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Cleveland Gun Buy Back


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I thought about doing this in the past, but figured anyone who is actually showing up is either turning in garbage or on a moral quest for assured destruction of the firearm.

doing what?

Showing up and offering more than the cavs tickets are worth?

I wonder how that would go over... The LEO's running the show probably keep anything decent that gets handed in.

It's (allegedly) not uncommon for officers in Cleveland to keep guns that people surrender. Because I'm not a police officer, this is all hearsay, but when Betty Ghetto calls the cops because Johnny Jailbird is in County for 2 years and says "I have four of his babies running around - can you take his guns?" The cops who take that call confiscate the weapons with zero accountability for what's actually turned in unless the caller accurately describes the firearms to dispatch.

I'm okay with that being a perk of the job for LEO's.

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... The LEO's running the show probably keep anything decent that gets handed in.


It's (allegedly) not uncommon for officers in Cleveland to keep guns that people surrender.

Parma is notorious for this. They confiscated 2 pistols (Glock and S&W revolver) from my female neighbor after some domestic disturbance, and gave her a receipt. For months afterward, the Parma Police told her they were lost and gave her endless runaround. They couldn't seem to find them until she hired a lawyer. Then they turned up rather quickly.

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Parma is notorious for this. They confiscated 2 pistols (Glock and S&W revolver) from my female neighbor after some domestic disturbance, and gave her a receipt. For months afterward, the Parma Police told her they were lost and gave her endless runaround. They couldn't seem to find them until she hired a lawyer. Then they turned up rather quickly.

Yeah, if there would be one place that I would expect corruption from the top all the way down, it's Parma.

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Yeah, if there would be one place that I would expect corruption from the top all the way down, it's Parma.

Parma Police corruption? No way :)


Old article, but it's a good example. I was indirectly involved with trying to put a stop to the Parma Police overtime scams.

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Parma is notorious for this. They confiscated 2 pistols (Glock and S&W revolver) from my female neighbor after some domestic disturbance, and gave her a receipt. For months afterward, the Parma Police told her they were lost and gave her endless runaround. They couldn't seem to find them until she hired a lawyer. Then they turned up rather quickly.

So the system works - she showed her receipt, and got her firearms back.

That's different than the scenario I described though. I didn't know people just called the cops and said "i want this gun gone," but apparently that happens in East Cleveland with relative frequency.

It's generally garbage firearms, but for free, why wouldn't they just keep them? It may violate some department protocol, but there's no way to account for firearms that aren't issued by the department. If they're confiscated, that's different, because it should be in the report. If they're voluntarily surrendered, why would there ever be a record?

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Parma Police corruption? No way :)


Old article, but it's a good example. I was indirectly involved with trying to put a stop to the Parma Police overtime scams.

Sean Brennan is now Parma City Counsel President. I don't agree with his politics in many cases, but I believe in his integrity. I'd like to think he would put a stop to that kind of crap if he were aware of it.

That said, I think he was a ward representative back in 2003 as well :rolleyes:

Corruption is the kind of BS that the unions should be coming down on HARD themselves to protect the image of the good cops. Instead they try to protect the corrupt ones. I don't know how the system got to be so ass backward.

Hell, I should just call myself a Democrat and run with completely conservative policies. I bet 90% of the voters don't even pay attention to the policies...

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Sean Brennan is now Parma City Counsel President. I don't agree with his politics in many cases, but I believe in his integrity. I'd like to think he would put a stop to that kind of crap if he were aware of it.

That said, I think he was a ward representative back in 2003 as well :rolleyes:

Corruption is the kind of BS that the unions should be coming down on HARD themselves to protect the image of the good cops. Instead they try to protect the corrupt ones. I don't know how the system got to be so ass backward.

Hell, I should just call myself a Democrat and run with completely conservative policies. I bet 90% of the voters don't even pay attention to the policies...

My now deceased Uncle helped get his nutty ass on Parma City Council in the first place. Tried getting me to help out with it because he knew I was a former student of his. Even at a young age I knew no thank you!

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