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Thoughts on the family suing Monster for the death of their daughter


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Nos is the only one that makes my heart race I stopped drinking it LOL! Redbull and monster do nothing for me. I stopped drinking caffeine almost all together. I have a mnt dew every once in awhile.

Never had NOS, but I also have all but stopped caffeine intake. I have 1-2 12oz cans of caffeinated sodas a week at most. Caffeine causes my heartburn to be worse.

I'll take that one further, and piss some people off - frivolous law suits are one of the primary reasons medical expenses are so high.

Can't argue with you there!

WHAT??? isn't that the crap that they sell at gas stations for like 50 cents because it tastes like vomit??? :lol:

the lawsuit is lame. She had a heart condition, right? Well, they should have taught her to be more careful. I have weak ankles sometimes, that's why i don't walk near cliffs.

I feel bad for them, but people need to hold themselves accountable for their own actions.

Weak ankles and you still run? :nono: Who will you sue when your ankles give out? :rolleyes:

I see your 'frivolous law suits'' date=' and I raise with 'medical insurance'.[/quote']

Are you talking malpractice insurance for doctors, or what we all "have" to carry by law according to obamacare?

Also, this may sound stupid but it's true or atleast it used to be true, shits changed over the years. Some doctors actually recomend caffeine for kids with adhd because it has the opposite effect on kids with adhd. We used to buy water Joe(caffeinated water) and mix it with tang for my stepbrother. I used to be allowed to drink pop in class even though everyone else was only allowed to drink water in class. I'm sure something like this won't matter in a case like this, but who knows :dunno:

Cite some reliable sources please? We have a kid that is a little ADHD that might be able to benefit from this. I have heard that caffeine can be the cause of ADHD, especially if the mother drinks caffeine during pregnancy. This is a topic that I'll have to look into some more.

Bawls > all, period.

Ah, yeah. They had that stuff at CompUSA stores before they closed and sold out to Tiger. Didn't Microcenter have it when they bought up some of CompUSA's liquidated stock?

Gentlemen, I set 'em up, you knock 'em down.

Nice one! +rep coming your way!

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Ah, yeah. They had that stuff at CompUSA stores before they closed and sold out to Tiger. Didn't Microcenter have it when they bought up some of CompUSA's liquidated stock?

Damn, I haven't been up to Microcenter in a while, forgot all about that. They didn't get it from CompUSA, they got it from ThinkGeek and still carry it.

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Redbull margaritas? That's like tequila and motor oil, right?

I wish these were as widely available in the US:


Bawls > all, period.

never heard of it...:(

Does everyone remember when FourLoko got removed from the market? That shit tastes nasty. I don't get why it was removed though, its nothing that you can't make on your own.

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Does everyone remember when FourLoko got removed from the market? That shit tastes nasty. I don't get why it was removed though, its nothing that you can't make on your own.

It's still on the market without caffeine. I had one for the first time the other day. I'm going to start mixing it with Monster. :D


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Just now looking at this... let's do the math over again.

Low end of toxicity = 150mg per kilogram body weight per day.

average male = 160 pounds = 72 kilogram

average adult toxicity = 10,800 mg per day = 45 cans of Monster Energy Drink

Guessing she was half that weight at most = 22.5 cans of Monster Energy Drink in one day

The coroner is clueless

she did not die of caffeine toxicity

she may or may not have died of an abnormal reaction to caffeine

Also, the caffeine in Monster Energy drink is only 80mg per can. About the same as a cup of coffee. A STRONG cup of coffee could be up in the range of 200+ mg. The numbers above would work for strong coffee. For regular coffee or Monster Energy, the number would be 135 cans per adult per day or maybe 67.5 cans per juvenile per day.

Caffeine content for coffee, tea, soda and more - Mayo Clinic

A long time ago, I remember some kid in the news, dying from the first taste of a caffeine drink. Like one sip, or so they said. But I'd think that since caffeine is in many over the counter medications, that story and this story are both pushing the limits of imagination.

edit: and I'll guess the toxicity is only if you don't pee. Caffeine filters out of the body quickly.

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Cite some reliable sources please? We have a kid that is a little ADHD that might be able to benefit from this. I have heard that caffeine can be the cause of ADHD, especially if the mother drinks caffeine during pregnancy. This is a topic that I'll have to look into some more.


This doesn't hold any concert evidence, but it makes for a really good read. I can personally vouch for thi effect, but obviously there is no research on me lol. Riddilen has the opposite effect of people without adhd, it makes them really hyper and gives them the jitters. Well all adhd pills as far as I'm aware of have this effect on non adhd people, im not sure about the patches, but I would assume patches have the same effect.

When taking ridlin if you have adhd it absolutely floors your ass, you can't eat, you dont want to.move or talk or do anything, you just want to be left alone. Sure it helps focus, but the side effects arnt worth it. Caffeine on the other hand doesn't floor your ass and turn you into a damn non face eating zombie like adhd medicine though. It just makes you calm and keeps you focused, there are no eating or emotional side effects. I'm not only speaking from personal experience, but being around other adhd kids and from non adhd kids that took adhd medicine.

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never heard of it...:(

Does everyone remember when FourLoko got removed from the market? That shit tastes nasty. I don't get why it was removed though, its nothing that you can't make on your own.

There was some issue with the hard core college drinkers, I belelive it was alcohol poisoning if im not mistaken. The kids were drinking waaaay too much and weren't passing out due to the caffeine. I think it was the FDA that told them they either A) had to reduce the alcohol content or B) reduce the caffeine content before they could sell it again. it is now back on the shelves, although I cant remember which one they reduced nore do i.care because that shit was nasty.

I could be wrong about the college kids, that's what I heard and never cared enough to research it, but multiple people told me that so it's what I'm going with, same goes for the FDA.

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Redbull margaritas? That's like tequila and motor oil, right?

I wish these were as widely available in the US:


Bawls > all, period.

Love those things and actually found a few places in cbus that sell them. :) ill have to remember where they are and let you know. I think I had them for the first time in.... hell, I dont remember. And.. the bottle is ribbed/spiked for your hands pleasure.. hahaha.

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We all know Monster could fight this and win it, but they probably won't.

They'll settle for some token amount, and the only real "good" that might come out of it is that the government will insist that "energy drinks" be evaluated by the FDA and no longer classified as "dietary supplements."

Either that or you'll have to be 18 to buy them.

Public relations is just as much about business and the almighty dollar as legal defense. Monster won't have the balls to fight this with any real vigor. They'll draft a motion to dismiss that proves to the plaintiff they are totally capable of winning, and then settle for a small sum.

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Fourloko was killing stupid college kids. One 24oz can contained as much alcohol as a bottle of wine and as much caffien as a pot of coffee. One of Obama's appointees then outlawed the sale of caffirnated alcoholic beverages. Drinks like sparx, Loki, full tilt etc were pulled while they reformulated, then put back out without the go-go juice.

Fucking retarded to tell me I can't drink two legal substances together. By that logic they should outlaw bars from serving rum and coke or jager bombs.

Fuck energy drinks, you can get a pound of pure, powder form caffeine on eBay for like $20.

Josta>all other energy drinks. The O.G. baby!

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I remember the first real energy drink before energy drinks existed kix and then there was jolt after that. Kix>bawls

Remember Josta? I think that was the first pop with guarana and the other shit. Jolt was just lots of sugar and a little more caffeine.

And all you bastards are lucky caffeine does something for you. I drink a cup of coffee or a can of red bull, I can go take a nap.

I've been drinking Red Thunder which is Aldi's generic Red Bull. Tastes about the same but has a ton of vitamin B. It actually works for me which is shocking. And at $3 for a 4-pack, I can actually afford it.

Their Gridlock (fake Monster) mixes all too well with Sky cherry vodka, too, and costs half as much. $4 for 4.

~edit~, CSC beat me to Josta.

We all know Monster could fight this and win it, but they probably won't.

They'll settle for some token amount, and the only real "good" that might come out of it is that the government will insist that "energy drinks" be evaluated by the FDA and no longer classified as "dietary supplements."

Either that or you'll have to be 18 to buy them.

Public relations is just as much about business and the almighty dollar as legal defense. Monster won't have the balls to fight this with any real vigor. They'll draft a motion to dismiss that proves to the plaintiff they are totally capable of winning, and then settle for a small sum.

That'll be annoying. I don't mind getting ID's for booze, but everything else is getting annoying.

And Hansen has a little what goes around comes around with this suit. Anyone remember this frivelous lawsuit Hansen filed against a small Vermont microbrewery about 3 years ago?


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Fucking retarded to tell me I can't drink two legal substances together. By that logic they should outlaw bars from serving rum and coke or jager bombs.

RIGHT! I was kinda pissed when it happened. Is it any more of a decision to take Redbull and vodka and put them together, or to drink a beverage that already has the two together. At least they did everyone a favor and made it taste shitty so that it was hard to drink fast (or at all) :)

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Yeah nothing affects me really anymore. I've drank 2 24oz monster before and all I had to do is piss like a race horse :lol: they taste good and give maybe a little pick up if IF I'm active but if I'm not moving around its nap time :)

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Energy drinks are okay, but straight caffeine pills get shit done.

For reference, most are 200mg, and this girl had 480mg I I remember right?

I use 100mg pills to stay awake driving or studying. 1 for "maintenance" or 2 if I am contemplating a nap. 3-4 if I'm falling asleep at the wheel. Worst I've experienced is a stomach ache...

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