner and call it done, or yank it and call it done. The trans will quit before you get your $ worth from a liner.

Qft. I don't want a new liner. Maybe I'll take this out, assess the damage, sand and spray a little rustoleum, then put it back in. the paint already looks like shit, because they drenched the front end with clear coat. I had to scrape it off the windshield, lmao!

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Yank the drop in liner. It will rub anything you paint under it right off, and continue to destroy the bed. Roll on is the way to go like others are recommending and a way cheaper route. My Dad's Chevy rotted out quick from a drop in, my last Toyota did the same. They are bad news.

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