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Lane splitting: Not addressed in codes or statutes?


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There's different kinds of "lane splitting", some safe, some not.

- Riding slowly between stopped cars at a red light and waiting at the front = safer than waiting at the back (although once that first car stops behind you then you're relatively safe from rear-enders again)

- Riding the white line between stopped/crawling traffic on the freeway = relatively safe if you're travelling at a speed you can stop in once carlength when someone suddenly changes lanes. Again, probably safer than having an inattentive drive behind you.

- Riding between cars that are travelling at freeway speeds. Stupid.

So before we get into a debate about whether lane splitting is safe, we need to precisely define what each of the different situations are. If you just say; "Lane splittng is safe" then I don't know if you mean idling up to the red light or shooting between cars at freeway speeds.

Are we in agreement that we are talking about crawling through stopped traffic? I am all for that.

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There's different kinds of "lane splitting", some safe, some not.

- Riding slowly between stopped cars at a red light and waiting at the front = safer than waiting at the back (although once that first car stops behind you then you're relatively safe from rear-enders again)

- Riding the white line between stopped/crawling traffic on the freeway = relatively safe if you're travelling at a speed you can stop in once carlength when someone suddenly changes lanes. Again, probably safer than having an inattentive drive behind you.

- Riding between cars that are travelling at freeway speeds. Stupid.

So before we get into a debate about whether lane splitting is safe, we need to precisely define what each of the different situations are. If you just say; "Lane splittng is safe" then I don't know if you mean idling up to the red light or shooting between cars at freeway speeds.

I see your point and agree. I was in a hurry heading to OU one day because I was about to miss my orientation...had two cars running side by side on 33 doing 65 (which is the speed limit, or maybe even over, im not sure)...but i needed around them and they werent budging....thats the only time i split two cars at speed and i definitely didnt feel safe doing it... theres a lot of trenches and tar snakes etc on that middle line, riding on top of them for a few seconds straight felt unsafe...it wasnt even the cars that had me not feeling well about it, it was the condition of the middle of the road between the two lanes...never did it again after that

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In the UK they use the term "Filtering" to describe a motorcyle slowly passing a line of stopped or crawling traffic. That just makes sense to me - my bike can get past and as long as I'm aware of (and ready for) lane changes and doors opening (why would someone open their door in traffic? Happens though)

Once vehicles are moving faster than 10-15mph it's time to fall back in line.

When I said; "I don't lane split" I means passing between cars that are moving at normal road speed.

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In the UK they use the term "Filtering" to describe a motorcyle slowly passing a line of stopped or crawling traffic. That just makes sense to me - my bike can get past and as long as I'm aware of (and ready for) lane changes and doors opening (why would someone open their door in traffic? Happens though)

Once vehicles are moving faster than 10-15mph it's time to fall back in line.

i believe this is the topic at hand.

i prefer the term filtering as well

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- Riding the white line between stopped/crawling traffic on the freeway = relatively safe if you're travelling at a speed you can stop in once carlength when someone suddenly changes lanes. Again, probably safer than having an inattentive drive behind you.

Currently I disagree with you, I think it less safe to split the lane, more cars to worry about. Now if filtering was legal then i would agree that it would be safer but while it is illegal and no one will be looking for a bike between cars I believe it is very unsafe.

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Currently I disagree with you, I think it less safe to split the lane, more cars to worry about. Now if filtering was legal then i would agree that it would be safer but while it is illegal and no one will be looking for a bike between cars I believe it is very unsafe.

Agreed. The cagers have to expect it. In areas where it is legal, car drivers expect it and often go out of their way to allow it. (Some will go out of their way to prevent it - there's always an asshole)

There would have to be a public education campaign. But I'd also like to see the lane change law specifically reference that cars must yield to filtering bikes. And that a driver may not open his/her door while in a travel lane unless the driver has determined that no bike is filtering.

When I say I think it is safer, I mean the practice as observed in countries that allow it where everyone is used to it. I mean, think of roundabouts... Nobody else in the world struggles with the concept but stick them in the US and people simply can't figure out that they need to yield to vehicles already in the roundabout. It's simple, but apparently too much for Mrs Latte McSoccermom or Mr Leadfoot O'Duschebagg. I have seen no PSAs or educational material on the subject.

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Agreed. The cagers have to expect it. In areas where it is legal, car drivers expect it and often go out of their way to allow it. (Some will go out of their way to prevent it - there's always an asshole)

There would have to be a public education campaign. But I'd also like to see the lane change law specifically reference that cars must yield to filtering bikes. And that a driver may not open his/her door while in a travel lane unless the driver has determined that no bike is filtering.

When I say I think it is safer, I mean the practice as observed in countries that allow it where everyone is used to it. I mean, think of roundabouts... Nobody else in the world struggles with the concept but stick them in the US and people simply can't figure out that they need to yield to vehicles already in the roundabout. It's simple, but apparently too much for Mrs Latte McSoccermom or Mr Leadfoot O'Duschebagg. I have seen no PSAs or educational material on the subject.

thats the point i was trying to get across before was that since it is illegal it would not be safer but i failed

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just to stoke the flames, since people are starting to agree on stuff again...

when i'm feeling frisky on the highway, i'll split between two cars if the opportunity is right. they can't change lanes into me, as they have a car next to them. i'm usually 130% or greater than their speed, so i'm not between them long enough for them to get angry and try to do something harmful. i don't weave like a maniac, either though. if i'm in a hurry, i'll stick to a steady 80-90. when people decide the left lane is their cozy place, i'll pass on the right. when the middle and right lanes are synonymously blocked, and i'd rather not ride their ass, i just slide between the cheeks.

like a vienna sausage.

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stop hating on the irish, 25% of me resents it

Hatin' on the Scottish too with "McSoccermom".

Which is kinda amusing when you realize I'm English, born to Scottish parents who are descended from the Irish. I have an Irish name myself. My son's name is Irish too.

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Hatin' on the Scottish too with "McSoccermom".

Which is kinda amusing when you realize I'm English, born to Scottish parents who are descended from the Irish. I have an Irish name myself. My son's name is Irish too.

Fuck the scottish all they ever gave us was golf, bag pipes and kilts :lol:

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So when you see two Harleys side by side in a single lane (vs. staggered), they can get ticketed?

Last I heard in Ohio you may not have two vehicles side by side sharing the same lane at any point. Or you may not occupy two lanes or something of the sort. There isn't a law per say directly directed towards lane splitting but there are some out there that you could easily be cited for if doing it.

If I was in stopped traffic or slow traffic I would make my way to the front. It kept my conscious clear of someone rear ending me.

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lol, dammit, how many times do I have to do this...

ORC 4511.55 Operating bicycles and motorcycles on roadway.


(B) Persons riding bicycles or motorcycles upon a roadway shall ride not more than two abreast in a single lane, except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles or motorcycles.


It takes practice to ride two abreast. It's basically parade formation.

But it is legal Ohio law. I used to do it all the time, if I know the other rider real well.

edit: I won't recommend it, since eventually you will bump or tangle with the other bike.

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just to stoke the flames, since people are starting to agree on stuff again...

when i'm feeling frisky on the highway, i'll split between two cars if the opportunity is right. they can't change lanes into me, as they have a car next to them. i'm usually 130% or greater than their speed, so i'm not between them long enough for them to get angry and try to do something harmful. i don't weave like a maniac, either though. if i'm in a hurry, i'll stick to a steady 80-90. when people decide the left lane is their cozy place, i'll pass on the right. when the middle and right lanes are synonymously blocked, and i'd rather not ride their ass, i just slide between the cheeks.

like a vienna sausage.

I try to avoid doing this.. But sometimes when 3 cars are rolling side by side at the speed limit wanting to play traffic cop, and i've got someone trying to give me a colonoscopy with their front bumper, I may slip by... and have the whole road to myself because of the rolling road block behind me.

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Fuck the scottish all they ever gave us was golf, bag pipes and kilts :lol:

And Television. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Logie_Baird

And Telephones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Graham_Bell

And Anesthetic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Young_Simpson

And Penicillin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Fleming

And research into Dialysis and Diffusion of gases. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Graham_(chemist)

And the Fax machine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Bain_(inventor)

And tarmac roads. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Loudon_McAdam

And artificial refrigeration (fridges and AC). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Cullen


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What do you mean by "people who do what you do"? What did I do?

It was not directed at any one person. That's why I said "So many people."

My observation is that when people talk about "good" cops their example is of an event where they were cauight breaking the law and did not get a ticket. And their example of a bad cop is an event where they DID get a ticket for breaking a law in a way that they didn't think deserved enforcement.

Ok I see what you mean. I've had good and bad experiences getting a ticket. Once for "speeding" that he couldn't prove in court(bad cop, bad attitude, just really a dick) and once for a wreck(good cop, not a dick, still got a ticket).

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Lane splitting is as good a case study as you'd like as to the difference between explicit, codified law and common practice. To put it more bluntly, lane splitting is a good illustration of the difference between what the law says, explicitly, and what you can, as a matter of fact, plan on doing without penalty.

I started riding in CA, a supposed lane-splitting legal Eden. In Ca, especially in southern CA, one can ride between the cars when they're stopped at a light, when they're backed up on the freeway, or even when they are traveling slowly in a traffic jam-- all without fear of getting a ticket. Indeed, the cops are the first to move aside when they see a bike coming up between the lanes in any of these situations.

But the law in CA is close to silent on lane-splitting per se. There is a provision in the motor vehicle code that no vehicle can occupy two lanes at one time. ("Occupy" is consistent with changing lanes-- the transient being in two lanes at the same time during a typical lane change is not "occupation" as per CA law.) Otherwise, there's nothing addressing bikes or any other vehicle moving between lines of cars. There's nothing, for example, that forbids or even addresses two vehicles riding abreast in a single lane. (A provision forbids more than two bicycles riding abreast.)

This last may come as a surprise to some California riders. When I lived there, I encountered a vast urban legend understanding of the traffic law-- complete with entirely fictional segments of the vehicle code that supposedly addressed lane splitting. Supposedly, the law permitted lane splitting only by air cooled bikes, at no more than 15 mph faster than auto traffic, and at no more than 25 mph by the motorcycle, and so on.

I can't tell you how often I listened to earnest lectures along these lines from well-intentioned people who actually had no idea at all what they were talking about. I was even told something like this was in CA law by the instructor of my AMA safety course, for chrissake.

None of it was true. To the extent any of it had anything to do with legal reality, it might have described the rough guidelines that police had in deciding who to ticket for occupying two lanes at one time. It certainly had nothing to do with traffic law as a judge would understand it.

In principle, a state government determined to hammer bikers could enforce existing law in CA to prevent lane splitting. Even the tip of a handlebar in the space above one lane on the road while the rest of the bike is in another lane long enough to count as "occupation" of two lanes could be ticketed-- and it was, occasionally, to punish bikers for insufficient sucking-up to cops, or so my friends said. But this wasn't done as any kind of regular practice. That this was not, and is not, done is more a testament to what is, in fact, accepted than what authorities are compelled to do by explicit law.

So, in other places, the toleration, if it can be called even that, for the practice is not all that far from what actually goes on in CA.

I'm here in NYC now, for example, and I've got my bike. Car drivers are plainly used to lane splitting. I notice that many of them will move to make room for me when I'm coming up behind two lanes of stopped traffic. I have no idea what the law in New York state actually is, though, as far as lane splitting goes. I'm guessing there is nothing in the statutes that explicitly permits motorcycles going between marked lanes of traffic among backed-up cars. Probably there are statutes that one might read as forbidding this practice. In fact, though, it happens, and drivers of cars are obviously used to it. If this goes on long enough, sooner or later the practice of police will solidify into something like CA practice.

Back in Ohio, though--- we are Ohio riders, after all--- it's not nearly as hospitable. Rolling between lanes in Cleveland or Columbus in anything like the way accepted in NYC would have horns blazing and curses shouted. Or so my experience has been. But if this sort of thing happens often enough, and people come to accept it.... well, we'd have a situation pretty close to the California of actual fact, if not of urban legend.

The point here is that the facts on the ground as regards lane splitting, even the fact of the threat of legal penalty, are not at all exhausted by what's in the state code. If the cops are used to cracking down on the practice, they'll find a reason in the statutes to do it. If not, they'll cut you slack, even if the statutes can plainly be read otherwise. (This last case, again, is exactly what the situation is in CA.) So, getting a read on the situation is at least as much a function of finding out what actually goes on as it is a function of reading the state vehicle codes.

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I lane split on my way to work this morning. Reminded me of this thread. My gas light was on, it was raining, and like usual, traffic was crawling while rubber necking at some cop with a van on the side of the ramp from 35w to 75s. I just cruised around the outside of the ramp at 7-15 mph. And yes, I got honked at once. :-)

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i dont mind if a bike does that - but i was sitting in traffic for the fair and a fucking semi tried to pull out and pass everyone on the berm and i pulled the nose of my truck into the berm to block him....fucking guy...i dont mind bikes passing between lanes, but when cars and trucks go down the berm to skip traffic it drives me crazy...after seeing 10 cars do it i was about the snap and seeing the semi try was the last straw lol

that dude was so pissed off i blocked him, once traffic opened up he got up next to me and was hanging out his window yelling and shit, veins popping out of his head....fuck him

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... i'll never forget the time driving in the moving traffic jam that leaves northern MI every Sunday afternoon - it was raining (I was in my car), but noticed two slowly moving bikes in the leftside berm from my rearview. They were BMW touring bikes and the second bike looked to be ridden by a women. About 100 ft ahead, just after the first rider had passed (presumably her husband), some self-righteous dickhead pulls out to block the second bike. She's stuck, and getting poured on. Her husband finally notices about 1/2 mile down and stops. I started to get out my car to have a "word" with the asshole that had her blocked, but my own wife advised against it given my mood. I was fit to be tied, and wouldve pulled that fucker from his car.

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