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I have a .380 that kicks harder than my .40, .45, and my wifes .410/45LC. I know of a shooting in Columbus with a .38sp where the guy was hit in the head and the bullet bounced off. A .40 would not have done that without breaking bone. The energy transfer of the bigger calibers is a lot greater than the smaller calibers.

Based on the information given, I'd imagine that the .380 was a small sized pistol, where the larger caliber weapons were in larger platforms and therefore better at absorbing recoil.

Yes, larger caliber weapons will do more damage, but at the cost of more recoil and lower ammunition capacity. The damage done with a smaller round will be less, but it still can be stopping if put in the right place.

Any round will have at least a somewhat rounded nose, which can deflect if it hits at the right angle. It has happened with small and large calibers.

I still stand by the shot gun being way better either in the long form (870) or short ( taurus judge) than a regular round. If you take an inexperienced shooter and give them a .38 and stood them in front of a target the size of a pop can. Told them how to work the gun and aim then told them if they miss your going to punch them in the face. Then you do the same with a shotgun and I bet they fuck the can up more with the shotgun. I used to qual with the .38s when I worked at the prison. There were people that wouldn't even hit the paper of the torso targets we used but they would do great with the .870. Now the ODRC has switched to glock .40's.

If someone is given a shoulder fired weapon with a long sight radius of course they will shoot better than with a pistol. A .410ga will do more damage than a pistol round, but it also has a much shorter effective range. A .410 also requires a heavier weapon to manage the recoil.

If you give me a weapon and tell me to do something or you're going to punch me in the face, I'm going to shoot you.

The fact that people were off paper means that they need way more practice. They should not have been qualified to carry that weapon.

I've also done training on how to skip shot a shotgun. It's a lot easier and predictable than a handgun round. Also the glorified 9 doesn't do shit to a bullet proof vest. A shotgun while it won't go through the vest will push the vest into the target.

Kevlar vests are designed to stop pistol rounds. They will usually stop up to a .45ACP. A shot shell will not penetrate, and the spread will impart less energy into one location on the target. A slug will penetrate.

The energy is still absorbed by the body, the vest just prevents penetration. A vest will save your life if your hit, but the impact puts you down hard. Two shots in the same place will penetrate.

Plates will usually offer protection up to 7.62mm, but they are also used up after they are hit. The round still imparts enough force to put you on your ass as well.

If your target is wearing a vest, unless you are in a combat zone, you're in the wrong place.

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Great meeting you guys today, appreciate the help and answering my many AR15 questions. Looking forward to building this with my son, and I will be coming back to see you. Great to finally put a face with the name, and nice lil shop and business you have going on there.

Hate that I missed you Ninjachic, sounds like I just did miss you. Great choice of pistol, I think you will enjoy that. Now go get your CHL to really do things right. ;)

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Great meeting you guys today, appreciate the help and answering my many AR15 questions. Looking forward to building this with my son, and I will be coming back to see you. Great to finally put a face with the name, and nice lil shop and business you have going on there.

Hate that I missed you Ninjachic, sounds like I just did miss you. Great choice of pistol, I think you will enjoy that. Now go get your CHL to really do things right. ;)

ah man. oh well, i'm sure we will have another chance sometime. I will really enjoy it. I'm excited. I cant wait to shoot it. I def will take the class. just gotta find a day and time I can do it.

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When I pulled mine out of my pants she knew it was right for her and she had to have it right then and there.

The PF9, get your mind out of the gutter. I'm not that easy!

hahaha omg. I know. you just pulled it out and I just knew right then that it was the perfect size and fit and I had to have it right then and there.

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Smell that?

Its bull$hit.... at least he has a lot of knowledge about useful things ;)

the nice part is true, and he is right about the stories too.....they are sick and twisted not just sick.

Fine :(

But I save lives 2 days a week, that atones for the "questionable" things :D

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MT skipped right over me stopping in today and buying a lower kit........whats up with that shit? Just because I dont have big titties and a nice ass, doesn't mean I don't have feelings. :bs:

People with ARs don't have feelings, they have mix and match parts. :rolleyes:

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