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NY Paper Publishes Legal Gun Permit Holders Names


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I think it's a silly thing to publish, but I doubt it will matter much.

Frankly any of my neighbors who would be mad at me for having a carry permit can go fuck themselves. The notion that criminals read the news is laughable. There might be one or two cases of homes being targeted and robbed because of this story, but it will be statistically insignificant.

It's non-news. Controversy for the sake of being controversial. Unethical, but perfectly legal. Ultimately, I believe it's also fairly harmless as well. Just silly.

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I think it's a silly thing to publish, but I doubt it will matter much.

It's non-news. Controversy for the sake of being controversial. Unethical, but perfectly legal. Ultimately, I believe it's also fairly harmless as well. Just silly.

Yes it is.

We knew on election day this would happen, it was only a matter of time

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I think it's a silly thing to publish, but I doubt it will matter much.

Frankly any of my neighbors who would be mad at me for having a carry permit can go fuck themselves. The notion that criminals read the news is laughable. There might be one or two cases of homes being targeted and robbed because of this story, but it will be statistically insignificant.

It's non-news. Controversy for the sake of being controversial. Unethical, but perfectly legal. Ultimately, I believe it's also fairly harmless as well. Just silly.

Not so fast there Sparky, check out the angle they are working now.

The gun owner next door: What you don't know about the weapons in your neighborhood



How about a summary of what I'm supposed to read there? I get a stupid block up I can't get to go away.

ok, here you go.

In May, Richard V. Wilson approached a female neighbor on the street and shot her in the back of the head, a crime that stunned their quiet Katonah neighborhood.

What was equally shocking for some was the revelation that the mentally disturbed 77-year-old man had amassed a cache of weapons — including two unregistered handguns and a large amount of ammunition — without any neighbors knowing.

“I think that the access to guns in this country is ridiculous, that anybody can get one,” said a neighbor of Wilson’s who requested anonymity because it’s not known whether the gunman, whose unnamed victim survived, will return home or be sent to prison. “Would I have bought this house knowing somebody (close by) had an arsenal of weapons? No, I would not have.”

More outraged neighbors stuff....

“I would love to know if someone next to me had guns. It makes me safer to know so I can deal with that,” said Thompson, whose group counsels youths against gun violence. “I might not choose to live there.”

Not sure where the idea is going but it looks like everybody will want the "right" to know what their neighbors are up to. Or some such thing.

Schools and doctors already ask kids if Mommy or Daddy has guns as do doctors during routine procedure paperwork.

Edited by Strictly Street
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Then the anti-gun nuts will realize how prevelant responsible gun owners are.

You mean people like Magz? You can't reach people who have an emotional, visceral reaction to the mere mention of guns.

If you have one, you're not responsible just by virtue of ownership...you're a ticking time bomb. A nut. Violence waiting to happen. Every shot is as he says "practicing for murder".

Can't reach the hysterical with logic.

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Not so fast there Sparky, check out the angle they are working now.

The gun owner next door: What you don't know about the weapons in your neighborhood


How about a summary of what I'm supposed to read there? I get a stupid block up I can't get to go away.

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thought you guys were proud of it.. who knew you are shameful of it. you should have to register like sex offenders too. with the little blue dot on your house and all.

No shame at all, but to lump gun owners in with how they know where sex offenders is....well that is very offending. Of course nobody on this site gives a flying fuck what you think anyways, you have made some pretty vile posts.


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No shame at all, but to lump gun owners in with how they know where sex offenders is....well that is very offending. Of course nobody on this site gives a flying fuck what you think anyways, you have made some pretty vile posts.



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At least criminals know what houses not to go to.

I wouldn't want my name publish due to discrimination from anti gun individuals, including potential employers.

Didn't think of that angle, that could suck. On the other hand some places won't hire you if you smoke...

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At least criminals know what houses not to go to.

But, it makes your residence a target for being broken into when you are not home. Guns are highly desired items for thieves. I wouldn't put a sign in my yard stating, "Guns are stored here." Publishing private information should be a punishable offense.


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Though is this... if your home you can protect yourself. If not you should have it with you or locked up. However I understand the other side of this, i wouldn't want my elderly grandmothers name and address published that she has a CHL. It can make you a target as well. I feel it is a violation of our privacy.

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I'd like to see the names and addresses published of the idiots who have donated money to antigun causes...... fight fire with fire.

On a side note, the "gun show loop hole" they are trying to close really has nothing to do with gun shows. Its a ban on private sales unless its done through the government and registered in a national database. This would force registering and recording of every firearm in the nation and a large fee would be charged for transfers. Call your legislators, join the NRA, donate money to pro constitutional candidates. Your vote alone is no longer enough!

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