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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2010 in all areas

  1. Ben...Benny...Big Ben.....you know I is givin' you shit. If I was gonna take you to task, it would be behind closed doors, amigo. (We marines praise in public, council in private.) But I will take the piss out of you in good fun in front of everyone. Actually, this wasn't taking the piss out of you, it was taking it out of this thread. So yeah, now you kinda got trolled. By accident, but that makes it funnier now. Rep up r1! Gimme some luv!
    2 points
  2. I eat massive amounts of spaghetti
    2 points
  3. i could put that in his sig for you if you would like
    2 points
  4. I am new here and I have a 88 fox body, with some add ons I run the Midas in worthingon. I have great this about this forum. I look forward to meeting people with the same passion I do. I have a pipe bender and am willing to help people out.
    1 point
  5. This is a great compilation if motivational gun posters. This is on a local gun shop's website. http://www.peabodysports.com/albums/Motivational%20Posters/album/index.html
    1 point
  6. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7023/
    1 point
  7. What's the best coin purse oil to use? Should I go synthetic?
    1 point
  8. ORDN is meant to be experienced RAW.
    1 point
  9. We could get them drunk on rum and coke, chop off their heads, and steal their rides!!!
    1 point
  10. true, but his credit is fooked. hence him only having 69 cents.
    1 point
  11. It would violate her privacy. I'd have to change her password, then log in as her. Or I could change it directly within the database. Either way, I won't do that. Just the same as I won't install the modification to allow admins/mods to read others' private messages.
    1 point
  12. You. Fail. Horribly. Get the fuck out of here with that liberal, tree-hugging, "everyone is special", pussy bullshit.
    1 point
  13. surprise surprise... the mexican votes liberal ...heh heh
    1 point
  14. Even the liberal faggots on this site have guns.
    1 point
  15. Just act like a crazy retard. Ask them if they taste their own poo. I get taken off alot of call lists that way. Agreed. Fusion and Jrmi are homos, but not the good kind like Sam and Fonzie. Just ignore them and the political threads. Its the same with TV. I only watch football this time of year.
    1 point
  16. You're right, I'm wrong. Can this be over now?
    1 point
  17. 8th grade metal shop, we had a girl that was here from Malaysia. Glasses, heavyset, and not pretty. Didn't speak English very well. We were mildly teasing her in class one day. The shop teacher (about TaRR's size) sent her to the office to run off 1,000 or so dittos (remember those, and how good they smelled?). As soon as she was gone, he grabbed a 4 foot 2x4, slammed it into one of those tall, metal trash cans, unloaded a string of expletives describing how stupid and worthless we were, questioned our parentage and our mother's morals, and described, in detail, what would happen to any of us if we EVER spoke a mean word to her again. Problem solved pretty much right then and there.
    1 point
  18. Damn this is so sad. Kids have no respect and no discipline anymore. My class had 97 in it. There were obviously the clicks; preps, jocks cheerleader, goth, nerds...but everyone got along for the most part. I was brought up to treat others as you would want to be treated. I may not have liked someone for whatever reason, but I never felt the need to bully them. The school said the lost the records when switching computers is bull shit. That school is full of shit. I will never live around the Cleveland area. Too much horse shit up there. Pretty girl, it is too bad she will never reach her full potential.
    1 point
  19. Suuuck it Agreed^^ I learned to ride on a yamaha 600 and had no trouble at all, and I am pretty small and short. It also depends alot on who is teaching you. I got my permit back in February and my boyfriend got me on the 600 in a big parking lot, had me work on getting the feel of the clutch "friction zone" for a while before I took off. I just took the MSF course this weekend and it was WELL worth my time.....plus you get an insurance discount and your motorcycle endorsement when you pass. There were several women (and men) there that had never ridden before and they were riding like champs by the time we took our evaluation. Just make sure that when you get a bike you don't just get it because it's "cute"....if I did that I would be riding a brand new 1000rr right now... and that's probably not a good idea. Anyway when you are looking at a bike, sit on it and make sure you can get both feet flat on the ground (with your height that probably won't be a problem..must be NICE to be tall). Grab the handlebars and see what it's going to feel like in that position, get familiar with the switches and clutch/front brake levers. You can look at this page http://motorcycles.about.com/od/buyingamotorcycle/ss/how_to_inspect.htm for some more helpful hints, and take a KNOWLEDGEABLE MAN with you. I am saying man because the dealership/seller will more than likely try to screw you over even more if you go alone or with a girlfraannnd. Oh, and when you start riding, get ahold of me and we will cruise.
    1 point
  20. I was saying that you are too ugly to strip. My girl makes you look like a fuckin tramp.
    1 point
  21. 2000Miles for the year 06 with 10000miles
    -1 points
  22. I also have a 4-post lift. Had it about a year now. No need to bolt it down. You'll notice that it is MORE stable with a car on it. The way these things work...everything tightens up under weight. I assembled mine myself and it was a huge job. Good idea getting someone to do it for you. Did you get a caster kit? mine is really easy to roll around the shop. Looking at yours...it would be cool to wheel it out into the higher part of the shop if you occasionally need more clearance. I have one rolling jack and then a jack tray. I was really worried about how it would work out. I was really torn between a 2 post and 4 post for this reason. But this configuration works just fine. I just did a 4-wheel hub replacement on a F250 4x4 crew cab and the lift handled it all fine. You raise one end with the rolling jack...place stands in the jack tray and then roll it down to the other end and leave it there locked. The runways act as a nice, long, flat work surface under each wheel.
    -1 points
  23. When is it going to stop? I think the schools should pay for failure to help these bullied children by exspelling the bully's indefaintly. The parent's should also be held accountable as well!!!
    -1 points
  24. Has anyone done this? If so which one did you use? Did it mess up your phone? I only want to do it so text messages don't pop up on my screen....I HATE IT!! Thanks!
    -1 points
  25. The pictures below should explain most of it: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4108/5069116923_db2b36883f.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4152/5069116831_1bb5cbd2ea.jpg
    -1 points
  26. Wow...there are so many ignorant statements in this thread that I don't even know where to start. As a father, I hope that any of you making statements about these "weak kids" never has a child that is picked on. The whole essence of them being children is that they are weak. That is why it is our job as parents to protect them and guide them to being good people in life. As a school administrator for a K-8 school I see bullying on a daily basis, and it absolutely disgusts me. Our children and students are exposed to so much more, and are expected to be able to tolerate and understand concepts and situations that far exceed their cognitive development. Dealing with this is the worst part of my job. Parents of bullies do not accept that their child is a bully. Some think it is acceptable, even funny. Regardless of view point, if you think it's ok to bully someone else I hope that you take a minute to reevaluate it. It is always easier to pass judgment upon others than to understand. To all the children who have been literally bullied to death or even to the thought of it, my prayers go out to them.
    -2 points
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