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Asshole day?


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So today I leave work to go to my dads house instead of home so I can wash my bike for this possible upcoming trade I'm making Saturday. I work in Kettering so I leave my job and hop on 75 north as usual. It looked like there was a wreck or something at the 35 on ramp and I think to myself im glad I'm taking 70 today because I'd be sitting in this traffic forever. So I go past my normal exit and get almost to i70 and I notice this truck next to me and I think to myself hmm I'm in the middle lane, I have a car behind me, a car infront of me a SUV besides me(left lane) and this big semi to my right. This can't be good... I'm smart enough to atleast ride in his non blind spot(so I thought) because I can see his face in the mirror. I kind of focused on the semi and though to myself I really hope this asshole doesn't try to come in my lane because the car infront of me is far enough up and the car behind me is far enough back so he would have enough room to squeeze in. next thing I know he turns on his turn signals and grazes the white line, he looks in his mirror, turns off his turn signal and gets off the white line. I was like whew i.was ready to lay on my horn(thumb was touching the horn). So I thought cool he sees me and just as I was getting ready to take my thumb off the horn(his turn signals are still off) this fucker cuts into my lane and I start pressing the horn like a mad man. The guy in the left lane saw this.and hit his.breaks.so.I would have room to get over, which I did. The truker had made.it 1/2 way into my lane by the time he started cutting back.into.his.own lane. I about shit my pants, that shit was pretty damn scarry.

Ok, so I make it down 70 and get off 202 and get caught at the redlight at.the.end of the ramp. There is a car next to me with 2 people in it. I look over at them, they look over at me no big deal, im like cool they visually see me in the turn lane(I'm cautious in 2 lane turns) so the light.turns green after like a minute and we are side by side in the turn and then I see the guy look to his left(? Umm ?) Then he cuts hard to the right and I reacted quickly and got in the shoulder(very wide shoulder, almost a lanes worth) and slowed down to get back on the road and got in the left lane. This fucker starts cutting back in the left lane now so I just get on my breaks and think what fuck. So I decided to follow behind this asshole and he cuts off 2 other cars almost wrecking them just so he can pull into speedway and get some fucking gas. So I end up pulling into speedway, block the passenger door with my bike(the passenger ended up climbing out the driver side) I said "hey asshole, you.almost killed.me back there twice, you need to pay attention to.the fucking road. Next thing I know.his.kids all up in my face saying you cant call my dad an asshole meanwhile the dad is yelling some crap about what do you want me to do. We get into.it for about 10 minutes and I end up driving off...

What a day, avoided 2 wrecks in under 10 minutes because people cant take the time to look at the road. What a bunch of assholes.

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Both of those areas are horrible for bikers. I usually speed ahead to get in front of traffic specifically for these reasons. Sadly I can see where you couldn't avoid it on the highway. You controlled yourself better than I would've so kudos to you on that. Had it been me, one of us would have visited the hospital.

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I thought this was going to be a thread about Sweetest Day. Boo...

Hey it's not all that bad, Sweetest Day just scored me a ridiculously overpriced Browns zipup hoodie I would've never spent the money on and all it cost me was a $20 pair of boots she wanted :D. Thank god I know how to pick em

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Both of those areas are horrible for bikers. I usually speed ahead to get in front of traffic specifically for these reasons. Sadly I can see where you couldn't avoid it on the highway. You controlled yourself better than I would've so kudos to you on that. Had it been me, one of us would have visited the hospital.

I wasn't trying to fight, the last thing I need to do is go to jail. I got kids and a job to worry about, I'm sure if I stayed at speedway any longer instead of leaving there would have been a fight . Even when the kid(he looked about 20) got in my face I didn't show any signs of wanting to fight him. I was just pissed off at the time and wanted to vent some. People just need to pay attention to the road before they kill/injury someone.

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Even if I could beat the fuckers ass I just brush that shit off because I most likely will never see him again and its a risk I don'tneed. Ex: kids, wife, job,, etc... I will only fight if I'm approached and I see no way out of it. Other than that...i move on and enjoy my life.

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Even if I could beat the fuckers ass I just brush that shit off because I most likely will never see him again and its a risk I don'tneed. Ex: kids, wife, job,, etc... I will only fight if I'm approached and I see no way out of it. Other than that...i move on and enjoy my life.

plus you're just a big softie...

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I wasn't trying to fight, the last thing I need to do is go to jail. I got kids and a job to worry about, I'm sure if I stayed at speedway any longer instead of leaving there would have been a fight . Even when the kid(he looked about 20) got in my face I didn't show any signs of wanting to fight him. I was just pissed off at the time and wanted to vent some. People just need to pay attention to the road before they kill/injury someone.

Glad you made it though it all ok. If your going to confront someone about their driving (aka road rage) you should expect and be prepared for a fight. People will shoot you over that shit nowadays.

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