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Midwest Track Day - new org?


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Has anyone ridden with this group before? Is it a new org?

I was searching for 2013 dates and found them running at Putnam and Black Hawk Farms.


It seems like an experience TD rider could get alot of seat time at one of these events. One would have to self regulate breaks.

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Nope, but I did the MCRA even last spring or the year before at Putnam that was oversold and no fun.

^This is where I'm going with the question. Was there a split caused by this fiasco? If so, which side of the fence is this guy on?

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Mid-Ohio states that only experienced Intermediate riders may attend the twilight events along with of course, advanced riders.

This format is sketchy. VERY, VERRRRRRY sketchy. One, no way to tell if someone is actually an experienced Intermediate rider and with them not saying they require a set number of track days, etc., the idea is that a new intermediate level rider that just came from Novice can be out circulating with a racer.

That's about as stupid as I have seen. This isn't good... Putnam is FAST and it is not a place where newbies and experts can mingle in unison without incident.

But, play as you wish and maybe it isn't going to be a cluster fuck. I highly doubt it and if these are the guys that screwed up the MCRA deal last year? I wouldn't touch it with a 10' pole.

As for the MCRA event at Putnam and with Ducati Indy, Bill Carr stated that they will have a better hold on the events this year and will make sure it doesn't end up like it did before. Basically, I think the MCRA event will essentially be a Ducat Indy day with MCRA racing mixed in. So, the quality you expect from Duc Indy's events and some racing at the end. Which will be fun.

This sounds like "Be prepared to get hurt" track days...

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if these are the guys that screwed up the MCRA deal last year? I wouldn't touch it with a 10' pole.

Couldn't agree more with that cluster of a weekend.

As for the MCRA event at Putnam and with Ducati Indy, Bill Carr stated that they will have a better hold on the events this year and will make sure it doesn't end up like it did before. Basically, I think the MCRA event will essentially be a Ducat Indy day with MCRA racing mixed in. So, the quality you expect from Duc Indy's events and some racing at the end. Which will be fun.

Too bad they didn't do this last year. :D

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Will never do another day with MCRA again

I think it is VERY much going to be different this time around with the heavier involvement with Ducati Indianapolis. I can promise as I stated before in all this prior drama that if Bill and Matt were involved and around, the event would have NEVER got out of hand like it did.

This time, Indy will be involved and helping run it smoothly. Give them a second chance for Indy's sake and not so much for MCRA...

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  • 3 months later...

Midwest Track Day has changed their format.  They will now be running three different groups.


Red Group is for street experienced riders and, riders with some of track experience who are looking for a moderate pace. Passing limited to straights.
White Group is for track experienced riders who are familiar with the flags, pit in/out procedures and know the track configuration. Passing on straights and on outside in turns.
Blue Group is for track day veterans and licensed racers. The pace will be fast with passing allowed in every section of the track.


Glad they changed.  This seems much safer.

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