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...so how do I play this hand?


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Long story short, I brought a friend of mine out to happy hour with my wife and a large group of her coworkers.

Wife left around 11, but we stayed and kept the party going. Somehow a group of 8 of us ended up at the hustler club just before midnight.

The (coworker) crowd dwindled over the ensuing 2 hours, and that is where I left my friend and my wife's (female, if that needs to be said) boss. They were purchasing their third private dance together as I was heading out the door at 3 AM.

There is a 90% chance my best friend banged my wife's boss last night. Now what?

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Is your best friend and/or the boss married?

Actually, doesn't really matter, does it? Two consenting adults, correct?

Keep your mouth shut around your wife (good advice in general, anyway), your buddy will tell you whatever he wants to volunteer.

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It's foolish for the boss to think he didn't tell you. And she HAS to assume you told your wife. From there, it should be a head nod secret that isn't brought up, unless by the boss to your wife. Then, let it be girl talk between them. If your wife needs something like this to gain position in a situation, it's probably not a situation not worth being in. But, if you don't tell your wife and the boss does end up talking to her, then that could put you in a bad position. People know shit like this is talked about. keep it close to those involved and leave it there.

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It's foolish for the boss to think he didn't tell you. And she HAS to assume you told your wife. From there, it should be a head nod secret that isn't brought up, unless by the boss to your wife. Then, let it be girl talk between them. If your wife needs something like this to gain position in a situation, it's probably not a situation not worth being in. But, if you don't tell your wife and the boss does end up talking to her, then that could put you in a bad position. People know shit like this is talked about. keep it close to those involved and leave it there.

^^This, and congrats to both consentees!

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I agree. It isnt your place to intervene. Obviously, mention it to your wife but make sure she's not going to bring it up to her boss because that could cause issues for her. And you don't want her caught up in the middle of it. It could end badly. But do make sure she does know just in case her boss does bring it up, so YOU dont get in trouble with her. and tread carefully!!!! that could end up in a very very sticky situation for everyone.

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It's foolish for the boss to think he didn't tell you. And she HAS to assume you told your wife. From there, it should be a head nod secret that isn't brought up, unless by the boss to your wife. Then, let it be girl talk between them. If your wife needs something like this to gain position in a situation, it's probably not a situation not worth being in. But, if you don't tell your wife and the boss does end up talking to her, then that could put you in a bad position. People know shit like this is talked about. keep it close to those involved and leave it there.

^ yup.

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