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Lane splitting: Not addressed in codes or statutes?


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Ohio doesn't have a "lane-splitting" law per se, but it does state that a motor vehicle must occupy one lane. A motorcycle being a "motor vehicle" would only be permitted to occupy one lane. Lane splitting, by definition would mean that you are either occupying two lanes, or no lane, depending on your point of view.

I remember speaking with an attorney about this and if I recall correctly they said something similar (only one vehicle may occupy a lane at one time). Although, I was just scanning through the laws and I couldn't find that reference. Do you by chance know where it is at?

I thought I even remember reading it myself, but for some reason, I'm not finding it...

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Then I guess we should just get rid of bikes altogether, if the bikers are that bad. Nobody is being forced to lane share. If you don't want to do it, don't do it.

I was thinking that, if there was a possibility for the law to be passed, but needed some negotiation, I'd be willing to say motorcyclists have to have been riding for at least a year before lane sharing.

The Britain argument... I don't think it is that strong. Considering that in Cali they currently lane share. If anything, I'd say that Britain shows that people can learn to lane share.




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British drivers do a better job of sharing to road out of necessity. Vehicles park by the side of small roads and people MUST drive in a co-operative manner or there's be gridlock.

US drivers (myself included) have developed a "THIS LANE IS MINE!" attitude and balk at sharing. We need to get past that before we can have bikes filtering.

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Back in Ohio, though--- we are Ohio riders, after all--- it's not nearly as hospitable. Rolling between lanes in Cleveland or Columbus in anything like the way accepted in NYC would have horns blazing and curses shouted. Or so my experience has been. But if this sort of thing happens often enough, and people come to accept it.... well, we'd have a situation pretty close to the California of actual fact, if not of urban legend.

I had some guy pull out to block me, the car next to him swerved over cause she thought he was gonna hit her. I threaded the gap and that REALLY pissed him off. (I'll admit, i did give him the finger. Bad move)

Next thing i know this SAME guy pops over across 2 lanes from the right shoulder, and clipped me with his front bumper. I didn't feel it at the time, armor FTW. I could have stopped in time, but no fucking way was i about to sit there and less this fucker shoot me. I made the split second decision to shoot for a nonexistant gap, and apparently bumped his car with my leg. Never felt it until the adrenaline wore off about an hour later.

1/4 mile later, I see him pacing me on the right shoulder again, 2 lanes of stopped traffic separating us. Hanging out the window, screaming. He managed to nail me with a full can of monster in the helmet. I pulled up next to a semi and stopped, he kept going since his view of me was blocked. At this point traffic started to move again, and he noticed i was no longer splitting, and was maybe 20 cars ahead. So he stopped traffic with his truck and got out, on the fucking interstate. Blocking the left and middle lanes.

There was an exit ramp right there, so i cut over, gunned it and said a small prayer the light was green at the top. Akron University was right there, i had every intention of hopping sidewalks and riding through campus where he would be unable to give chase.

The light wasn't green, traffic too heavy to make a turn, and i see him approaching at what looked like about 80mph. I thought he was just going to plow me over right there. There was a long line of traffic next to me waiting to make a left, so i pulled a u-turn in front of the lead car and rode down the ramp the wrong way, using the stopped cars as a barrier. I stopped about halfway down the ramp at the end of the line of cars and had to make another decision. Cut across the grass and try to merge on the interstate from the ditch, where he would have a chance to get back on, or take my chances head on. I chose the latter.

He's out of his truck at the top of the ramp, chest puffed out, ready for a fight. Kinda parked between the lane to go straight and the one to turn left. Cars are all flowing past making the left, seemingly oblivious to what is going on. I decided my best shot was going right. I was not going to lift. If he was dumb enough to try and stop me, I planned on standing up and relaxing for a crash. I would probably walk away, he wouldn't. He was out of the truck and i had the upper hand at this point. He started to walk in front of me, but wised up and stepped aside as i passed. Took that corner hard, and got nailed with another can of something in the back of the head mid corner. He gave up at this point, or i lost him. Not really sure which, but after flying through down town i caught a red light and he was nowhere to be seen.

What fun. Never been in such fear for my life. I'm really glad i wasn't carrying, because if i was i would have shot him in that intersection, without a doubt. All because he didn't like that a motorcycle can move through traffic when he couldn't.

And yes, I still split. I just ignore all the road ragers instead of provoking them now.

Edited by mgbgt89
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I'm really glad i wasn't carrying, because if i was i would have shot him in that intersection, without a doubt.

I feel ya. That's what's holding me back from getting a ccw. I don't trust myself in the heat of the moment. I wouldn't hesitate to pull my baton and break a couple bones though. Definitely sounds like an adrenaline rush. The bad kind.

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Adrenaline is a wonderful and terrible thing. That was easily the most intense 2 minutes or so of my life. My leg hurt bad enough i was limping the next day, and in the moment my brain was so focused on getting away i never even felt it touch his bumper.

I'll never forget that truck flying up from behind in my mirrors. I really think he was planning on just ramming me into that intersection.

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For those interested, I suggest you check out laneshare.org and contact your state representative, or state agent if you want to legalize lane sharing.

... Out of my experience, avoid ODOT, they were worthless when the state rep I was working with reached out for "advice". ODOT said something along the lines of 'we can't do it because cars will want to do it too. Therefore it is too dangerous'. Pretty bad argument, especially when I questioned what they based their research off of, which was nothing. Sounds more like a blank statement to me. They did absolutely no research.

All it takes is an email (at least to start ;)). Provide them with the documents I posted above. They are good reads, by the way.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I dunno... I don't think I've ever ridden with anyone from Ohio that can maneuver at slow speeds without dropping their bike. Hell' date=' we can't even get through a group ride without someone on a Harley crashing into someone on a VFR, causing them to fall over and lose a mirror, all the while having never left the parking lot.

You know... I'm just sayin'.[/quote']

You must be talking about Harley riders, I agree. If you are talking about sport bike riders I think it is the squids that give us more proficient riders a bad rap!

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  • 3 months later...

I got stuck in traffic today on the way to work. I wasn't even a mile away from my parking lot, but traffic was stopped. I really wanted to pull up in between the lanes and just get to work, but I didn't know the laws. So instead I was late for work. I came here looking for answers and found an epic example of an OR troll fight. It was an extremely entertaining read. I still am pretty unsure about lane splitting, but I'm not bored :D

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while "lane splitting" is not explicitly illegal, this functionally prohibits it:

4511.33 Rules for driving in marked lanes

(A)(1) A vehicle or trackless trolley shall be driven, as nearly as is practicable, entirely within a single lane or line of traffic and shall not be moved from such lane or line until the driver has first ascertained that such movement can be made with safety

This qualifies things a little for bikes, but does not change the "single lane" provision above.

4511.55 Place and manner of operating bicycles; riding bicycles and motorcycles abreast

(B) Persons riding bicycles or motorcycles upon a roadway shall ride not more than two abreast in a single lane, except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles or motorcycles.

That first one is the real nail in the coffin though. It is always "practicable" fpr a motorcycle to fit in a single lane. I would guess that provision is more for oversized loads that are physically incapable of fitting in a standard-width lane.

The last sentence of the first code section allows for PASSING, not hanging out between lanes.

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What if the motorcycle can pass the car in front without crossing over the lane divider?

The law is pretty clear that 2 motorcycles are the only vehicles permitted to ride 2 abreast in a given lane.

A legal pass requires crossing the lane marker.

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entirely within a single lane or line of traffic and shall not be moved from such lane or line until the driver has first ascertained that such movement can be made with safety .

But what if it can be made safely? Wouldn't this allow lane splitting?

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But what if it can be made safely? Wouldn't this allow lane splitting?


unless it's 2 motorcycles, Ohio law prohibits 2 vehicles occupying the same lane side-by-side.

You can argue all you want that it's "safe," but 1) I think you'll find that argument to be a loser in front of a judge, and 2) you're still breaking the law even if you convince them it's safe.

That provision is for PASSING, as in completely crossing the lane marker, passing the vehicle in front of you, and then moving over again.

If the lane next to you isn't empty (if it is, you can just pass, and not split), then by definition, you are riding with 2 vehicles in one lane at some point.

The only way you are going to not violate the law when lane-splitting is if you're splitting 2 (or 3) bikes. In that case it would be legal to ride up to 4 abreast on a 2-lane single-direction highway. You could act as the 3rd or 4th rider in that situation.

Edited by redkow97
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unless it's 2 motorcycles, Ohio law prohibits 2 vehicles occupying the same lane side-by-side.

Do you have a cite for that? I've been looking.

There needs to be an change to the law to specifically allow bikes to filter through stopped traffic.

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If we are ever going to get this law passed, people need to start calling state representatives. It is silly to have to sit, stopped in traffic, when you have full capabilities to safely get through traffic without affecting the flow.

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While you're at it, please make it legal for me to drive my Jeep through the center median and over sidewalks when traffic is stopped.


Hmmm he uses illogical arguments, threatens to run people over with his train, and supports Socialism, Obamacare, and more laws. I wonder if he is best friends with Exarch. :rolleyes:

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Do you have a cite for that? I've been looking.

You bring up a good point. While what I am about to say may seem obvious I actually didn't realize it until recently during a gun debate.

If there isn't a law prohibiting something it isn't illegal.

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You bring up a good point. While what I am about to say may seem obvious I actually didn't realize it until recently during a gun debate.

If there isn't a law prohibiting something it isn't illegal.

Only problem with that is they could argue reckless driving, unfortunately...

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I'd love it if lanesplitting was legal. I'm thinking it would incent more people to commute on two wheels.

I'd always be a little leary about someone intentionally squeezing lanes to prevent people from doing it. Especially those who didn't know it had been legalized (assuming it had been). A lot of people are self righteous and go out of their way to prevent people from doing things outside of what they consider to be right/legal. I always see people who do the speed limit in the fast lane simply to keep others from speeding.

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Only problem with that is they could argue reckless driving, unfortunately...

Or improper lane change. As you lane split you are going to be back and forth over the lane line a million times. You better be fast on your turn signals.

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While you're at it, please make it legal for me to drive my Jeep through the center median and over sidewalks when traffic is stopped.


but wait... isn't that why you own a Jeep? I have two Jeeps.

This recently from a California motor vehicle dept survey:

...The OTS survey showed that only 53 percent of vehicle drivers knew that lane splitting is legal in California. Eighty-seven percent of motorcycle riders say they lane split, while seven percent of vehicle drivers admit to having attempted to prevent it.


edit: add another link: http://www.mercurynews.com/traffic/ci_20542620/motorcycle-lane-splitting-is-perfectly-legal-at-moderate

This means even in Ohio, half the people know it's illegal, half the people don't know, and 7% of either will mess with you if you try it...

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Although there may not be a specific statute addressing lane splitting in a particular state what will likely happen is law enforcement will either interpret existing statutes to cite you for it or not, depending on what they are accustomed to doing in their jurisdiction or from their own experience. A motorcycle cop may overlook it, a township cop or a deputy may not.

For instance consider a common circumstance where at a stoplight there is no right turn only lane, yet people go off onto the shoulder to get around stopped cars to do a right turn on red. If the shoulder is marked and has a sign stating "do not drive on marked shoulder" and you do it in front of a cop, you are getting ticketed. If it isn't marked, you probably will get away with it but if you cause an accident they could interpret any of a number of statutes to cite you with.

Edited by jfvb1225
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