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G*d dammit


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I try not to curse - it's lazy, it goes against biblical teachings and the way I was brought up, but...

God damn it all.

Found out in a special meeting at work this afternoon that a good work friend decided yesterday afternoon to kill his two dogs, set his house on fire, and kill himself.

Had smokes with this guy every day, had not a clue that anything was wrong - pretty happy (it seemed), go lucky kind of guy.

I wish he could have found the courage to reach out to someone - maybe he'd still be with us.

Finding it difficult to realize he's gone.

God damn it.

Semper Fi, R.I.P. my friend, I'll miss you.


just felt the need to vent. If you're feeling like you can't go on, reach out to someone, anyone, call one of those hotlines, do something. Someone will listen to you, someone can probably help you, someone wants to help you.

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Last week a guy that i used to work shot himself leaving a wife and 2 children behind. I cant imagine a reason bad enough to do something like that. He had plenty of friends and it sounds like the guy you knew did as well. I hadnt seen him in a few years but it was still a shock to the people that were close to him.

Its a shame life gets to people like that and know one knows about it till its too late.

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