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Grinds my gears - Taking elevator to level 2


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Every single time I've rode the elevator this week, which is about 6 times such as after the gym or with my older friend who can't walk on stairs, I've had to stop on level 2.

I mean it's 16 total stairs up to that level, and most of the people aren't the overweight, unhealthy, half dead people. They are people carrying McD's bags, or breakfast from our cafe, etc.

It just drives me nuts, and I can't even help but give them the death look everytime.

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this reminds me of my college dorm. You would essentially be verbally abused or made EXTREMELY uncomfortable if you lived on the first to 3rd floors and took the elevator with only a bookbag. I lived on the 12th floor and was constantly berating people when they pulled that shit. Even my fat ass was using the stairs because I was constantly on the 8th and 9th floors hanging out with friends

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I usually look for stairs unless I have a lot of baggage or I'm traveling more than 3floors.

However in most buildings it is difficult to find the stairs from the main lobby. Elevators are promently signed and right off the lobby, while stairs are hidden around a corner and once inside the stair well it is barren and cave like.:confused:

It seems most people expect to use an elevator and don't even think of stairs.


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grammatical errors a 4th grader should catch grind my gears...;)

my building's one floor, but we're moving this spring - hope my team's on the ground floor (easier access to our new data center, don't ya know).

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Keep in mind, everything isn't always as it seems. Before (and for awhile after) I had my Achilles repaired, stairs and I weren't on good terms even though I could walk relatively normal. I had a few people give me looks at work when I would take the elevator one floor

Also, I have pretty bad arthritis in one knee since my cartilage is mostly gone. Some days it really bothers me a lot and I take the elevator, even for one floor. If people don't like it, fuck them.

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