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Ohio State raising football ticket prices?


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It's a multi billion $ industry with a price fixed labor market set right at $0. You get credit that you can only spend at the company store. Free market or antitrust?

they don't have to get an education, tutoring, better than "regular student" room/board, exposure to potential employers each week, travel, top-flight medical/training, vacation (bowl games), cheerleaders, free tattoos, adulation from fervent fans, etc. if they don't want to play football for "free".

want it? sign here, play football. assuming you don't do something really stupid while here, you'll always be "an OSU football player", which in this town (probably state/region) opens A LOT of doors.

*** the 15 or so I know that work/have worked with my company have all been great guys. some smarter than others, of course, but haven't yet met any prima donnas.

had I had the talent to be offered a D1 scholarship, I would have jumped, and would have been happy with my choice.

*** edit:

...I have never been to an OSU game and don't really plan to...

if you ever get the chance, go. the band's ramp entrance is reason enough.

Edited by jblosser
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