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Cages and highbeams


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It seems to me that more cars are running highbeams at night and not dimming for on coming traffic. Is it me, is it Cincinnati or is it a trend?

I have flashed several cars recently and they refuse to dim. Having grown up driving cars with incandescent headlights and seen the switch to halogen, then to HID and now projection beam lights I understand the differing brighness levels and the need to have them properly aimed. These people are truely running highbeams.

Post you thoughts!

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It seems to me that more cars are running highbeams at night and not dimming for on coming traffic. Is it me, is it Cincinnati or is it a trend?

I have flashed several cars recently and they refuse to dim. Having grown up driving cars with incandescent headlights and seen the switch to halogen, then to HID and now projection beam lights I understand the differing brighness levels and the need to have them properly aimed. These people are truely running highbeams.

Post you thoughts!

Thank you! I've been saying the same thing for a year. WTF is wrong with people? Too absorbed with their cell phones obviously.

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I work afternoons and my commute home takes me down an unlit section of 241. I drive it with my brights on but dim for oncoming traffic. I get a few that forget and dim when I flash them and then a few assholes who don't dim at all....makes me wish I had some zillion candlepower aircraft landing lights for when they don't get the hint...goat blood balloons will work till then.

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I'm with CSC, if I had this problem, I'd be going to war...

Mount a couple of hellas up high, wire them and the horn to a foot switch...

flash politely with the normal highs, and if they still don't get the hint tap the "fuck you" button.

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No different than driving in the left lane and not moving over when someone comes up behind them. Driving schools do not teach drivers etiquette anymore. That and some asshats just dont care.

I followed a woman in to work Monday she was the most skilled driver I’ve ever seen she was talking on her phone and putting on eye makeup at the same time while doing 70 down 480 she did not put her hands on the wheel for over 5 miles dam I wish I had that kind of skill.

Edited by HeavyDuty
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Have you tried to drive in SC? These people here are the worst.

Not anywhere near the amount I drove in Cinci but I have driven in SC a fair amount and although bad I don't think they compare to the awfulness of SW Ohio

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I've noticed this myself in the last few months. Thing is, I've got a light smoke tint on my headlights, so when I do lose patience, and start flashing the on-coming car, it usually has little to no effect on them.

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It's hard to imagine that drivers education classes are worse than when I took mine (Ohio public school course) in 1974 but they must be based on the evidence. We should find out how Germany is educating their drivers do the same.

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its a Cincinnati thing because SW Ohio is home to the Worlds Worst Drivers

I think there's a local traffic law that states when you start driving here, the first thing you need to do is break off your turn signal indicator control. I could be wrong. :rolleyes:

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I was talking to a girl a couple days ago that was all pissed off she got a ticket for running her high beams full time. Had no clue that those lights were blinding to oncoming traffic.

There are no words for that ignorance. If you've been driving for more than a month you've had someone's brights blinding you.

Though I will admit that there is many a time that I'll have had my brights on for a while driving through the sticks, somebody flashes me, and my mind goes to "A COP!" for like 30 seconds before I realize what they really meant. And then I feel like a dick.

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its a Cincinnati thing because SW Ohio is home to the Worlds Worst Drivers

This is true. I won't even ride my bike through Cincy anymore. I go around on 62. Only adds about 20 minutes to the trip.

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Hell I quit giving them a courtesy flash of the brights a long time ago. You got your brights on, mine are coming on too. I'll turn mine of when you turn yours off.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2

This. I started doing this about two years ago, its amazing how good it works.

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I'm with Dustin, light 'em up until they dim theirs. If a bike comes at me with brights on, I'll cut them slack since they need all the line-of-sight they can get riding at night.....but an idiot in a cage gets a face full of high beam. I'm not sure if common courtesy is not being taught or fux are just lazy, but they can snap that signal lever off and cram it up their crapchute.....would be better use of it :nono:

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