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Slower Traffic Keep Right -- Enforcement???


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You'd only have something to worry about if your a shit bag or a dick. The second part the backup cop will not step on the others toes unless your being a complete dick. So if your a shitbag with something to hide or a dick and don't want a ticket its easy don't give them a reason to pull you over.

Well, I'm always respectfull and polite to authority because I know they hold all the cards and even if I've done nothing, I can still be held for what, 48 hours without charges, or something like that?

Regarding other cops stepping on toes of each other, I don't know how that works but I can see an old timer wanting to show a new guy "how it's done" and I don't want to be his example.

So, though I have nothing with me that I'm not permitted to have, I also don't want to treated like I'm suspected of having something. And you may not do that, but there are those who seem to, maybe not in your department, but in others. We are not all bad guys but it seems that many LEOs have an attitude of it's them against us and all citizens are suspect.

As far as giving you a reason to pull me over, I may drive a little briskly at times, in a straight line, but I am carefull in traffic and not a hazard on the roads. I also don't drink or use substances to impair my driving.

Anything a leo cites you for is your fault not theirs...

There are a couple of Columbus cops that have a different idea about that. I've met a few.

...if you have a problem with the laws hate on the people that demand the laws be put in place or the people who have screwed it up by making those people feel the law is needed.

People are inherently evil and greedy which is why we need laws and those people enforcing them.

I agree. You guys will do what the law allows. We just think the law allows too much, freedom wise and you are viewed as a agent of the government for revenue collection. Nothing personal, of course.


I've had the polar opposite happen. Never been happier to see a second cruiser with Mr. Smiley behind the wheel. Got me out of some serious shit.

C'mon Don, tell us your story. Don't keep us guessing.


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Then in a total dick move you called the squad and police showed for a report and got him a ticket.

If true that is a punch in the face award winning move.

Running off the road is wreck. Ticketable offense too.

With all due respect and shit.

Didn't you wreck on the dream ride?

With all due respect and shit.

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While I read and understand what MeefZah was saying, the obvious bypassing of enforcing basic traffic laws probably has more bearing on shit that happens on the road than speeding does. Whether people including Leo's, think its chickenshit, enforcement of all the laws is a necessity.

Also, hearing about people, especially Leo's, caught speeding at 30-80+ mph over the posted limit with some failing breathalizer tests by double or more the legal limit, then getting off with mere slaps on the wrists is the total horsechit.

Enforce the freaking law, all the laws, equally without prejudice or favoritism. If the fines need to be raised to cover costs, then do it.

Enforcing every law all the time is impossible. The Leo would never be able to end their shift. On the way to and from the station they pass multiple violations if they stopped to write the minor stuff up by the time they finished that ticket another violation would come by unless they work in BFE. Basically you'd have to be a complete dick to write every violation. Eventually judges won't take a leo that writes several petty citations seriously and their supervisors will get tired of complaints real quick. If your car has an analog speedo and you get a ticket for going 1 over how would you feel?

As far as leos getting special treatment yeah that's bullshit. I see it the same as working at mcdonalds and expecting free food from wendys because you work in fast food also. If you've broken the law and get cited for it pay your dues. If you get a warning or don't get caught be thankful. Leos aren't out to screw with people their goal is to keep everyone safe by enforcing laws.

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The law could be enforced using speed / red light cameras. If you are in the left lane, nobody is in the right lane and there's nowhere nearby to turn left the a human is presented with a video of your lane use and decides if you get a ticket.

But people will reject that just like they reject red light and speed cameras. They tell police officers running traffic enforcement to go catch murderers, but when they build a technology infrastructure that frees them up to catch murderers, we complain that the police should be the ones handing out tickets.

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Enforcing every law all the time is impossible. The Leo would never be able to end their shift.

I would expect an officer to use their head and some common sense. But if a law is broken then it needs to be addressed, not ignored.

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I consider this and all your other comments in this thread hypocritical.

You ride above your head on every group ride. Exceed the speed limit on every ride trying play catch up like a newb only to run off the road in the next corner. How many group rides have you had a fuck up on? And now you want to stand on a soap box about speed? Really? You're a Fucktard.

With all due respect and shit

What you said about you.

Running off the road is a crash. In group rides so Im not the only one that was there jackass. Every time due to excessive speed. You've even posted about a couple of them on here and now deny it? You should be a political figure. Ballsy to deny shit that many know about. You are a fucking tool.

All due respect and shit


Running off the road is wreck. Ticketable offense too.

I however don't need to lie about your hypocrisy or the fact you don't ride for shit.

With all due respect and shit.

See above replies

Damn straight :lol:

But I make turfing yards look cool cuz I'm a boss like that.

And I don't do the holier than thou shit like the swingboy

Hypocrisy much?

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aww man I have no idea how I missed this thread. I LOOOOOOVE driving threads with Swing'r in it as they are always entertaining because he sounds like he drives like my mother and that woman shouldn't have a license

I average 15-20 over the posted speed limit about 95% of the time I'm driving and have yet to have an accident. Swing'r its called skill so just sit your lame ass in the right lane and let the people who know what they are doing go by. I flog my 8,000lb truck around like a little sports couple because I know how to handle it (though not nearly as good as IP can...that crazy SOB). If you're sitting in the left lane not passing and doing less than 10 over, you're gonna see a very large heavy truck in your mirror daring for you to brake check me :D

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I had a nutswinger sitting in the left lane on 32 heading home one time. He acted like he was going to finally get around a car in the right lane and then slowed down. This occurred several times over quite a few miles. Well...needless to say when the opportunity came where the right lane was clear I passed him. After all the jackassing around in the left lane he did my passing him on the other side was not to his liking. So he proceeded to match my speed, still in the left lane until we hit slower traffic. So now I'm stuck...again...and back behind him.

I'd had enough and now he's trying to break check me from time to time since now I am riding his ass because he thinks he owns the left lane. Next inkling of an opening and I pass him on the right yet again and proceeded to put a lot of space between me and him (the SS can do that quickly :D ). His POS car quickly fell back in my mirrors as he couldn't run triple digits for very long. I resumed my normal driving speed for my travel home once my goal was accomplished. I start to get close to home and I notice another car rapidly closing in the left lane in my mirrors and I know it's not the cocksucker from earlier. I slowed own to turn off the 32 and up comes a OSP. I knew EXACTLY what was up now. So I turn and the lights come on, I pull over only a few hundred feet from home and out comes the officer. He explains to me that he got a call from another driver that I was driving recklessly.

I calmly explained to him what happened as well as the wife interjecting her .02 cents from time to time. He just gave me a warning (for whatever reason) and we went on home. I still know the exact car and know I'll see it again. When I do I'll be sure it will be incapacitated for a while.

Bottom line, if you're not passing someone in the PASSING lane, kindly move over or don't get all panty twisted because someone passes you in the right.

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Bottom line, if you're not passing someone in the PASSING lane, kindly move over or don't get all panty twisted because someone passes you in the right.

Here's another thing I hate. You're driving along and you're passing a few cars. Another car creeps up behind you, so you move over to let him by, except he never really passes. You are then approaching a slower car in the right lane but the bozo that was passing you is only a little ahead of you and now you have to slow down to get behind him and he no longer proceeds at the speed you were going when he was creeping up behind you. You were polite and got screwed.

He wanted you to be the fast guy so that you could run interference for him but when he's in the front, he doesn't want to be the lead fast guy even though it was fine for him to be nearer your rear bumper than you are comfortable with. You give him the lead and he slows down, blocking your passing.

I no longer immediately get over in the right lane if there will be a car up ahead that I will get pinched behind, until I pass that car. Once I clear that car, let me get far enough ahead to safely get over to the right instead of squeezing through between us with only inches to spare and then flying by on my right. I'm getting over if you will let me.


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I thought all lanes were the fast lane.Here's one that piss me off.Your on a two lane road come up behind a slower motorcycle instead of waving you around they ride slow in front of you..Then when you go to pass they speed up I always wave a faster rider around me or let a faster car pass.....There needs or should to be more courtesy out there..........

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Nope, I didn't cast the stones and we all know imma hooligan. :)

Jealousy will only get you made fun of. My turf skillz are simply bad ass

How did highway etiquette turn into your turf skills? Aren't there rules around here about staying on topic?

I ride off-road with the proper bike so me no jealous.

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