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woman wants to tattoo her 2 year old


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i finally watched idiocracy the other day, and i really tried to find it funny... but mostly ended up just becoming sad and feeling resigned to the awful reality of inevitability.

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I have no kids (of my own). Therefore, ear rings can be removed and foreskin removal is to help prevent infections. Tattoo at two is permanent (kinda) and will look like shit in 5 years. Not to mention if it is not done by a pro then there could be a larger chance of infection.

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Stupidity is one thing. Child abuse is another. Lets not cast a shadow on the trials of children who are actually abused. This mother has her heart in the right place. Her brain is just lagging behind the trolly.

So Mom can get the fucking tattoo for herself' date=' and when the daughter becomes of age and may want ink to match her Mom.......let the Girl make that decision. And yeah ink is pretty much permanent, the procedures to remove are [u']painful, long and expensive. Her heart is not in the right place, and her head is obviously up her ass. If that is how the Mom wants to mourn and or remember her Husband than so be it, leave the kid out of it.

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You also compared it to ear piercings. A 2 year old does not have the immune system that an adult does. With an ear piercing, if a child has a reaction to the earrings, then you can take the earring out. It's not permanent. A tattoo is and you cant just remove the ink. There is a higher rate of a severe infection in a child that little which may not be as easily treated.

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Everything Issac's papa has posted - +1.

Just cuz it's not something you agree with doesn't mean it's wrong. Different strokes for different folks and all that stuff. I can only imagine all the mistakes I've made with my kids in other peoples eyes. Actually, I don't care what mistakes I've made in other peoples eyes. I'll raise my kids how I see as right. I know I was told my kids should be taken away from me when the wife posted this photo on facebook or somewhere a few years back.


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Womens rights? :dunno: If they can choose to murder their unborn children, why can't they tattoo their children? Women's rights..... you guys have no right to tell a Woman what she can do with her children.

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Everything Issac's papa has posted - +1.

Just cuz it's not something you agree with doesn't mean it's wrong. Different strokes for different folks and all that stuff. I can only imagine all the mistakes I've made with my kids in other peoples eyes. Actually, I don't care what mistakes I've made in other peoples eyes. I'll raise my kids how I see as right. I know I was told my kids should be taken away from me when the wife posted this photo on facebook or somewhere a few years back.


Hmmmmm.....teaching your kids safety "and having fun" with firearms is apples to oranges when it comes to making the choice for your child to have a permanent tattoo as a baby. Is it child abuse, I will say no it is not, but a line needs to be drawn somewhere and that sounds like a good place to start. How any parlor or artist can legally do this is beyond me, at least have them be a teenager for Christ's sake. And to all of those that acted that way toward you for being a responsible and fun parent.......they seriously need to get a life and educate themselves a bit more before opening their ignorant pie-holes.

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You also compared it to ear piercings. A 2 year old does not have the immune system that an adult does. With an ear piercing, if a child has a reaction to the earrings, then you can take the earring out. It's not permanent. A tattoo is and you cant just remove the ink. There is a higher rate of a severe infection in a child that little which may not be as easily treated.

An earring may not be permanent but the hole is there forever.

Maybe a child's immune system is stronger than an adult? Dr. Gay cured a 2 1/2 yr old who was born with the AIDS virus.

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An earring may not be permanent but the hole is there forever.

Maybe a child's immune system is stronger than an adult? Dr. Gay cured a 2 1/2 yr old who was born with the AIDS virus.

"cured" I listened to that. They said he still had traces of the virus in his system. If several years later, there is no change in his system, the I might consider him cured, but I think its too early in the stages of that "experiment" to consider him completely cured.

A hole that has had time to completely heal with the earring in it is permanent. But if there is a reaction to the earring, the hole wouldnt have time to heal open, and when you take the earring out, the hole would close back up.

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"cured" I listened to that. They said he still had traces of the virus in his system. If several years later, there is no change in his system, the I might consider him cured, but I think its too early in the stages of that "experiment" to consider him completely cured.

A hole that has had time to completely heal with the earring in it is permanent. But if there is a reaction to the earring, the hole wouldnt have time to heal open, and when you take the earring out, the hole would close back up.

Cured or not, he's doing well right now and that is a huge step and shows with treatment something can be cured or stabilized.

Personal experience here on piercings, but then again I wasn't aware you're a doctor.... My daughter made decision to get ears pierced at a reasonable age, she got an infection, she asked me to take them out. It was within 24 hours of piercing and wouldn't you know she STILL has the holes 3 years later. So....which hole closes up that you are talking about

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Cured or not, he's doing well right now and that is a huge step and shows with treatment something can be cured or stabilized.

Personal experience here on piercings, but then again I wasn't aware you're a doctor.... My daughter made decision to get ears pierced at a reasonable age, she got an infection, she asked me to take them out. It was within 24 hours of piercing and wouldn't you know she STILL has the holes 3 years later. So....which hole closes up that you are talking about

all of mine that have been infected have closed up, and that's been 5. Never said I was a doctor. Those are actually my dad's words about the aids cure and he is a doctor. Yes it is a huge step but still too early to say its a cure. Kind of like my mom with breast cancer. Many people claim that with treatment she can be "cured" but there is no guarantee.

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Could say the same for you. ;) Hey the dumb bitch went on public radio, so she deserves all the shit heading her way.


Everything Issac's papa has posted - +1.

Just cuz it's not something you agree with doesn't mean it's wrong. Different strokes for different folks and all that stuff. I can only imagine all the mistakes I've made with my kids in other peoples eyes. Actually, I don't care what mistakes I've made in other peoples eyes. I'll raise my kids how I see as right. I know I was told my kids should be taken away from me when the wife posted this photo on facebook or somewhere a few years back.


I say we vote you parent of the year for that pic!

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wow....seriously, who gives a fuck? its just a tattoo....if the kid hates it that much later in life, she can just have it removed....hell, i bet theres an awesome lawsuit hidden in here somewhere for the daughter if she ever needs a boost in the wallet to fund her boob job to acquire work at a strip club

a tattoo is not child abuse. is it fucking stupid? sure. is it morally wrong? maybe. is it a dick in the ass or a cigarette to the neck? not quite.

im shocked that so many people even give a shit....maybe its because i dont like kids or something....i wouldnt ever tattoo my kid, but if someone else wanted to tattoo their kid, i wouldnt throw a bitch-fit about it

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Personally, I don't see any difference ( by definition ) between tattooing or piercing or circumcision, other than 2 of the 3 are more socially acceptable ( within reason ) in this day and age. Seems the stereotypical judgement casted on tats is trashy, moreso than piercings.....so be it, women have enabled ear piercings in becoming a higher-class standard for self mutilation to where we almost expect it on females no matter where we are. But, imo a guy with jewelry in his face/head is asking to bleed profusely in a fight.....and it's not something I find man-like in the least, I choose to decorate myself under the skin with real and true-to-self meaning.....my choice, and to each their own.

I agree that the child is her's to raise as she sees fit ( as long as it's within the guidelines of the law ) but I also understand that idiotic parents tend to get away with some dumb shit where their children are concerned.

Would I have my child tattooed? Never.

Did I allow my teenage daughter to get a tattoo when she approached my wife and I about it? No way in Hell, she can wait until she's 18 like I had to.

The biggest point here is that this lady has publicly proven herself a water-headed buffoon that is worth her weight in entertainment value for the rest of the morally educated population:nono:

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