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Suck it Repubs. There is no voter fraud.


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Friggin ridiculous to not expect a Id. You need it to buy beer for Christs sake.

I don't need an id to buy beer... I haven't been carded in a couple years...

There have been 10 cases of in-person voter fraud since 2000...


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I don't need an id to buy beer... I haven't been carded in a couple years...

There have been 10 cases of in-person voter fraud since 2000...


Lookie who's back!!!! DOUCHEBAG TROLL ALERT!!!!!!

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Friggin ridiculous to not expect a Id. You need it to buy beer for Christs sake.

The difference between the two is that the Constitution doesn't explicitly prohibit payment to the state in order to be able to purchase beer.

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Last I heard, the state recommendation for beer, liquor and cigarette sales was ID required to be seen unless customer visibly appears to be over 50.

You will get ID'd if a state agent or snitch is suspected to be anywhere in a neighborhood.

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Last I heard, the state recommendation for beer, liquor and cigarette sales was ID required to be seen unless customer visibly appears to be over 50.

You will get ID'd if a state agent or snitch is suspected to be anywhere in a neighborhood.


But again, the Constitution doesn't prohibit having to pay a fee to have an ID to buy beer. It DOES prohibit having to pay a fee to have an ID to vote. That's one of a few reasons (to say nothing of disenfranchisement) that courts have set aside voter ID laws in a number of states.

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Last I heard, the state recommendation for beer, liquor and cigarette sales was ID required to be seen unless customer visibly appears to be over 50.

You will get ID'd if a state agent or snitch is suspected to be anywhere in a neighborhood.

Having a little bit of gray hair helps alleviate any doubts about not being over 21 even though I was getting carded well into my mid-40's.

Being bald doesn't help either if the employee is more worried about losing their job - can't blame them, really.

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  • 9 months later...



Interesting take on this topic. From the article, if one assumes all illegal voters voted the same way, it would have been enough to throw the election in 2012.


Highlights for those that don't want to wade through the article -


  • Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election -- and has referred the case for possible prosecution.


  • Husted also found that 274 non-citizens remain on the voting rolls.


  • election officials discovered that more than 257,000 dead people were still listed as active voters.


  • In addition, election authorities note they have drastically reduced the number of duplicate registrations, from 340,000 in 2011 to just four this past November -- and that more than 370,000 Ohio voters who have moved have been contacted to update their voting information.



And in a nod to Magley64 I'll add this one from the article.

  • A Cincinnati nun also pleaded guilty to illegal voting as part of the ongoing voter fraud investigation.


And our poster child of voter fraud.

  • Melowese Richardson, 58, is serving five years in prison after being convicted of four counts of voter fraud.



  • President Obama beat Mitt Romney in Ohio by just 2 percentage points in November 2012.



Adding all the numbers together. the number of potentially bad votes could be 18% or more. A 4% voter swing could be done by dead people alone! A 6% swing could have been had by Ohio voters voting in two districts due to them moving in or out of the Sate.


While not suggesting that this did happen I am thinking that a 2% swing could have been done pretty easily with this much slack in the system.


Hats off to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted for cleaning up the voter rolls.


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  • 2 weeks later...

See how fast people will obtain proper ID when it comes to getting "free" money from the government.  All the sudden, when it come to voting, they're helpless.


Wonder if it's an accident?


And then there is this:




So why wouldn't we want to clean it up?

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As long as there are some areas that have more votes cast then there are voters, I think I'll go with voter fraud.


Also, any large voting district that claims 100% vote one way or the other. Not too believable.

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